Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Today's News


Has explained his reasons for getting into MMA, as he prepares for his first fight...

“I know some people have a hard time understanding it. I’m obviously never going to make the money that I made in the WWE, and it’s not like I think I’m going to go become UFC champion. I just want the experience. I don’t have any ulterior motive. I just want to do it because I love it so much.”

His new opponent will be Vince Lucero.

He also took a shot at The Miz and WWE, saying he doesn't watch anymore because of...

“Real World kids who are more concerned with how their hair looks and how much baby oil they have on.”

The King Jerry Lawler:

Has conceded his return to TV will have to wait...

“I would like to. I know because of my voice that I would sound horrible on the air. It’s a few weeks away, so I honestly think I could; I’m so thankful for the fact that I feel good at this time.”

WWE Celebration:

Congratulations to Glenn Jacobs, who this week celebrates the 15th birthday of his character Kane, WWE are showcasing the landmark with a memory from each of those 15 years including burning the Undertaker's casket at Royal Rumble 1998. (Link).

Bray Wyatt:

The former Husky Harris is tweeting with Paul Heyman, teasing that he may be about to join the main roster and have Paul E. represent him as his manager, Heyman has been moved from the Alumni to the current roster on WWE.Com, so it seems he is sticking around for a while, this (IMO) looks like they may be making an old fashioned manager led group, akin to the Heenan Family, or Jimmy Hart... (Like).

Jericho to WWE:

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy will perform the theme song to the Hell In A Cell PPV, the song Sandpaper was selected today.


Will be back on Raw next week.

Jim Ross:

Jerry Lawler introduced (Via Video) JR night after Raw, Vince McMahon and Triple H came to the ring followed by the locker room, World Champion Sheamus presented JR with ''The Voice Of WWE'' award.

Guests included Danny Hodge and Bill Watts.

Former WWE star stops potential terror attack:

Daivari was travelling on a shuttle train on the way to an airport, when a fellow passenger started to rant and rave and started to threaten the lives of the passengers, Police were called but Daivari decided they were taking too long, so he got behind the guy and applied a rear naked choke hold, and dumped the guy from the train at the next stop. Transport police however are investigating the incident as a fight, and are not acknowledging the terror threats.

Justin Gabriel:

Was pulled from Raw last night, as he was about to enter the arena, he tweeted...

“30 seconds before I was supposed to step through the curtain my match got cut. Got to love live TV! Anything can happen!”

The opening segment of Raw ran 7 minutes too long, and the rest of the night felt rushed and put together, according to backstage staffers.

Punk vs Legends:

Expect more legends to appear on WWE TV in segments with CM Punk, urging him to face bigger obstacles to prove he is what he claims to be ''The best in the world''.

Stone Cold is expected to be one of those stars, he tweeted about Punk last night...

“I was in a bar in Mexico watching the football game. Word on the street was some low end piece of trash was talking smack on #WWE RAW. #SCSA”

Drew McIntyre:

Had surgery on his thumb.

The Miz:

Has spoken of how brutal the culture of Hazing new guys was when he joined WWE, and named the guy that was his biggest adversary... JBL.

Vince McMahon:

Was said to be really grouchy at Raw last night, he does not like the creative direction Raw is taking, and the pressure is taking it's toll.

Zack Ryder:

Is in trouble, he used his Rough Ryder finish in a match vs William Regal taped for Saturday Morning Slam, breaking the rule about head and neck moves, the move was cut from the broadcast after host network CW complained to WWE.

Big WWE departure:

Ann Russo-Gordon who is in charge of the Talent Wellness Programme, and arranging treatment of addiction for past stars, has quit with immediate effect without providing a reason for why she feels she cannot continue in the role.

Michael Cole:

WWE are going to use the bounce in popularity for the lead commentator in the wake of Jerry Lawler's heart scare, to turn him face, there has been major concerns about Cole's performance in the back for months, and they hope this is the key to solving the issues many have with his presentation at the comms desk.

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