Monday, April 22, 2013

Today's News

TNA UK contest:

TNA are hosting a contest, where fans in the UK can win a trip to Slammiversary this year, to enter go to Challenge.Co.UK.

The Rock retires?:

The Rock has been asked about his WWE future, he said that his match at WrestleMania 29 ''Possibly'' was his last ever.

He went on to explain that after he returned as a guest 2 years ago he sat down with Vince McMahon and they thrashed out a 3 year plan where Rock would work 3 Mania's in a row, the interviewer then joked ''Does that mean we can expect Rock / Cena 3 next year''. The Rock responded by confirming that ''No'' the original plan was for a Rock vs Brock match at WrestleMania 30.

He said if Mania 29 was the end then Cena was ''Hands Down'' the right man to end his career against.

He hinted that the reason he is considering stopping is the risk of damaging his acting career because of the Mania injury. He added that he never really suffered from injuries during his career, but he was hurt in both of his Mania matches vs Cena, the most recent one a serious injury, and the potential affect the injury could have on his movie career may be too big a risk for him to take.

Euro tour 2013:

The November European tour dates have been confirmed...


November 6: Belfast, Ireland

November 7: Dublin, Ireland

November 8: Brussels, Belgium

November 9: Birmingham, England

November 10: Cardiff, Wales

November 11: Manchester, England TV

November 12: Newcastle, England

November 13: Zurich, Switzerland

November 14: Roeun, France

November 15: Marseille, France


November 7 Barcelona, Spain

November 8: Gdansk / Madrid

November 9: Munich, Germany

November 10: Glasgow, Scotland

November 11: N/A (All talent at Raw TV)

November 12: Manchester, England TV

November 13: Nottingham, England

November 14: Leeds, England

November 15: London, England

November 16: Minehead, England


Naomi hurt a knee during a match in France last night.

Raw UK tonight:

I was going to go to the WWE lives this week but my Dad is dying so I Can't now... I think I will do a Twitter Comms on our sister page Shaggy's Wrestling Page instead, It's not like I am sleeping anyway... 

The show is being recorded due to the time difference, so I will have to avoid spoilers The show is starting right about now I believe...

Official Tease...

* Will The Game accept Lesnar's challenge?

* Can The Undertaker help stop The Shield?

* What's next for CM Punk?

* Who will make the next move in the World Title hunt?

* How will WWE Champion John Cena respond to Ryback?

Also Zack Ryder has teased his new character will start on Raw tonight.

One more match:

Friends of Stone Cold Steve Austin have stated that the Texas Rattlesnake is now open to another match.

MMA fighter Paul Lazenby tweeted...

"The Rattlesnake" is in great shape and would entertain an offer to do one more match.


''Steve Austin is in better shape then most might think, last time they spoke he would entertain the 'right' offer''.

WWE Diva's:

E! will host the new WWE Diva's reality TV show the two companies have announced. The show will be called ''Total Diva's'' and the first two cast members have been named as...

* Natalia Eva Marie who will be known as "Eva Marie."

* Joseann Alexie Offerman She will be known as "Jo-Jo Offerman."

WWE have also announced that Michael Pine, is the new head of Global Sales.

Extreme Rules:

WWE.Com have announced that John Cena will defend his WWE Title vs Ryback at the next WWE PPV.

Billy Graham health update:

The WWE Hall Of Famer's Wife has released a statement asking for funds to help pay his hospital bills...

"Everyone please pray big time as his lab results from earlier today show he is malnourished thus they are putting in a PIC line in his arm so he can be given IV nutrients 24/7. Doctors are having difficulty stabilizing his blood sugar, he keeps dropping so low according to his wife that he is very very weak. He does have an obstruction of some sort in his bowel or colon area and they are trying to clear it. If it doesn't clear soon, this is day 8 in a Wyoming hospital, they are talking about surgery which is a last resort of course. Surgery would mean losing part or most of your colon, side effects from anaesthea especially when your immune system is so weak, and/or bleeding out as his 10 year old transplanted liver is in cirrosis stage, something that is very normal for a liver that old transplanted no matter how well you watch yourself. The bills are mounting and thanks to a great fan who turned me on to a fundraising site we are trying to raise funds for Billy.''

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