Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today's News

The Rock:

Raw last night was thrown into chaos after The Rock, who was set to be a pivotal part of the show, with a huge angle between himself and Brock Lesnar planned, and a speech conceding the title to John Cena booked to open the show no showed the event.

He did NOT walk from Raw, as was first reported, he left from his hotel flying to Miami (Not LA), for medical checks on an injury he suffered at WrestleMania.

Questions are still being asked..

* Why didn't he tell anyone he was hurt at Mania, to give them more time to rewrite Raw.

* If he was hurt, why did he not show any discomfort at the end of the show.

* Why did first WWE then The Rock, wait until the internet went batsh*t before issuing the statements about the alleged injury.

As you know I try as much as possible to keep dirt sheet nonsense off this page, but last night the rumour mill was in full flight on this story, with claims he was not happy with losing the belt, claims he did not want to face Cena, he did not like the creative story for Mania, he didn't want to face Lesnar, was angry at the locker room heat, hated being booed at Mania and on and on and on.

Let's try to get to the facts of the story...

The Raw plan...

He was to open the show with a promo, where he put Cena over as Champ, and was to hint that he was considering his future after the loss, with him appearing throughout the show contemplating what he was going to announce, Then when he was about to make the announcement of his decision he was to bump into Lesnar and a confrontation would ensue leading to Lesnar taking him out, with the intention of starting a feud which would culminate at WrestleMania 30 in 2014.

The Rock did leave, but according to Dave Meltzer he did inform WWE of the injury. However WWE say they were not told until very late into the afternoon meaning creative were sent into a frantic rewrite session, which had to take place just hours before the show.

Again according to Dave Meltzer the injury is legit, and is so severe he needs surgery...

The Rock Tweeted...

''In the middle of last nights Wrestlemania match I tore my abdomen & adductor muscles off the bone. Just part of the job. But as we know..''

Heat does exist because of this.

The locker room are not happy that they work hurt all year round, but he couldn't even come out to cut a promo.

This may end his in ring career anyway.

He was due to fly to Hungary to shoot Hercules, a multi million Dollar, major studio movie that he has been preparing for for months, this injury, the surgery and the recovery time are going to delay the start of filming for the movie costing the movie company silly money. It is feared movie execs may demand he quit the ring to protect their investment in him, and he is not likely to risk his Hollywood career to maintain his wrestling career.

Dwayne may have a big decision to make in the near future, his days of being a PT wrestler as well as a movie star may have to end.

Other injury updates:

CM Punk suffered damage to his leg following the hard landing on the table. He will be back next week, although may not wrestle.

HHH is suffering from swelling and loss of feeling in his hand and arm.

Shawn Michaels says he did not break his nose after taking the F5 as was reported on some sites.

Brock Lesnar was knocked cold by a high knee from Triple H at Mania, and word is he has a concussion.


Two new Champions were crowned last night, Wade Barrett reclaimed the IC strap only 24 hours after losing it to The Miz, and Dolph Ziggler finally cashed in his Money In The Bank Briefcase to beat Alberto Del Rio, he is the new World Champion.

They also teased a feud for Taker vs The Shield, and confirmed The Rock is still entitled to his WWE Championship rematch.

There was also an accident, Big E. Langston punched AJ in the chest during his entrance (Video)...

Backstage news...

Dolph Ziggler was given a round of applause by the roster as he went through the curtain following his World Title win.

TNA star to return:

Chris Sabin will return from injury later this month.

Scott Hall:

Today is the day for Scott Hall's hip surgery.

Story ends:

Word from WWE is the Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger feud is done, Swagger did blow a title run after his drugs arrest after all.

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