Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today's News

It's my Birthday, and I am still sitting here doing the news... #Dedicated 

WWE apologies:

WWE have apologised for the two incidents I reported yesterday, firstly to the Mother of the bullied child...

“While Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez were portraying their WWE characters, we sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding that may have occurred.”

And for the Punk incident, apologising to CM for not providing adequate security...

“During Monday night’s Raw televised event, WWE Superstar CM Punk exited the ring and into the stands as part of the show. Unfortunately, WWE security was not in the appropriate place at the time. Given CM Punk’s persona as a ‘bad guy,’ fans were naturally heckling him, but unfortunately a few fans began shoving him, and one struck him in the kidney and on the back. WWE regrets that proper security measures were not in place, and CM Punk apologizes for reacting in the heat of the moment. Other than this isolated incident, WWE always provides proper security to ensure the safety of our fans and our performers.”

CM Punk also gave his side of the story...

“I think the whole situation sucks,” Punk told “It’s an unfortunate and isolated incident. I was up in the stands, surrounded.”

“Somebody said, ‘let’s push him down the stairs,’” Punk explained. “I got hit in the ribs three times. I was getting shoved and I was getting punched…Then I started getting tagged in the back of the head. Unfortunately, I lashed out in the heat of the moment and I apologize. I’m really just glad nobody was hurt.”

Police have not yet decided if they will press charges, but the fan he hit says he won't be filing charges against him.

Related to this the real aggressor in the incident has been boasting about his actions on Twitter, Dario Teyes, wrote to a friend...

“Bro I’m the one that was f***ing with him lmao them he rocked an innocent fan. that guy is about to be a millionaire!!!” he wrote. “I punched [Punk's] kidney and slapped his back hella hard. bro [Punk] straight pounced on a poor day white guy. I hit him ran away then ran back and stood next to him cause I saw the camera.”

He was then asked why security didn't kick him out...

“Cause I dipped fast! Come on now poor fat guy is just hanging out putting his glasses on.”

Someone then said he will be caught, and he replied...

“No one ever has and no one ever will.”

Bye Bye Tensai:

WWE are calling the veteran grappler a “Overhyped disappointment” on their website, paving the way for a character change, but to make a comment like that about one of your own stars, he can't be confident about his long term WWE career.

The King Jerry Lawler:

Jim Ross has confirmed his long term co-commentator will be at SmackDown next week, but don't expect to see him on your TV's he will visit the talent in the back, but will not appear on screen, or in front of the live crowd.

Austin vs Punk:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has made a video response (Link) to CM Punk's critical opinions of him on WWE TV recently, this match is coming... (Marking Out...).


This might sound familiar, but the WWE Hall Of Famer was arrested (Again) just hours after being released from jail, this time for 3rd degree burglary and 3 counts of violating a protective order.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* JBL and Josh Mathews on commentary.

* Sheamus vs Big Show, in a finisher move test, a punch bag is set up, and they both hit their finish against it.

* Tensai attacks Sheamus, match announced.

* Encore vs Santino Marella and Zack Ryder.

* Kane vs Dolph Ziggler

* Big Show vs Kofi Kingston. (IC Champ The Miz was on comms, and cut a promo on Kofi, to start their feud).

* Backstage segment Regarding Kaitlyn's attacker.

* Sin Cara vs Damien Sandow (with Cody Rhodes). 

(Note, Rey Mysterio did not take his spot in Cara's corner).

* Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio

* ADR calls out Orton, but runs when he enters, leaving Ricardo to take an RKO through a table.


The current World Champion worked SmackDown against Doctor's wishes, his head bounced off the floor during a match on Raw vs Wade Barrett, and Doc's were not happy with him competing again the very next night, he did, and said he felt fine.


Are going global, they have today signed deals to take their show to Africa and the Middle East.

Christopher Daniels, says he will not retire for 5 or 10 more years, and that he is looking forward to achieving 20 years in the business, in January of next year.

Taryn Terrell did not inform TNA that she would appear fully nude on TV show Treme, last night, no word on any heat with her, but they brought it up so...?.

Hulk Hogan:

The iconic grappler told Howard Stern that his partner in his now infamous sex tape was Heather Clem, wife of his buddy Bubba The Love Sponge, and that Bubba offered him his wife's ''Services'' to cheer him up, as he was going through a bitter divorce at the time.

Following the interview, TMZ released audio from the tape where Bubba and his wife talk about selling the footage and retiring off the profits, implying it was Bubba The Love Sponge, that installed the camera, he said...

“If we ever did want to retire, all we’d have to do is use this footage.”

His wife shoots back...

“You’d never do that.” 


“I wouldn’t do that, you’d be the biggest rat, you’d be dead.”

Hulk Hogan has now filed police charges, but did not confirm if it was against Todd (Bubba) Clem, but I presume it must be.

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