Sunday, October 7, 2012

Today's News


Has decided to sign a 1 year contract extension with TNA, but refused the offered 3 year deal, she says at this stage of her career, she has to listen to her body, and will only work on a year to year contract.

House Of Hardcore:

Tommy Dreamer's new promotion debuted last night in front of 1900 fans, Tommy lost his FWE title in the Main event to Carlito, and Edge said that the match between the Young Bucks and London / Kendrick, reminded him of the Edge & Christian vs Hardyz feud.

Tommy Dreamer confirmed a second event will happen soon.


The former World Champion won his first MMA bout in the first round after a referee stoppage last night. (Pic to follow).

TNA ladies:

Velvet Sky has squashed all rumours coming from TNA and confirmed she is ''100% done with TNA'', also Taryn Terrell will appear on HBO show Treme tonight.

Rob Van Dam, WWE or retirement:

Rob Van Dam has revealed his TNA deal ends in March 2013, and says he will have no regrets if he is asked to leave, but said he prefers to control his own destiny, and will make the decision that is best for him before his deal ends. He said he may go back to WWE, but is also toying with the idea of hanging up the boots...

“I walked away from every wrestling company I’ve ever worked for, except for one. When I first started out, the first territory I did in the summer of ’91 was USWA. It was the Jarretts’. So when my contract runs out with TNA, who even knows if Jeff is one of the bosses anymore, it’s so confusing. But if he is and it’s their decision, if they say, ‘Thanks, we enjoyed it’ and we walk off, it’ll be like the only two times in my career (that’s happened). Every other time meaning WWE twice, ECW, WCW, All Japan, everywhere – I’ve always been like, ‘All right I’ve had enough.’ I felt like I knew when it was time to go. I never had any regrets.”

“Right now this could actually be my last gig, I don’t know. When my deal’s up (in March), I don’t even know what I want. People are asking, ‘Oh, are you going to WWE?’ I honestly don’t know what I want to happen. I’m more of go with the flow, let’s see what happens. Anyway, it’s possible that when it’s up that I could maybe not even sign another full-time deal, who knows. It’s possible, which would make this my last full-time gig.”

Ezekiel Jackson:

Is teasing a new character upon his return from injury.

JTG punished:

He said on Twitter...

''The match with Ryback was his punishment''.

Probably for his tweets complaining about the WrestleMania 28 payments.

Heel turn:

Yoshi Tatsu has been working heel this weekend, on the SmackDown Circuit.

Arnie to Raw:

WWE.Com are teasing an appearance from the Actor, as the show is in California this week.

I am working on the Wrestling Terminology, will post it in a bit...

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