Friday, October 5, 2012

Today's News

Chavo Guerrero:

The former WWE man has revealed TNA talked him out of retiring from wrestling after leaving WWE, they talked for 2 months before he decided he would like to join them...

“To be honest, I didn’t really know if I was going to TNA, or if I was gonna stop wrestling, or what I really was going to do. I knew I was going to take some time off, and regroup, and regain some of my sanity after going 12 years in the WWE. Sometimes you have to do that. We just started talking back and forth a bit, me and TNA, over a two-month period, and we decided that would be a good fit. We tried, and it has been working really, really good. I’m just so happy to be there. It’s just nice to have people really appreciate your work, because sometimes people just expect that and never thank you, so it’s a good thing.”

Punk vs Austin:

WWE are hyping a potential match between the two with a rival playlist on their website, and a poll asking fans who would win.

THQ also released a video interview with the two men to promote WWE 13, they discussed the differences between the Attitude and current Era's, with each man both praising and niggling at the other, JR asked who would win a match between the two (Meaning on the game), and Austin said that he...

''Would defeat Punk in both the video game world and in real-life''.

The video was removed and THQ later apologized, because (Not for the first time) they released the video too early.

TNA Bound For Glory:

The updated card after last nights Impact...

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries

TNA Tag Team Title Match
AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez & Chavo Guerrero vs. Kazarian & Daniels

TNA Television Title Match
Magnus vs. Samoa Joe

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher

Street Fight
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode

(Ringside Enforcer: King Mo)

Sting and Bully Ray vs. Two Aces & 8s Members...

(If Team TNA wins, Aces must leave TNA for good. If Aces win, they get access to the Impact Zone.)

Joey Ryan vs. Al Snow

Hulk Hogan:

Is threatening website Gawker with legal action after they posted the video of his sex tape, clearly showing him in the nude.

Brock to UFC:

UFC president Dana White has offered Brock Lesnar a chance to return to the Octagon...

“Sure, I’d bring him back. He was the one who wanted to retire, and then he hooked back up with the WWE and did some stuff over there. But if Brock called me tomorrow and said, “Hey I’d like to come back,” I’d work with him.”

Pimpin' is easy:

Charles (The Godfather) Wright has joined Twitter @WWEGodfather, he revealed he still runs a strip club, and whilst he loved his WWE career, he is enjoying his current job much more, but would accept a WWE return and would wrestle again for them as a legend, any time they were in town.

Try outs:

Notably the latest WWE training camp had almost exclusively independent female wrestlers, taking part, the only ''Swimsuit Model'' type was the daughter of a personal friend of Gerald Brisco.


Wants to write an autobiography, and is currently looking for a publisher.

WWE star benched:

Curt Hawkins has undergone surgery for a torn PCL and Meniscus, he tweeted...

“Don’t know why I haven’t said anything. Maybe It was denial, but I wanted you all to know that I tore my PCL & Meniscus. Had to have surgery. Not sure of when my return will be but I can promise it will be a whole new look & attitude from Curt Hawkins this time around. #Change”

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