Monday, April 15, 2013

Today's News

Today's photo is in remembrance of the 96 Liverpool FC fans that died on this date 24 years ago in the Hillsborough Disaster...

You'll Never Walk Alone... RIP...

Scott Hall Interview:

On his Son joining WWE...

''I've talked to Cody about it a lot and he's in no hurry to go there. He'd rather be seasoned and polished before he makes a move like that."

On the 3rd member of NWO...

He has revealed he and Nash did not know who the last member of the group was to be, and that they hoped for Bret Hart...

"We had no idea who it was going to be. The whole third guy thing came up by accident. I remember Kev and I called Bret and I spoke to him, Kev spoke to him and we told him it was really fun working at WCW. It was really laid back, guaranteed money, it was easy. We were so used to being in a shark tank in New York. Coming to Atlanta was like being in a country club. It was really tame in the locker room in WCW compared to New York. We told Bret he should come down. Bischoff was interested, he was offering him a pretty sweet deal but Bret wasn't interested. We wanted it to be Hulk, but Hulk had creative control in his contract so he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to do. We went to the ring, we hadn't even met Hulk yet, I met him briefly at WrestleMania 9 but I didn't know Hulk, we actually went to the ring in Daytona and Hogan wasn't even there yet. He was on a jet, flying cross country from shooting a movie. Bischoff wanted it to be Hulk but before we went out, Bischoff told us "If Hulk doesn't show, I'm gonna send out Sting."

On sobriety...

"I didn't have any purpose in my life. My goal had been to be a top star in wrestling and I did that. Then I thought the natural progression would be me working in the office but it didn't happen. I had a little heart episode about 7 weeks ago, I ended up in the hospital in intensive care for a week. The doctor commented 'you're a freak, you're a genetic freak, your heart is normal again' While I was there, there was this kid who brought me my food and he was a big wrestling fan, and the kid kept coming back and one time he whipped out his iPhone and he had the before and after pics of Jake The Snake. I'd heard things but never seen the pictures. I'd talked to Jake and I knew good things were happening and Dallas was at the root of it and I thought, Do I go to rehab again? Or do I try something else? Instead of treading water in rehab, I don't know what triggered it and to be honest i don't question it. I'm moving in the right direction finally, for the first time in so long. I'm 65 days now without any alcohol or drug. I've had longer times, but I've always been in a facility. I have no cravings and I feel great."

Top Rope responds to Nash:

In a press statement the owner of the Top Rope Promotion has responded to the allegations made by Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman (See yesterday). He says Nash was paid $4,000 by cheque, and Waltman was paid $1,200 on the night, and that neither made any comment or complaint until the ''Defamatory'' and ''Slanderous'' Twitter comments they made against the promotion. He also noted that since Nash's comments Waltman has removed 8 of the 9 Tweets he made against the company.

He ended by stating his intentions, He wants compensation from the pair, and will take every legal course he can to get that recompense.

He also says he is in talks with the Virginia State Commission, and wants their licences to perform in the state rescinded.

Kevin Nash has since Tweeted that the promotion was not at fault for the ''Misunderstanding''.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle has given the biggest hint yet that he hopes to end his career with WWE, he says he wants to face Brock Lesnar, John Cena, The Rock or The Undertaker in his last match, adding that he would like them to come to TNA, but that he knows that is not likely to happen.

"I'm not going to disrespect either company by telling lies or telling the truth, but I'll just say this. There's a chance that I could be anywhere to retire, and I'm sure that I'll have that option when the time comes... When I retire, you will never see me in that ring again."

On his last opponent...

"If I said that, then I'd tell you the company I'd retire with... I'll give you this, the picks would be between Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, or obviously John Cena or Dwayne Johnson. There are a lot of guys, I mean Dwayne comes in and out, you know? When it comes down to it, hopefully one of the guys comes down to TNA and I can retire there, but you don't know what's going to happen. I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you that I'm going to stay in TNA or that I'm going to leave TNA. I love TNA and I love to work for the company, but there comes a time when you know that you want to retire and how you want to do it, and you gotta do it your way."

So thank you and goodbye TNA...

But will WWE take him back???

Fandango craze continues:

Fandango's theme has made history by being the first WWE theme to make the official British Music Chart since Hacksaw Jim Duggan's hit #71 two decades ago. it is #9 in the indie chart, and it's Online popularity has now translated into mainstream success entering the charts top 50 songs.

Some More Fandango-ing vids...

One From my Home Town, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire...

This is from The Crown (I know it well Lol).

And another of WWE Alum Maria Kanellis from the last ROH show...


WWE are challenging this weeks crowd to match the incredible crowd from last week...

Official tease...

* What will Fandango have in store for his return to Raw?

* Will Ryback have more in-depth words for John Cena besides his cryptic tweets?

* What will CM Punk have to say?

* Can Dolph Ziggler hold onto his gold with Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger waiting?

* After a hot post-WrestleMania crowd, ill the WWE fans who pack the Bi Lo Center take the world similarly by storm?


WWE have released some info on their planed and upcoming DVD releases...

* A Best of Madison Square Garden set is still planned and will be a 3 disc DVD, 2 disc Blu-ray. It's scheduled for an August 27th release in the US and September 9th in the UK.

* Best of Mid-South Wrestling will be a 3 disc DVD and 2 disc Blu-ray set, scheduled for release on September 10th in the US and September 16th in the UK.

* A Triple H bio will be 3 disc DVD and 2 disc Blu-ray, hitting US stores on September 24th and UK stores on October 7th.

* WWE still has plans to release a Goldberg set but it's a match compilation and likely won't feature a documentary. It's possible Goldberg won't even be involved with the project. That 3 disc DVD and 2 disc Blu-ray set is scheduled for a US release on October 8th and a UK release on September 30th.

* The Money in the Bank Anthology will be a 3 disc DVD and 2 disc Blu-ray, releasing in the US on October 29th and the UK on November 11th.

* History of WWE is another 3 disc DVD and 3 disc Blu-ray that's being worked on and is scheduled for a November 19th release in the US and a November 4th release in the UK.

Superstar Billy Graham:

Sad news for the Hall Of Famer, a recurrence of his Pneumonia during a vacation with his wife has forced him back into hospital.

TNA news:

TNA have released the new intro for Impact...

Adam Pearce has hit out at the promotion for rejecting his Gutcheck challenge...

"I am embarrassed and angry. Shell shocked and in total disbelief. Thank you to everyone that had their eyes open and believed. Rest assured: It is me that will decide when my door is closed."

Bully Ray Q&A:

The current TNA Champ has answered fans questions on Twitter, some highlights...

''How many years do ya plan to wrestle?''

Bully - As long as I can perform and make $$$.

''What do you think of Fandango?''

Bully - EntertAining

''Who on the tna roster could be a future world champ?''

Bully - Magnus

''Looking back do you have any regrets about your career or would change anything?''

Bully - Better shape early on

''Are you 100% over ecw?''

Bully - Yes

''Where do you rank Bruno Sammartino as far as the best of all time ?''

Bully - Define "best"??

''Thoughts about John Cena?''

Bully - Total pro!!

''Who's your favorite WWE Wrestler currently ?''

Bully - Punk

''Other then yourself who is your all time favourite wrestler?''

Bully - Terry Funk

''What do you think about the X-Division?''

Bully - Exiting to watch.

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