Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today's News

WWE attacks it's own fans:

High up WWE employees have told the Wrestling Observer that a large portion of their fanbase lack proper manners, refinement and common decency. This is in response to the barracking Maria Menounos and Donald Trump received at the Hall Of Fame ceremony.

Well F U very Much...

Another example of WWE's disdain for their own crowd was at Raw this week, a fan was made to move seats or be ejected from the arena, as WWE did not want him in view of the camera... Why, because he had a sign saying ''Raw is Generico''.

Another fan was booted out for having an ROH sign.

Set back for new WWE signing:

Irish star Joey Cabray's move to the states has been delayed by injury.

TNA experiment:

TNA will have a ''Ref Cam'' on the next episode of Impact, a camera will be attached the middle man's shirt, to take fans right into the action.

Jim Ross to UFC:

Hall Of Famer Jim Ross has announced on Twitter he had a tour of the UFC offices and met with Dana White during the visit.

Ex WWE star arrested:

Grand Master Sexay was arrested for DUI on April 11 after failing to stop at an intersection, he had drank half a litre of vodka, he also had admitted to consuming Xanax and Methodone. Police arrested him after a failed to pass a field sobriety test, (he could not recite the alphabet), he was released on a $1,000 bond.

Ex WWE star needs kidney:

Mo or Sir Mo, the former tag team partner of Mabel in Men On A Mission from 94-96 has revealed his medical issues and that the WWE have refused to help him get the help he needs.

He has suffered with his kidneys for almost 7 years, and he is now in end stage renal failure, meaning he needs dialysis 3 times a week.

His step daughter has offered to delay her college and career plans to donate a kidney, he however is struggling to raise the $150,000 he needs for the surgery and post op care they will both need for the procedure to have it's best chance of success.

He thanked fans for their support...

"My faith gets me through most days. That and the fans who have always been there for me, they are a great comfort too."

He then attacked the WWE's hypocrisy for refusing to help legitimate health issues for former stars when they help addiction sufferers with no questions asked...

"The WWE has made money from my likeness for 20 years and will continue to do so after I am dead and gone. They donate millions from a corporate account to help people in the ghetto and they have spent hundreds of thousands on rehab for people. I asked them for help and they sent me a couple of small boxes of merchandise worth maybe a couple hundred dollars to auction off. Maybe I should turn into an alcoholic or a drug addict or get arrested for DUI since that seems to be the kind of people they (WWE) are quick to help," he added. "I've never had a drug problem but I have been dealing with kidney failure for seven years and three on dialysis but they (WWE) are not willing to help anyone with legitimate medical issues."

WWE gym:

WWE have announced the opening of the performance center in Orlando. They say it will create jobs for 100 families in the area.

Indy great to WWE:

Sami Callihan is reportedly going through his medical checks before he is offered a WWE deal.

Jim Korderas remembers Owen Hart:

Ex WWE Referee Jim Korderas remembers being in the ring when Owen Hart fell to his death as part of an interview promoting his new auto-biography.

"It is one of those things your try to put out of your mind, but it's there; it's always going to be there and I just have to come to terms with the fact that this is something that's going to live with me and it's something I can't get out of my mind completely. Part of the process of writing the book too, when I was writing the chapter on Owen, I was hoping that it would be a little cathartic, maybe ease part of the pain for lack of a better word, that still lives with me today because, like you said, six inches to my right and I may not be here talking to you today. It did help a little bit (writing the book), ease some of that pain, but not completely. It's going to be one of those unfortunate things that I won't forget, but that I have to live with, I guess."

Mick Foley:

New Hall Of Famer Mick Foley has confirmed his in ring career is over saying the elbow on Y2J at the HOF Ceremony was the last wrestling move he will ever do, unless they have another gimmick battle royal at WrestleMania 40, he says he would get into one of those matches.

Cena taking break:

Shawn Michaels and the New Age Outlaws will work 3 Raw lives in May to cover for John Cena who will be taking time off that month.

New Alumni:

Mickie James is this weeks new addition to WWE.Com.

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