Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today's News

Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan and his former friend Bubba The Love Sponge, have settled their lawsuit over the release of the sex tape, Bubba has finally admitted that Hulk did not know about the tape. Unfortunately this story will continue, as Bubba's wife and a website that refused to remove the footage are still being taken to court by Hogan.

Bubba wrote this letter of apology...

''After further investigation, I am now convinced that Hulk Hogan was unaware of the presence of the recording device in my bedroom. I am convinced he had no knowledge that he was being taped. Additionally, I am certain that he had no role in the release of the video.

It is my belief that Terry is not involved, and has not ever been involved, in trying to release the video, or exploit it, or otherwise gain from the video’s release in any way.

Regrettably, when Hulk filed the lawsuit against me, I instinctively went on the offensive. The things that I said about him and his children were not true. I was wrong and I am deeply sorry for my reaction, and for the additional pain that it caused Hulk and his children on top of the pain that they already were feeling from having learned that Terry was taped without his knowledge, and the public release of the video.

I am committed to helping Hulk and his attorneys find whoever is responsible for the release of the tape and holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law.''


THQ have released the official trailer for the new game which is released this week.

Raw News:

CM Punk challenged Mick Foley to a traditional Survivor Series match, Foley accepted, however Foley will not wrestle, he will captain the team which will comprise of...

* Kane
* Randy Orton
* Kofi Kingston
* Daniel Bryan
* Ryback

They will face...

* CM Punk
* The Miz
* Cody Rhodes
* Alberto Del Rio
* Damien Sandow

Couple of other notes on this match, which will headline the show...

WWE had two different ideas for a WWE title match, firstly a Punk vs Ryback rematch, but they decided fans would not forgive a second screwy finish.

The other was set to be a Punk vs Cena match, (The match that should have headlined HIAC, but for Cena's injury), they are hoping to keep us guessing, as to which order The Rock will wrestle the two men in 2013 (One at the Rumble, the other at Mania), but CM Punk is just weeks from moving up from 10 on the all time list of longest reigning champions...

He will go 9th on November 13.
He will go 8th on November 19 (Night after Survivor Series).
He Will go 7th on November 25.
He Will go 6th on December 5.

He will also celebrate a full year as Champion on November 20.

WWE want the title change from Punk to The Rock to be a huge moment, and the more landmarks he breaks down as Champion, the bigger the importance of the loss, when it does finally come.

Jerry Lawler is to return to Raw in 2 weeks.

Beth Phoenix has left WWE, she was written off screen after being fired by Vickie Guerrero because she didn't beat AJ quickly enough or something lame like that...

She said to WWE.Com after the show that if this really is the end of her WWE career, then she has to thank the WWE Universe and anyone who had a hand in her career. She talked about how she has lived her childhood dream and is proud of her career, hoping that everyone has enjoyed it. Beth added that she doesn’t know what’s next but promised that we haven’t seen the last of her.

Beth is the greatest female performer in WWE's history, they asked her to extend her stay by a week because they ran out of time to give her a send off last week, just for that... She deserved better IMO.

Ric Flair was written out of the script late in the afternoon, no word on why, but some WWE stars (Including the now departed Beth Phoenix) had some travel issues due to the epic storm in the states yesterday, so maybe he couldn't get to the show..

Big Show:

Says he wants one more match with The Undertaker, and has recalled his favourite Attitude Era memories...

''My favorite memory happened after the show would end. The Rock would bring his guitar to the ring and Stone Cold would sing and everyone would spend the night BSing, then they would break out The Rock Bottom or the Stone Cold Stunner to end the night. These guys were just so entertaining, but the main difference is that in the Attitude Era, there weren’t as many rules. We weren’t so corporate, we weren’t in the PG era, so back then, it was more of that crazy, rock and roll atmosphere. That’s the big difference about the Attitude Era — it was just really out there, rock and roll.''


A new batch of future WWE stars have started their developmental careers officially today, they have been added to the NXT website. I will add their profiles to Shaggy's Wrestling Page later.

Survivor Series:

To add to the one match that has so far been confirmed for the show, expect Big Show vs Sheamus (World Title) and John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler to be added in the coming days and weeks.

Insiders have also confirmed HHH vs Brock 2 is still on, but did not say when.

WWE vs The Marines:

The Marines have taken offence to a WWE TradeMark, “Marine: Homefront.” they have filed to stop WWE using the term and the case will be heard in December. WWE cannot use it until after the court hears the case. I am not sure why WWE have got this TM, maybe a new PPV or an TV project they plan to work on.

Alex Riley:

Is starting his in ring training today, after an injury lay off.

Jake The Snake:

Just one day after DDP asked Jake The Snake to move into his home, to train him for his last in ring run, Jake turned up unfit to compete at an indy show in Texas, Roberts reportedly confronted his opponent, because he was angry the crowd were giving him more attention, during a mid-show promo in the ring, Jake ordered a confused referee to the ring, hit the guy in the head and then fell on top of him for a quick, sloppy pin. Roberts then reportedly walked straight from the ring to his car and left.

The promoter had to apologize for his behaviour.

The show went on:

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy played a live gig in Albany New York, despite the superstorm battering the city.

Brad Maddox:

The screwy ref end to Hell In A Cell was a last minute decision, made by Vince McMahon.


Derrick Bateman will have to wait to debut his new character the USA guy, he underwent knee surgery today.

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