Friday, October 26, 2012

Today's News

Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan's Ex Wife Linda has weighed in on the sex tape...

“I feel there are a lot of holes in his story. As his wife and listening to all the stuff he’s been talking about, I differ with quite a few things. When we were married, he didn’t have an iPhone 3 and I don’t remember that ringtone at all, so that’s really interesting that he says that was six years ago.”

Mike Graham:

Police have confirmed the cause of death of the former WCW man as suicide, adding...

''Mr. Gossett was found dead lying face up on a bed Thursday night in a North Halifax Drive home from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the forehead.”

His Wife, who found the body told Police he had talked frequently about committing suicide ever since his Son killed himself at Biketoberfest 2 years ago, Mike killed himself at the same event, in the same manor as his Father, WWE Hall Of Famer Eddie Graham.

Want to be a Diva:

WWE are so desperate to sign new Women, they having taken to posting Ads in the help wanted section, they write...

WWE is looking for women between the ages of 18 and 30 with charismatic personalities, beautiful faces and great bodies. Resumes as well as headshots and bikini body shots, are being requested.

Wrestling experience was not mentioned in the casting breakdown, with it being noted that WWE Divas instantly gain a huge fan base, travel the world and appear on television in 600 million homes worldwide, and take part in multimedia shoots and charities.

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly has dropped her appearance prices, Autographs and photo-ops are now $30 each, or save $10 by purchasing a combo for $50.


The former Max Moon has responded to Jim Ross mentioning his tag team partnership with Rey Mysterio on Raw...

“Wow i must not be blackballed..thats a first.”

He has been out of favour since he walked from WWF in 1992, Vince McMahon had spent $10,000 on the Max Moon costume, and was said to very high on him.

CM Punk:

Refused to discuss the recent incident with a WWE fan, during a TV interview yesterday. It's his Birthday today, he is 34.

He has also discussed his place in WWE history...

“I can only hope that history will be kind to me when I look back on my career. I certainly don’t look at it like, ‘Oh, I’m a legend,’ ‘Oh, I’m this, which means I’m going to be that.’ I just kind of do my job, I’m confident, obviously, that I know what I’m doing. My fingers are on the pulse of what the people want. When it’s all said and done and I can look back on my career, hopefully people will remember me fondly.”

TNA debut:

Todd Keneley joined TNA's presentation team last night, he was said to have impressed.

Goldberg vs Ryback:

Goldberg's latest comment on Ryback...

”Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…” At this point, Ryback is just insulting. #FearTheSpear”

WWE push:

WWE are to break up the partnership between Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd with the intention of giving Justin, who has really impressed recently, a singles push.

Tyson will be paired with Evan Bourne when he returns from injury.

CM Punk vs Ryback SPOILER!!!:

The result of the Hell In A Cell match has been decided, feeling is Punk will go over clean, they plan or sacrificing Ryback's streak to maintain the long title run of CM Punk, to maintain the importance of The Rock taking the title from him at the Royal Rumble, they feel it would diminish the title change if Punk lost and won back the title in the next couple of months, and that they could make up for Ryback losing the streak by making him meaner and give him some big scalps in the weeks after HIAC, to get him back on top.

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