Saturday, October 6, 2012

Today's News


Has discussed his career ending injury...

Q. Did you know in advance your career was coming to an end...

“None of us did,” Copeland said. “I knew there were issues, but we didn’t the extent of what the issues were. It kind of caught all of us — me probably least of all just because I was like ‘whoa, something weird is happening here…’ I knew something (was wrong). No one else really knew because I didn’t tell anybody else. I think Christian was the only who knew because he rode with me. And he knows me. Him, I’ll confide in. And Tommy, there were nights where he carried my bags up for me because I had no strength in my arms. He knew, too. But generally, it was like you just go out, you do your thing and you don’t say anything and then you get back and you do it again.”

He has also taken a backstage role with Tommy Dreamer's House Of Hardcore promotion.

Vince McMahon:

Will give a state of WWE speech on Raw this week. People close to him, say this speech will be as close to a shoot as you will ever get from Vince, he is furious with the low viewer ratings, does not like the creative direction of the show, and wants character changes for 3 or 4 stars, including Brodus and Tensai.

Velvet Sky:

Has launched a clothing line, but says she is not giving up on wrestling.


Has stated he has developed heat with WWE, because of his critical comments, but said he will return, and will always be a WWE guy.

He also confirmed MVP will be his corner man for his MMA debut.

Zack Ryder:

Zack has revealed his frustrations with his current WWE status...

“I mean, absolutely but I think with every superstar, not just me, you can never be satisfied with your position, you can never be satisfied with where you are on the card. If you get in this business, you should want to be at the top, and I’m not at the top yet. So, I’m going to be frustrated until I’m there, and when I’m there I’ll probably want to be even better so I’ll be frustrated then, but that’s how it works, that’s how you get better, that’s how you become the best.”


Have drawn a record low viewer rating for last weeks impact, and only drew 350-400 fans for a house show over the weekend, the same arena drew 1500 fans earlier this year.

Earl Hebner:

Congratulations to the legendary referee, he officiated his 100,000th match this weekend, according to wrestling statisticians.

WWE vs Jericho:

Chris Jericho has told a fan on Twitter he will not be at WrestleMania 29, he obviously does not expect the current roadblock in his contract talks with WWE, to be resolved any time soon.

Piper Jr.:

Colt Toombs, Son of WWE Hall Of Famer Rowdy Roddy Piper will wrestle his first ever match tonight in Chile.

Seth Rollins:

The current NXT champion says he is ready for the main roster...

“There are moments where I feel like if you strapped the entire business to my back I could take it to places its never been. Like right now.”

Arnie to WWE?:

WWE star Dolph Ziggler and Arnold Schwarzenegger have had a Twitter spat, leading some in the wrestling world to predict a possible angle in the future.

Ziggler: “grabbing @Schwarzenegger’s book bc once i cash in my MITB World Title contract i’ll study his workouts for the media & movies im offered”

Arnold: “Good luck with that and enjoy the book @HEELZiggler. Appreciate the support.”

Ziggler: “@Schwarzenegger haha relax brother, i dont need luck & im not a fan, just a heads up, im on my way to being a much bigger STAR than you!”

Arnold: “@HEELZiggler It’s going to take more than reading my book. You better memorize it. Then do curls with it. Then you’ll be 1% of the way there”

Ziggler: “@Schwarzenegger whatevs! Youre living in the past! #OldNews IM the future & wrestling is like, the 5th best thing i do! SHOW-OFF”

Arnold: “@HEELZiggler I’d hate to see 1st-4th best things. You’re right, you are the Show Off. Every time I see you I turn the show off.”

Ziggler: “@Schwarzenegger good one, NOT! you & the whole world can watch what i do @WWE #MondayNightRaw I STEAL THE SHOW…& you know the rest”

WWE debut:

Mercedes KV had her first WWE match on NXT last night, scoring a tag team win.

Shelton vs Barbarian:

Shelton Benjamin has accused former WWE star The Barbarian of fraud, after he released a flyer promoting a tour of Nigeria advertisng not only him, but also MVP, Carlito, John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Val Venis, Bobby Lashley, Finlay, Chavo Guerrero and others, Shelton says he has been in touch with those advertised and none of them are booked to take part. This is a continuation of tensions between the two from last years Nigeria trip where Benjamin claims Barbarian reneged on payments to the talent.

WWE star benched:

Hornswoggle has had his gall bladder removed, the latest in an ever lengthening injury list for WWE.

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