Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today's News

Stacy Keibler:

Despite rumours to the contrary, former WWE star Stacy Keibler is still with George Clooney, and they have moved in together.


Was asked what he expects from his MMA career...

“Nothing. I do it because I love it. I have no ulterior motives. I think it’s obvious after tonight that I won’t be a world champion.”

Major shake up at ROH:

James E. Cornette has been removed from his position as head of ROH and will be replaced by Hunter “Delirious” Johnson , he will be removed as an on screen character this week, and will then be a backstage agent.

Ryback gets title shot:

Ryback will challenge CM Punk for the WWE title on this weeks house show circuit, in preparation for a possible match at Hell In A Cell, should John Cena be unfit to compete, WWE have given Cena an extra week to be ready, saying CM Punk must choose his opponent next week on Raw.

Paul Heyman:

Has discussed his involvement in the creation of the Attitude Era mode on the new WWE 13 video game...

“It’d be what an Attitude Era fan would relate to but what a modern day fan would understand is current and not just nostalgia,” Heyman said of the Universe Mode. “If you just come back and recreate from 15 years ago, you’re not really offering much. If you present the Attitude Era as a modern day concept, then you’re doing something that’s new.”

Also THQ have announced that Zack Ryder's Internet title will be available as an unlockable item.

Major creative shake up within WWE:

Brian Gerwitz was fired by Vince McMahon last night on Raw, he has worked for WWE for 10 years, but Vince, who was in a foul mood all night, demanded ''Results or resignations'' from the creative department, and proved he meant business by axing the top man.

Ranjin Singh is the lead writer for Raw, and Eric Koksey for SmackDown, they pass the scripts on to Gerwitz for approval and rewrites before they are finally signed off by Vince or Stephanie McMahon, Gerwitz's role will now be filled by Eric Pankowski.

Gerwitz will remain a WWE employee as a consultant, but many believe that will only be until his contract runs out, when both he and SD writer Koksey will be released, more changes are coming.

Vince did not stop there, he, in full view of parts of the audience and during Raw, started screaming at a stage hand, because he took offense to a fan sign, which was immediately removed, he was so angry that the opening of Raw had to be changed, with Cena delivering a much quicker than planned promo, instead of Vince's speech.

This all stems from a top talent challenging Vince publically, on the creative direction of the show, WWE are keeping the name of the star to themselves, but acknowledge the confrontation took place,

What was said to have happened?, ...

Well the wrestler basically told Vince in front of other people that the WWE writing sucks, that Vince is doing whatever he wants and that WWE is going off a cliff without anything being done about it. The star then told Vince that he needs to listen to everyone else because he doesn’t have his finger on WWE’s pulse anymore, basically telling Vince that he’s out of touch. Then told Vince that when WWE goes to “hell in a handbasket” it will be all Vince’s fault.

House Of Hardcore:

Tony DeVito and Edge handled the backstage responsibilities at the debut show.

House Of Hardcore 2 may not be until May 2013.

They wanted to make the show an IPPV, but felt with all the competition, they may get lost in the shuffle.

The first event will be released on DVD.

Daivari was injured at the show, losing a tooth.

World title feud starts on Twitter:

Wade Barrett has started his feud with current World champ Sheamus on Twitter...

Barrett: “Keep mouthing off and next time i’ll break your jaw, you ginger tosser. @WWESheamus”

Sheamus: “Wade, Tensai, Big Show… One ring & lil old me. When all said & done i was still last man standing. It has begun.”

Arnie vs Dolph:

WWE and the Actor continue to tease a possible future feud, Arnie wrote on Twitter, that his fans should tell Dolph that he would be back.

Kofi Kingston:

WWE have split the team of Kofi and R-Truth, they will give him a major push as a singles star, including a planned IC title win, which will lead to an eventual top level feud with Dolph Ziggler, after he wins his top title. This is following a highly impressive match between the two recently.

Truth will be paired with a soon to be repackaged Brodus Clay.

Alberto Del Rio bullies child:

A Mother was left furious at a house show this weekend, when Alberto Del Rio snatched a sign from her 8 year old son, and tore it to bits, causing the child to burst into tears, she called ADR a bully, and both he and Ricardo Rodriguez mocked the child for crying.

The woman took her son home, and vented on her Twitter, and was mocked further by Ricardo Rodriguez, she then wrote to WWE, again calling ADR a bully, and that they should tell talent to...

“Take signs from adults NOT KIDS! My son was bullied by your superstars and it is not okay.”

Sheamus has offered to meet the child next time they were in town.

CM Punk:

A police report has been filed against CM Punk, after he hit a fan during a segment on Raw. He was standing in the crowd and was pushed in the back a couple of times, and eventually struck out, unfortunately though, he hit the wrong person, (Though IMO, if you watch the vid, the guy does slap Punk on the top of his head) breaking his glasses. A local reporter went to the man to get a comment, but was interrupted by police, who took the man away for a statement (Video)...

The fan was ejected from the arena after making his statement to the police, and WWE staff were said to be very aggressively admonishing him for his actions.

The mainstream media have picked up the story, and this has further infuriated Vince McMahon.


Has been arrested for the fourth time in as many weeks, this time with a 25k bond, pic to follow.

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