Monday, October 1, 2012

Today's News

The King Jerry Lawler:

Jerry Lawler made his return on Friday, he was due to wrestle two matches at the indy league in Mississippi, but instead did a meet and greet with fans and did some commentary. After the appearance he said he would like to get back to work right now, but WWE boss Vince McMahon said no, because it was ''Too soon''.

He also confirmed he will be a guest at SmackDown on October 16, and hopes to be back on Comms full time for WWE by November, and back in the ring before Christmas.

Kelly Kelly vs Rob Feinstein:

Just days after leaving WWE, Kelly Kelly is screwing promotors on the indy scene, Rob Feinstein had agreed a deal 6 weeks ago for her to appear at an event he is hosting, she asked for one fee as a WWE star, but now she is solo she is asking for a drastically increased sum, $10,000, when RF refused her agent killed the deal. RF has hit out and revealed in full the discussions between the two sides (Link).

CM Punk:

Has criticised WWE for delaying the release of the new WWE title, he says he has had an input on the design, but is starting to think they are keeping the new title for a different guy...

“I’d like to say that I have a little bit of say in that, but I just keep getting the runaround. I don’t know if they’re saving the new design for somebody else or what the deal is. But they’re sick of me asking about it, I know that.”

He also confirmed publicly that Beth Phoenix has quit WWE, and that he wants to be the guy that inducts Paul Heyman into the Hall Of Fame. (That is the first time I have heard that Paul Heyman was being linked with HOF).

He ended with the news that WWE are talking to Colt Cabana, and said he may be re-hired soon.

Shaul Guerrero:

Has tweeted to say goodbye to her WWE fans...

“Thank you all for your love and support, WWE has been one of the highlights of my life. I learned so much and consider them family.”

WWE star on reality Show:

Developmental ref Brian Nguyen and his singer fiancee, was on Bridezilla's this weekend, and will be back for part 2 next Sunday.

Colt / Punk comedy gig:

CM Punk and his buddy Colt Cabana will host a comedy show, telling road stories from their wrestling trips, Punk has told Vince McMahon to be ready, because he has some great stories about the boss he intends to share. Any money earned will go to a charity for a friend of the two, who died from stomach cancer recently.

Tonight's Raw tease:

* How will CM Punk respond to the blatant challenge from Ryback?

* Will AJ Lee have an answer to Paul Heyman’s marriage proposal?

* What will Big Show do next as he prepares for Sheamus?

* How will Kane and Daniel Bryan respond to the tag team tournament?

* Will John Cena be ready for Hell In a Cell? How will Punk respond to last week’s attack?

It will also be Jim Ross night, many HOF'ers and past stars are in Oklahoma to help celebrate Good Ol' JR.

Developmental promotion:

WWE may have delayed the call up of Bo Rotunda to the main roster, they are very excited about his in ring talent, but feel he needs to do a lot of work on his promo's.

Ric Flair's daughter Ashley, who competes as Charlotte is to get the call up, as a manager, (probably for Cody Rhodes) in the next few weeks.

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