Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today's News

Survivor Series SPOILERS!!!:

Early plans for next months WWE Super Show have emerged, the pencilled in main event will see CM Punk defend his WWE title against John Cena, and the traditional Survivor series match will be captained by Big Show and Ryback.

That would mean Triple H vs Brock 2 would have to wait until Mania, and unless The Undertaker turns heel and joins Big Shows team, the match WWE want for Mania between himself and Ryback would have to get started at the Royal Rumble instead.

Brock Lesnar:

UFC President Dana White says Brock Lesnar will never compete in the Octagon again...

“He’s done. He called me a couple days ago, he’s never coming back.”

He says he physically is not up to it, and IMO took a bit of a shot at wrestling...

“He just said his body – he can wrestle, but he can’t fight,” White said. “But, he was contemplating coming back.”

SmackDown Live:

Next weeks SmackDown will air live from Birmingham, England after WWE were criticized for advertising a live show that they planned to tape over this coming weekend, The show will air at 8PM on November 6, so British fans are going to have a late one at that show.

The Miz:

Mike The Miz has worked himself back into WWE's good books, they have been very impressed with his improvements in the ring and most notably on the mike. Giving him the poster for next months Survivor Series is the start of a plan to push him back to the top of the roster in early 2014.

Linda Criticised:

Linda McMahon is getting heat from her own Political side after asking voters to split their ticket in the upcoming American Elections, saying voters should vote for her as a Republican and Barrack Obama who is a Democrat, not showing much faith in her man Mitt. This has not gone down well with her activists, or I expect at home, Vince McMahon is a big financial sponsor for Obama's opponent Mitt Romney.

WWE censor botch:

WWE have had YouTube remove all footage of Ryback botching his finisher on Paul Heyman from this weekends live shows.

He couldn't lift Heyman so instead slammed him in a move that resembled Goldberg's JackHammer, which angered the former WCW man, he wrote...

“Ryback is to @Goldberg as the Renegade was to @UltimateWarrior. It’s silly.”

In a related note Tensai has been admonished by management for not once but twice, embarrassing Ryback during Raw a couple of weeks back. Ryback couldn't pick him up for his finisher, and the feeling was Tensai was deliberately sandbagging to make him look bad.

Indy stars to WWE?:

As well as Sami Callihan who really impressed WWE, Ricky Reyes was backstage at last nights TV Tapings talking to management, WWE have had the two men on their radar for some time.

DGUSA have told Sami Callihan that were WWE to call, he would be released from his contract and allowed to join them, he has been confirmed for DGUSA shows in early November so don't expect the call up to be imminent.

Hall Of Famer goes under the knife:

Terry Funk has had an operation on his hand to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, he has to get the same op on the other hand.

Rey Mysterio talks illness:

“I think when we are hurt or we’re sick we have to stay on focus. Not to long ago, I wrestled on a Monday night and I had food poisoning. I was in the ring with food poisoning. Sometimes you don’t realize our health. They just see us perform out there and say that was good. But in the back, the cameras aren’t recording anymore and you tend to yourself. In this case, I had to go to the doctor’s right away.”

WWE Officials are high on Rey at the moment, despite his illness, because of the improvement in Sin Cara's work since they put the two Lucha's together.

Y2J / DDP:

The two former World Champions will produce a yoga DVD together.

Rhodes family reunion:

Goldust has come up with a new idea to get WWE to agree to the Brother vs Brother WrestleMania match vs Cody Rhodes he has wanted for about 2 years, he has now asked that his Father, Hall Of Famer Dusty Rhodes be the Guest Referee.

Landmark viewing score:

WWE's childrens show Saturday Morning Slam has broken 1,000,000 viewers for the first time.

Jack Swagger:

WWE took Swagger off TV to repackage him, and bring him back face, with a big push, no word on when his TV return will be, but he is back on the road.

CM Punk:

For the second time in recent months CM Punk has been accused of blading on Raw, when after the lumberjack match, he was seen to spit an object from his mouth (Pic on wall).

Mickie and Trish fight:

Trish Stratus appeared in Mickie James' new music video, and they had a bar fight, Magnus, Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter were also involved in the shoot.

Landmark for wrestling:

WrestleMania 28 has today been confirmed as the biggest event in wrestling history, They show earned 1,253,000 buys – 733,000 domestic and 520,000 internationally, this was a record, beating WrestleMania 23 by 3,000. They also set a new record for international buys, but the US domestic figure has been topped a couple of times.


King Mo has talked about transitioning from UFC to wrestling...

“I thought it was going to be hard, but this (pro wrestling training) is harder than I expected. I’m going to tell you this. Pro wrestling training is three times harder than MMA. It’s harder because of the psychology, the positioning, the bumps, hitting the ropes and cutting promos.”

Hulk Hogan:

Will officially open his beach shop tomorrow, with many wrestlers appearing at the shop for signings Etc.

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