Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today's News

CM Punk quit WWE:

WWE sources have shocked the wrestling world by announcing that CM Punk handed in his notice in the build up to WrestleMania after a huge falling out with the creative department. Unnamed top level WWE execs had to step into the dispute to resolve the issues and convince Punk to retract his resignation, which he did.

However the issues re-started on the post Mania Raw, Punk refused to cut the promo they wanted because they wanted him to sound like a whiny loser after failing to end the streak, he did not feel that was the right response to the loss for his character, so WWE pulled the promo.

Punk will not appear on TV for quite some time, The reason Brock and The Undertaker and Triple H are still around post Mania is to cover his time off.

Some say the reason Rock vs Brock (More on this later) was being brought forward from Mania 30 to SummerSlam this year is also because of Punk's absence, but he is not expected to be gone all Summer, so that rumour has been shot down.

CM Punk has also killed rumours he is in hot water within WWE for attending a UFC fight without office approval. He says he took his partner (WWE Alum Lita) to the event to celebrate her Birthday. He did acknowledge meeting UFC President Dana White but added that they only discussed the fights, and that Dana said he was glad Punk was finally able to attend an event, and that he replied he would like to come to more.

Extreme Rules:

WWE have now made the Triple Threat for the World Title official...

Dolph Ziggler (C) vs Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger

The Rock:

The Rock is expected to have to withdraw from the next installment of the Fast and the Furious franchise, the filming will almost certainly clash with his next project Hercules (Due to begin in July).

The Undertaker:

WWE have revealed The Undertaker underwent knee surgery in the weeks before Mania, the operation was described as a ''Clean Up''.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

Main Event...

Justin Gabriel won a Battle Royal Match to earn an Intercontinental Title match, Wade Barrett gave him his shot right away and retained the gold.


* Fandango vs Santino Marella

* Champion vs Champion... Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett

* Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger

* Epico, Primo & Rosa Mendes vs Great Khali, Hornswoggle & Natalya

* Big Show & Mark Henry vs Randy Orton & Sheamus

Also The Shield cut a Promo on Taker and Sheamus attacked Mark Henry in a backstage segment.

Triple H:

Hunter has been cleared of a broken wrist and has been diagnosed with a Carpal Strain and will have to wear a splint. WWE Doc's have recommended he does not face Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules because of the injury (More on this match later).

Tyson Kidd injury update:

"I squatted heavier tonight than I routinely did before my injury. Funny thing, as I get stronger the road to recovery gets tougher"

Rob Van Dam:

Rob Van Dam has announced he is still considering where his future lies between WWE and TNA, but he says he does not want to work a full time schedule for either company any more. He is in talks but has not yet signed for either company.

War Games DVD:

Two matches have been confirmed for the upcoming DVD...

* Ultimate Jeopardy Steel Cage Match from ECW CyberSlam 1999: The Dudleys and Mustafa vs. New Jack, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney

* War Games from WCW Fall Brawl 1997: Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Konnan and Buff Bagwell vs. Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Curt Hennig and Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Yes Chris Benoit WILL appear on a WWE DVD... 

Heel turn changed:

WWE have decided Booker T will not turn heel, Teddy Long will instead take the turn and will then challenge Booker for the GM role on SmackDown as the Summer progresses.

WrestleMania 29:

WWE insiders expect the buy rate for Mania to be "downright shocking." They have informed share holders that the predicted numbers had to be lowered in the final week before the show.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar:

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar has had to be forced forward on the PPV calender because of The Rock's injury.

The original plan was for a 3rd HHH vs Brock match much later in the year, with Brock and Rock building up their feud at Extreme Rules leading up to a SummerSlam match (Not Mania 30 as was widely reported).

Related to this WWE are said to be ''Very Concerned'' That The Rock will never wrestle again.

Darren drops a deuce:

WWE star Darren Young has confessed to defecating himself during a TV match in a backstage interview for WWE's YouTube channel. He had been suffering from a digestive issue and had taken some Diarrhetic pills to help, it worked... Too well... 

Ryback heat:

As I predicted yesterday, Ryback's tweet about John Cena's wife has not gone down well, WWE have today deleted every tweet made on his account.

Bruno reveals meeting with Vince:

Bruno Sammartino has discussed the details of his private meeting with Vince McMahon at the Hall Of Fame ceremony...

"The private meeting that took place was at MSG that evening. His son-in-law Triple H and Stephanie came to my dressing room, I had my own dressing room, and they asked me, you know, Vince is waiting in his dressing room down the hall and if I minded going over there. I went. Stephanie opened the door and I went in and she shut the door so Vince and I were alone. 

He was standing toward the back of the room. And as I came in I was waiting for him to make the first move to see what he was going to say before I responded. And actually as I walked in he looked at me and he smiled and said 'Bruno, welcome home' just like that. And I said 'Well Vince I'm glad to be home, but we both know the situation and what brought me back home. I have been very critical of you.' I told him right to his face, 'You know I have been very critical of you, but I also will recognize the fact that you have made drastic changes and for that I applaud you. But for all these years, I did not like what happened to the business that I spent 25 years in and the turns it took; drugs, nudity, etc.' Vince said, 'Well Bruno, I know you were always very outspoken about what you believed, I hope now you are satisfied of the changes. They are in the past, we want to go forward and we want to do a better and better product. And we are very happy that you are back.'

He did say this to me which I appreciate, 'When it was the World Wide Wrestling Federation you were the main reason for this organization to become as big as it did. So we want this (HOF Induction) to happen and we're thrilled that it has happened.' And that was it. So I said, 'Thank you. As long as things stay that way and keep moving forward with improving the product. At this stage of my life there is not much I can do to contribute, but if there is something, especially with young talent, I'd be willing to do that. As long as the product gets better and better.' And that was it basically."

TNA star takes sabbatical:

Tara (Formerly Victoria) has asked TNA to apologize to fans on her behalf, but has informed the company that She will not attend any Taping's for a few months, no reason for the break has been released.

European tour causes heat:

John Cena and Dolph Ziggler will both wrestle on the Raw shows of the upcoming tour, meaning the SmackDown shows will have no top Champion appearing.

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