Friday, April 12, 2013

Today's News

JR is back with another rant against fans:

This time he has taken offence to people questioning The Rock's WWE status after he no showed Raw this week...

"Found it pretty pathetic that many fans who seemingly believe all or most of what they read online felt that the Rock walked out on WWE Monday while missing RAW. Some people thrive on dirt and gossip...thrive may be a too nice a about 'obsess' and believe damn near whatever they read. Rock was injured early on in the main event versus Cena but continued the match as the two men, who I signed back in the day, did the best that they could considering the situation."

However, a WWE source has contradicted The Rock's story, and says the injury did not happen when he delivered a Rock Bottom, but when Cena delivered the first (Of many) finisher on him.

Big Show / WWE sued over backstage incident:

Former WWE producer Andrew Green is suing his former Employers and specifically Big Show for an alleged assault backstage at this years Royal Rumble, he claims former Creative chief Erik Pankowski told him to get a post match interview with Big Show, Show did not feel like chatting and grabbed Green by the lapels, started to scream profanities at him and told him to turn the camera on, hinting he was going to do more to him then talk. He also during the altercation struck him in the face it is claimed.

He also accuses Triple H of worsening the situation by telling Big Show to re-shoot the interview a further two times, further irking Show, who took his rage out on the former WWE.Com backstage reporter (He claims).

He also claims Big Show has been suspended in the past for similar actions, and He felt He could not remain in the employ of the company, due to nerves and the fear of another attack from another talent.

Carlito accuses Rock of being roided:

He tweeted on the injury, Rock suffered at Mania...

''Rock tore his ab & adductor tendons? Hmm, I guess instead of getting in tremendous shape for mania...he got in TREN-mendous shape!''

Tren is an abbreviation of Trenbolone, one of the most popular steroids on the market.

Bret on the streak:

Bret Hitman Hart says he wants Joe (Michael McGillicutty) Hennig to end the WrestleMania streak of The Undertaker in an iron man match, scoring the winning fall in the last minute at next years WrestleMania.

Chris Jericho:

Y2J has confirmed he will be back on the WWE active roster in late May, following his European tour with Fozzy.


Next weeks matches and High Points will be...

* Bully Ray challenges Sting

* Brooke vs Mickie James

* Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco & Garrett Bischoff

* Sting accepts earlier challenge

* Kerry King vs Petey Williams vs Zema Ion

* Devon vs Magnus

* AJ Styles vs James Storm

* Bully promises to attack Hogan next week

* 6 Man Tag Main event...

Bully Ray, Devon & DOC vs Sting, James Storm & Joseph Park

By the way, Jeff Hardy's injury from last night's show is Kayfabe, some sites are reporting that he is legit hurt, word is that is not true.

Hall Of Fame:

The Hall Of Fame ceremony will be broadcast in it's entirety tonight.

Matt Hardy thanks WWE:

He has responded to WWE adding him to their official Alumni section, yesterday...

"The @WWE was/is my home, I'm very appreciative of this recognition. It's great to be welcomed back home-in the "Superstar Spotlight" & as permanent WWE Alumni.."

They added his Brother Jeff in early February, and now Matt has earned a deserved spot on WWE.Com also.

Maria Kanellis wants back in WWE:

She has even gone out of her way to apologize to Kelly Kelly for their recent spat...

"I've been away from it for three years. I really had the opportunity to experience a lot of different things, and when I was on the road full-time with WWE I didn't necessarily have that experience and the time to go and try things. So now that I've gone out and tried everything, it'd be great if I could return. I love my job at Ring of Honor, and being the First Lady is awesome. I think that I'm going to continue working with them. As much as I would love to go back to WWE, they contacted me in January and asked me to come back and then a month later they said the storyline fell through. So it didn't end up working out this time, but maybe in a year from now it will."

Rey Mysterio:

WWE have released an expected return date of mid June from his latest injury, however those close to Rey are still hinting that He may not return, and if he does it will be for a thank you and goodbye run, as he has decided it is time to wind his career down.

Jack Swagger faces jail:

Prosecutors have announced that they plan to go after the highest possible punishment for Jack Swagger when he attends court in June...

* $437 fine for marijuana possession

* $1,300 fine for the DUI 

* $188 fine for speeding.

* And 2 days in Prison for the the crimes overall.

WrestleMania 30 pre show Raw:

WWE plan on holding the last Raw before Mania XXX in the Mania arena, with the full set installed, they want the show to be unmissable, and for stars that are not on the Mania card to get the Mania feeling that many missed this year. (Related to this Cody is furious with WWE for pulling his match this year).

It will mean organizers will have to have Mania ready a week early, rather than the stadium being dressed in the final week as is usual.

Steph in heat with game makers:

The new WWE Video Game Makers 2K Sports are furious with Stephanie McMahon for revealing The Rock will be on the cover of this years game, They had a marketing campaign laid out, with The Rock set to star in the ads, they are now reconsidering what to do to promote the game's launch later this year.

New feud:

Mark Henry vs Sheamus is set to start in the coming weeks.


Ex WWE Champ Batista is back to his normal weight of around 280lbs after slimming down for his MMA fight last year.

More Mania issues emerge:

The long list of fails for WWE on Mania night also included their App crashing, they had plans to plug the App throughout the show, but had to tell the announcers not to mention it.

Rock vs Brock:

WWE insiders say The Rock came up with the nixed angle with Brock Lesnar for this weeks Raw.

WWE decided to keep Brock off TV, because they did not want to waste one of his dates, his new contract started on Monday.

New signing talks WWE:

Matt Silva has given an interview in Australia before he makes the move to NXT...

"I'm going in as a newbie, and just wait for a call up to the main roster before I start competing against those guys. Being the only Australian over there and representing Australia on the biggest wrestling state in the world, I'm looking forward to it."

He was the only one of 85 hopefuls to be offered a contract following the last WWE tryouts.

New internet fad:

WWE and the fans of said company have started what seems to be the newest internet sensation... Fandango-ing...

An example...

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