Monday, April 29, 2013

Today's News

Official Raw tease:

* Can The Shield be stopped?

* A new Divas Champion in AJ Lee on the horizon?

* No love lost between Ziggler, Swagger and Del Rio

* What will Fandango's next move be for Chris Jericho?

* How severe is Cena's injury?

John Cena:

More has been revealed on John Cena's injury, he was hurt on April 21 in Geneva, Switzerland in a tables match vs Ryback, He was able to work the rest of the tour, but was put into 6 man tag matches to protect him as much as possible, however the injury, initially thought to be a bruised heel has since been determined to be an Achilles Tendon problem, possibly forcing him to take time out to heal.


WWE have finally decided to air NXT in the US, they are looking for a network to air a 1 hour weekly show, with the intention of introducing the American market to the future stars of the company.

The Undertaker:

Cena being hurt may be a good thing, The Undertaker is on stand by to work the Extreme Rules PPV if the WWE Champion cannot work the show.

Superstar Billy Graham:

The WWE Hall Of Famer has released a statement thanking fans for their support after another spell in the hospital, he has today been released.

"I want to thank all of mine Facebook fans for their thoughts and prayers for my recovery. I am working my way back to Phoenix where I will immediately report to the Mayo Clinic Hospital for follow up with my liver transplant team. By God's grace I shall continue to overcome. As always thank you my Facebook fans…no looking back! Superstar"

CM Punk:

WWE have today removed CM Punk from all events up to SummerSlam, bar 1 edition of Raw, this includes all 3 PPV's he was penciled in for.

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