Saturday, April 27, 2013

Today's News

The Rock:

The Rock has confirmed that WrestleMania 29 may very well have been his last ever match during his regular Twitter Q&A session with his fans, however Mick Foley has urged him to continue...

"Look, in WWE you can take the stars of the past and as long as they stay in great shape like The Rock they can take on the stars of the present and create those dream matches in a way that you can really have in other sports or other forms of entertainment."

Also The Rock has released the diet he ate in his preparations for Pain & Gain, after he was accused of using steroids...

He says he ate 7 times a day...

Meal one... ten-ounce beef fillet, two cups of oatmeal, two-egg omelet.

Meal two... eight ounces of cod, twelve ounces of sweet potatoes, one cup of steamed vegetables (onions, peppers, mushrooms).

Meal three... eight ounces of chicken, two cups of white rice, one cup of vegetables.

Meal four... eight more ounces of cod, two cups of rice, one cup of vegetables.

Meal five... eight ounces of steak, twelve ounces of baked potato fries, a salad.

Meal six... ten ounces of cod, two more cups of rice, another salad.

Meal seven... thirty grams of casein protein powder, ten-egg-white omelet, one cup of vegetables, one tablespoon of Omega-3 fish oil.

Randy Orton:

WWE Studios have released the trailer of Randy's new movie...

Booker T:

Is having Elbow surgery this weekend, Pic to follow.

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker has appeared in an ad for a Bike event, attendees could win his custom made Motorbike.

Tour ends:

Tonight is the last night of the WWE European tour.

Fake Razor Ramon interview:

Rick Bognar has discussed his short WWE career...

On advice from Shawn Michaels...

"Actually, Shawn Michaels, a lot of guys really didn't like him, Bret didn't like him, unless that was all a work because Bret kept that sorta stuff to himself. Shawn walked up to me and goes 'D'ya mind if I give you a little criticism, a little positive criticism?' I told him sure, you know this guy was one of my idols and now he wants to teach me something. 'Well here's how Scott used to do the Razor punch' and he showed me how to do it. I was starstruck man, that he was teaching me something and I always appreciated that. He was always really cool to me. Which was surprising given that he was good friends with Scott. But he probably thought there's a kid trying to make it in the business and wanted to help me out. I was never going to be able to replace Scott as that character. It's like trying to bring in another Hulk Hogan, you just can't do it."

On His release...

"I didn't find out. They just kind of sent us home after a tour in Memphis and I sorta saw the writing on the wall. I actually phoned Vince. I'd saved his home number. So I called him and I said 'Hey it's Rick Titan here from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and it looks like my contract's up and I just wanted to see if you wanted to do anything else with the character?' All he said to me was, 'Rick, please don't call me at this number again.' That was it. I saw my dream was destroyed and he didn't give a damn."

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