Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today's News

WrestleMania pay day:

WrestleMania 29 is expected to bring more than $100 Million into the New York / Jersey area next year.

This is based on the numbers which have just being released by Florida from this years WrestleMania 28...

* $102.7 million of direct, indirect and induced impact derived from spending by non-locals visiting specifically for WrestleMania XXVIII.

* 71% of fans that attended WrestleMania were from outside the Miami area and stayed an average of four nights.

* The economic impact derived from WrestleMania Week was equal to the creation of 1,020 full-time jobs for the area.

* $6.9 million was spent by non-locals at Miami and Miami-Dade County restaurants.

Chris Jericho / WWE:

Y2J was asked about his WWE future by a fan at a Journey concert they were both attending, he said... “stay tuned.”

WWE like a Rolling Stone:

WWE have struck a deal with iconic group The Rolling Stones to bring their American leg of their upcoming tour to PPV, the show will be on December 15.

Expect to see them on WWE TV a lot in the build up, to promote the show.

Greatest woman of 2012:

The Number one Female wrestler of 2012 according to PWI has been named as Gail Kim, they cite her 210 day reign as TNA Knockouts Champion as the reason for the honour.

Hulk Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan is suing his friend Bubba The Love Sponge for $100M for creating and releasing the sex tape between himself and his wife, he still intends to take legal action against the culprit.

Beth Phoenix:

The Glamazon has been removed from next weeks Raw, so unless she works SmackDown tonight, her loss to Kaitlyn taped for Superstars may have been her last WWE match for a while.

CM Punk is MARVELous:

CM Punk has written the foreword for The Avengers vs X-Men comic book due for release on November 7. He has also teased an announcement regarding writing his own comic book.

Mick Foley:

Has been asked who he would Like to step in the ring with from the current WWE roster, he picked CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler.

He then added that he believes his in ring days are over...

''I think my match days are over, but hopefully it will lead to something else. I think it’s always great to have the guys from different eras in there together. It works great for everybody.''

He also named Daniel Bryan and Antonio Cesaro as his picks for the next face of WWE, but said there are many candidates.


Jerry Lawler is in Memphis for tonight's SD taping's, thoughts are he may defy doctors and appear in front of the live crowd before the tapings begin, don't expect him to appear on TV however, he is still not ready.

WWE 13 previews:

THQ are setting up game play booths in 75 stores across the US to product test the new installment in the WWE game franchise, those stores will be announced through local media, so keep your eyes peeled if you want a go.

WWE group name changed (Again):

The Band, The Encore, Then The Band again have now been renamed as 3MB (Three Man Band).


The Miz was bust open during Raw, in a match vs Kofi Kingston, there will be a rematch taped tonight for Main Event, expect a title change, because WWE want to give Main Event a big show status, they don't want it to feel like a B show (Superstars, SMS) and by changing a major title on the show, they hope fans will see it as something more important.

Survivor Series:

WWE have confirmed a 5 on 5 elimination match will happen this year, Team HHH vs Team Brock (With Shawn Michaels possibly coming out of retirement), or a Team CM Punk vs Team The Rock match are being talked about within WWE.

Rey Mysterio:

The finals of the Tag Title tourney have been pushed back until next weeks Raw, to give Rey a little longer to recover from his stomach flu, he has been bed bound for days, and is said to have contracted a severe stomach virus.

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