Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today's News

Goldust interview:

On his first WWE run in 1990/1...

''It was very cool. Back then, they still had tryout matches and I worked with Black Bart as a tryout match. I guess Vince [McMahon] liked it so we kind of just worked from there. I got picked up and signed and dad [Dusty Rhodes] was already there. So, they worked me into their angle, I guess. That was cool, to be involved with [Ted] DiBiase and pop and Virgil.''

On learning from Ted DiBiase...

''I don't recall beating him, I just recall lasting the ten minutes which was really cool. And the people really responded well to it. I just shut my mouth. Young guys today just need to keep their mouths shut and listen to the veterans. But, in our business today, there's not too many veterans left. So, it's a bunch of green guys going at it. But, I kept my mouth shut because that's how I was brought up and raised. You just go out there and do what they tell you to do and you learn. That's what I did, I just listened to Ted and he took me through that thing, man. It was awesome.''

On why he went back to WCW so soon...

''Dad did. Dad was going back to WCW -- I didn't know it at that time but at the Royal Rumble where we did our business with Ted and Virgil, at the end there, dad said, 'Why don't you ask Vince for your release and come with me to WCW?'. So, I did and he granted me that. Dad tells this story to everybody still to this day. He's like, I walked off and I thanked Vince and him and dad we're still talking. I'm out getting my bags or whatever it was and Vince said, 'That guy there, you're taking him with you to WCW and that's fine. But, he comes back here, I'm going to pull him from you and make him a star.''

On The creation of Goldust...

''Well, let's see, I went to WCW and had the infamous back-of-the-truck match (*Note) and got let go from there. I was sitting at home for about 6-8 months trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. Because I was still pretty young at that point. Bruce Pritchard called me out of the blue one day and he said, 'Hey Dustin, I got Vince McMahon here. We'd like to run a character by you and see if you'd be interested in doing it. Are you sitting down?' I said, 'I guess so'. So, I sat down and he kind of explained the character and he threw out that word 'androgynous' -- and I had no idea what the f-ck that meant. But I'm just agreeing with him -- yeah, yeah, yeah -- and at this point, me and my dad were having some trying times. We weren't talking and I was searching and kind of looking to do something on my own. I really wanted to step out, you know, at that point. Let's get this thing rolling. So, he explained the character and I agreed to it and all that. So, he was going to fire me up and start putting it together. Getting off the phone, I had to go to the dictionary and look up androgynous because I had no idea what the hell that meant. And I laughed, I said, 'Well, let's do this. I'm going to put my 110% into it. Vince is backing it, he's behind it and he's pushing it. Great, let's do it.' So, we kind of went from there and it just grew. It took a good six, seven months to figure out the character. Plus, I had been babyface for so long that I didn't know how to be a heel. So, I had to learn that and learn this new character. And all this WWE/WWF stuff was very new to me because I had been with WCW. So, I had to learn the new way of how things work. But, I'm "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes, I can do anything. So, it took me about six or seven months to learn that heel way and learn this androgynous character. Then, once I finally agreed to step it forward to the edge and take it to the next level, it really snapped. It really worked. I didn't turn back, I just went straight ahead.

(*) This match became infamous, both men bladed during the match, and both lost their jobs with WCW as a result.

The Rock:

The Rock has responded to Michael Bay's comments (See yesterday)...

''Funny sh*t! Michael Bay joked I should stop wrestling 300lb men. I agree - I'll switch to women.''

The Director has since claimed he only meant what he said as a rib...

He has also denied claims that he was using steroids during the filming of the movie Pain and Gain.

Rosa Mendes:

Rosa was sent home from the European tour because She was...

"Partying too much on the tour,"

And was...

''A m ess''

According to a WWE insider.

She has a history of this and some are questioning her WWE future, also the futures of the team She manages Primo And Epico are being questioned. They are highly rated as solid match workers, but WWE feel they do not have the charisma or the right appearance to make it, that is why they are not promoted within WWE.

Nikki, the next McCool?:

Nikki Bella is said to be well liked in the back, despite her relationship with John Cena.

It is a very different situation than Michelle McCool, who faced "tremendous heat" in the back during her career, because She felt bulletproof due to her relationship with The Undertaker.

Other workers felt she was pushed further and faster than her talent deserved because of who she was with, not what she could do, McCool always denies this.

JBL says no:

JBL, In response to fans chanting one more match has tweeted...

"To those who chanted 'one more match', after standing in the ring with @TheMarkHenry I gotta say...NOT A CHANCE!! I'm retired, he's strong."

Antonio Cesaro:

Cesaro worked as a face vs William Regal in Geneva, Switzerland last night.

Zack Ryder:

WWE have picked up on Zack Ryder's change of style, calling him a much more serious Bro.

It seems to be working, apart from the TV squash he is on a winning streak on the European tour.


WWE say the reason Ryback's Twitter account was wiped was John Cena's ex wife complained to them about herself being mentioned to further a WWE story.


WrestleMania 29 eared $72 Milliion for the WWE, the highest ever gross earnings amassed from a single event for the company.

Angle accuses WWE:

Kurt Angle says WWE are blocking TNA from performing in his home town of Pittsburgh...

"This is real special for me because this is kind of my homecoming. Due to some issues with the other company [WWE] we couldn't really book any venues in Pittsburgh. The Kovalchick Center is the perfect place for TV and we've been there before, this past year so Indiana, PA is the place we're going to have it. If it all goes well, God willing, we'll be back in the next six months and do it all over again. But, it's a great live show. This is the fourth one we've done so far since we decided to go on the road. We've done San Antonio, Chicago. We're going to do Boston, Slammiversary next month. We did Jonesboro, Arkansas so they've been very successful. We expect this one to be as well. So, we're on the road for good now. No more in studio at the Universal Studios and Disneyland, Disney World. We need a fresh crowd. We need a fresh crowd every week if we're going to do this right."

TNA promote new PPV:

It's Called Joker's Wild...

Rey Mysterio:

WWE are advertising that Rey Mysterio WILL return to the company, his comeback will be after July 14's Money In The Bank PPV, and he will also be on the Australian Summer tour.

Eve Torres:

This may be an advertising error but former WWE star Eve is being advertised for Raw on July 30.

New Alumni:

This week, WCW star Vampiro.

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