Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today's News


Says he is considering a return to WWE.

Mickie James:

Will have a star studded music video for her latest track, boyfriend Magnus, and Trish Stratus are confirmed to appear, and she is teasing more guests are TBA.

Josh Matthews:

Vince McMahon may be about to axe Josh, he gave a backstage interview after Raw where he said...

“I think, generally speaking, everything is pretty good about Raw, except one particular announcer.”

Matt Striker then Joked...

“That Josh Mathews has to go, doesn’t he?”

To which Vinnie said...

“Yes, he does.”

WCW rivalry:

Madusa has responded to claims by Molly Holly, that she was a bully during their time together at WCW, she said...

“I personally have ALWAYS BEEN HER FAN.. have always stuck up for her,” wrote Madusa. “She may not think so or have reservations on some of my tactics training her in wcw or working with her however I truly thought she was the last of the greats…..”

She also weighed in the Beth Phoenix situation, saying it would be a huge loss to WWE.

WWE 13:

Paul Bearer has confirmed he will be a character on the next WWE game.


WWE.Com has interviewed their former star about his altercation on a train (See yesterday), he said...

“I was just on the train and I was heading to the airport,” said Daivari. “I’m from Minneapolis, so I was just visiting family. I got on the train and there was this guy saying racial and anti-Semitic stuff really loud, specifically at a few passengers, and you could tell they were really uncomfortable. One guy had actually pushed the emergency call button on the train. And this guy kept going on and on, and nobody was showing up to help.

“There was one older guy sitting in a chair and he told the guy, Hey, sit down, you’re making the train ride really uncomfortable for everybody. At that point, the guy just got right in front of the older guy and physically threatened him, even threatened to kill him. That’s when everybody started running for the emergency call buttons. They were all hitting the buttons, and we went another stop after that, which was another two minutes. When the doors opened, nobody got on the train, so we knew there were no cops waiting to get on and help.

“I didn’t know if this guy had a knife in his pocket or a gun in his backpack, so I just went up to him, turned him around, grabbed him in a rear naked choke/sleeper hold and held until I felt his body go limp. I dropped him, locked on a body scissors and held him down until the next stop, which was about 45 seconds down the road. Then I just grabbed him by the seat of his pants and his collar and I threw him off the train. And mind you, from when this started, we probably went half the length of the trip, which was about 20 minutes. It was one thing when he was saying all that racial stuff, but when he started threatening passengers, I didn’t know if it was just a big guy talking tough like he’s at a bar or if he’s got a weapon. By the time I got to the airport, there were still no cops at the train station.”

Wildcat Chris Harris:

Former TNA star Harris has revealed why he believes he didn't make it in WWE...

“That is something I will never truly know,” said Harris. “I have my version of what I was put through, but a lot of people will say I just didn’t have what it takes. It was never about a name or a character. It’s the fact they would never let me go out and do what I do best. I had a number of people telling me a number of different things. I have enough confidence in my ability that I could have made something work. It made me hate wrestling and I needed to get out.”

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Big Show opens the show, to talk about Hell In A Cell.
  • Prime Time Playa's vs Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (Tag tourney).
  • Ryback vs Primo.
  • Layla vs Alicia Fox.
  • Wade Barrett vs Jobber.
  • Sheamus vs The Miz.
  • David Otunga and Alberto Del Rio promo.
  • Booker makes the 2 wrestle Daniel Bryan and Kane.
  • Big Show vs Tensai.
  • CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler

Drew McIntyre:

Has corrected mis-information coming from WWE, he says his Wrist was operated on, not his thumb.

Skyler Moon:

Has denied entering rehab for a drugs problem, saying she has an eating disorder. She also claimed her profile was deleted from WWE because it was under construction, not because WWE had dropped her.

Derrick Bateman:

Usa Guy vignette #5...

Jeff Hardy:

Is talking to TNA about a new deal, however he wants to work with his Brother again, and had been accepting indy dates, those have now all been put on hold, he has still not given up on returning to WWE, if he can get a couple of previso's, he wants a lighter schedule than he has worked before for them, and he wants his Brother to be brought back too.

Orton gone til Xmas:

Randy Orton has tweeted that he will be shooting his movie for at least two months.

WWE troubles:

Many complaints have been made by talent about the heavy taping schedule on Tuesday nights, they tape Superstars and Saturday Morning Slam before the main show Smackdown, then they taped matches for the new Main Event show. Stars said it was too long and drawn out.

Heel turn:

Vickie Guerrero is chasing a new tag team, and has set her sights on the Uso's, they touted that they are considering the opportunity.

WWE squash rumour:

CM Punk referencing Stone Cold Steve Austin on Raw this week has started the gossip sites talking about a Mania 29 match again, WWE say no, the earliest would be Mania 30.

Edge heat:

WWE are really hot with the Hall Of Famer, they are furious he has not signed a legends deal with them (He was offended by the amount they offered and wants independence to make his own career decisions), and are now blaming him for the departure of Beth Phoenix, saying he has turned her off WWE and wants her to be his nurse maid while he recovers from surgery.

Some in WWE are even angry that he is making an appearance for Tommy Dreamer's new promotion this weekend.

Will we see him on WWE TV again???.

New Diva:

Mercedes KV has started her WWE career, as a ring announcer for NXT.

Top level pushes:

WWE will make Ryback (Punk), and Damien Sandow (Sheamus) main event title challengers in the next few weeks, they will continue to build tensions between the two stars and the current champions, building up to Survivor Series.

CM Punk:

WWE insiders are worried about CM Punk...

''People this weekend were saying that Punk was looking sick or worn down''.

He is massively important to WWE right now, WWE concede he is their top worker and is also second only to John Cena in terms of drawing power, they can't afford to lose him to illness or injury, so expect him to take some time away, when his epic title reign finally ends.

Botch angers Vince:

Ryback botched his finish vs Tensai on Raw, and Vince McMahon stormed to the production truck and demanded they make him look as strong as possible.

Antonio Cesaro:

WWE are really impressed with his performance as US Champ, they were actually talking about canning him before the title reign started, feeling the character wasn't getting over, but he has turned a corner with this run and the push will continue.

He is also the reason WWE signed his Girl Friend Sara Del Ray, they took his advice to get her in as a trainer for the Women, because the T'N'A' girls do need to improve in the ring, but they also want to do right by Cesaro feeling he could be something special if they nurture his talent.


Ezekiel Jackson is on his way back to the US, after a tour of his home country Guyana.

Lilian Garcia:

Was subjected to a really tough interview, yesterday, the comedian hosts wanted her to dish dirt on WWE, Vince McMahon, Drugs, and other workers, and made it really awkward and cringey for her at times.

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