Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Today's News

Bret Hitman Hart interview:

Bret Hart has revealed his relationship with Triple H is all but dead after he said Hunter was not in the top 1000 Wrestlers, and his match vs Taker was ''Mediocre at best'' and rating it at 4/10.

Other Highlights...

On Mania...

"I thought parts of it were really good. But parts of it I thought were, for me, very predictable. I kind of predicted things in my head and certain matches went exactly as I thought they would. But the one match I thought was outstanding was the Punk-Undertaker match. That was truly exceptional. They really had a great match — they couldn't have done a better job with taking two different guys from two different eras and fusing them together to create the match that they got."

On his current fave WWE star...

"Right now I'm very impressed with Punk. And I'm very impressed with the one guy in The Shield — what's his name O'Connell, O'Donnell? — Ambrose, that's it. He's really good. He's got it down. He's such a first-rate thinker on his feet when it comes to his timing, his expressions, his quickness, his deviousness. I love his deviousness! I saw him this past weekend and told him I thought he was great."

Bruno Sammartino talks Mania and his WWE future:

On the WrestleMania Weekend...

"No. It was even more busy. In 3 or 4 days I don't think I had more than a couple hours of sleep. They had me going from morning to night. So many different interviews for radio, television, & magazine. They just had so many lined up, I had no idea that I was going to be that busy and not have time to mingle a little bit with some of the friends I saw there. It was just go go go, I mean it was extremely busy."

On His Future...

"Here is what I agreed with them on. They are going to do a video game on me, they are going to do some DVDs of my best matches and all that kind of stuff. I think they are going to do some merchandise like new dolls and stuff like that. I don't know what else. T-shirts, they are going to do all these kind of things. So I'm sure, even though I have no commitments, they will come to me about appearances here and there. But again, I wouldn't sign any agreement to any of that because the way I worked it out with them is that I'd be willing in some areas, but all they can do is ask me and then I will have the right to say yes or no. I don't want to be in a situation where they could call me and be like 'hey you are going to appear on Monday Night Raw in Tennessee next Monday' or 'you're going to be in Boston.' I wouldn't go for any of that. If they called me for one of these things, I'd have to see if I was up to it at the time and let them know."

Extreme Rules:

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar in a steel cage match is to be the main event of the next WWE PPV.

Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger is also expected to be announced for the World Title.

And Main Event this week will host a Battle Royal for a shot at Wade Barrett's IC strap.

Cody talks not wanting to wrestle:

"I was never motivated at all by my father and I grew up with such an age distance from Dustin that it didn't come from him either. I never was motivated to get into this. I was actually, if anything, discouraged, but then again, he took me to shows when I was supposed to be going to school the next day and he exposed me to sports entertainment at the ripe age where you're never going to want to do anything else. We watched Monday Night Raw and we watched Nitro; we watched this stuff on the couch together and I think without me knowing I was always naturally being groomed to do this.''

He also says he has been on a ''Horrible Run'' for the past year, and he hopes to get back on track...

"I feel like after Money in the Bank in Phoenix, I almost took a nose dive, career-wise. I couldn't get the reigns on it, but I feel like I finally got the reigns on my career again, and that happens in entertainment."


Kofi Kingston ended Antonio Cesaro's long US Title reign last night, it is his 3rd reign, and some expect this to be the start of his heel turn.

Ric Flair was backstage visiting friends.

There was some issues with the crowd, an entry-way to the arena was blocked meaning fans took a long time to enter the arena, so the crowd was still filing in as the show started.

The Undertaker:

WWE have confirmed that The Undertaker will work both London shows next week, and will wrestle on Raw in a 6 man tag with Team Hell No vs The Shield.

The New Age Outlaws and Mick Foley have also been added to the European tour.

CM Punk has been pulled from the tour, he is taking some time off to heal a series of nagging injuries.

John Cena:

Boston native John Cena tweeted in response to the bombing of the city's Marathon yesterday..

"An evening of @WWE entertainment, overshadowed by an afternoon of horrible tragedy #PrayForBoston"

New Jack:

EX ECW star New Jack retired this past weekend after a victory over Necro Butcher for Pro Wrestling Syndicate.

The Rock:

The Rock withdrew from the MTV awards and will also miss some promotional dates for his movie Pain and Gain because of his injured Abdomen.

TNA staffer quits:

TNA tour manager Craig Jenkins has quit after 6 years with the company, no word as to why was provided.

Maria Kanellis talks axed Mania match:

"I did get contacted by WWE at the end of January, beginning of February, something like that, and for about a month, I was in talks with WWE," Kanellis said. "We talked about contracts, I had no problem with anything that was in the contract; but about a month after, they called back and said they weren't moving forward with the storyline."

She also says She is trying to bury hatchets with rostered female talent to allow her to return to the promotion at some point in the future.

Nash vs Top Rope update:

Top Rope have announced Marvin Ward will leave the promotion following this weeks feud with Diesel and X-Pac, but say he had already scored himself a new job before these events, and that he would be free to work with them again in the future.

Ryback heat:

Ryback involved John Cena's ex wife in a tweet to build their WWE Title feud...

"Watching the pain on Cena's face was worth standing back for. Funny the 2 things he says I lack his ex wife seems to love. #RybackRules"

Nothing official yet, but if Cena is upset by this, there will be consequences, we all remember the last guy that upset Cena, (Where is Riley???)...

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