Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Today's News

Batista's return:

Batista has tweeted a hint to a possible WWE / Wrestling return...

''Very rewarding long week. #IMissTheDaysWhen I could entertain you live and in person, but #TrustMe, you're going to love what's coming..."

Hulk Hogan:

The Hulkster is demanding that website Gawker is punished for failing to heed the Judges ruling regarding the hosting of his sex tape, they did take it down as they were told, but replaced it with a direct link to another site that hosts his now infamous video.

Raw pre show announced:

WWE and Yahoo have paired up and Yahoo will host a 30 minute weekly Raw pre show on their site, this brings Raw up to 3 1/2 hours every week.

They will also get 2 weekly TV shows, the rights to some of the WWE classics library and will air the PPV pre / post show events, which if you saw the Mania pre and post shows, you will know the format. A team of announcers, and wrestlers past and present will talk through all the issues and angles before and after the event.

Scott Stanford, Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes will be regulars the 4th panelist will be an active star not involved in the show.

Baby Kofi:

WWE have announced that the United States Champion has become a Father. Congratulations to him.

Extreme Rules:

The World Title triple threat match is now a ladder match.


Zack Ryder was hurt on Raw last night (Ankle).

What would happen if Zombies got all rowdy at a wrestling event?:

Well Wrestlers vs Zombies of course...

This is the official trailer for a new movie, how many stars can you spot???...

Backstage heat:

Rosa Mendes will not be brought back onto the road until She deals with her issues with alcohol.

Despite a losing streak there is no heat on Antonio Cesaro at the minute, creative are just getting bored pushing the same people and are shuffling the pack a little bit, he is an unfortunate victim IMO after a great run as US Champ.

The Rock vs WWE:

This won't go away, WWE insiders have criticized The Rock today for ''Not doing right by the company'' during his last run and have said there is a ''Major disconnect'' between the two sides.

However this may be just sour grapes, because no matter what The Rock does there is always someone in WWE having a pop, and the feeling is the two sides will work together again, but only after a smoothing of the waters.

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