Monday, October 15, 2012

Today's News

Page News:

I am going to start tweeting big news stories as they break, which will then appear on here, for you to read. I currently have to wait until I get home to write this which sometimes isn't until 6 or 7, it then takes an hour or so to write and research the daily post and by then stories are a few hours old, so I will tweet a quick up date during the day, when an interesting story breaks, then tell you the full story in the main post when I get home.


Former WCW Champ Goldberg has hit back at Ryback's comments from yesterday...

“Better athlete? Come on dude wake up…..,”


“Case closed!” Ryback is a better athlete than @Goldberg? I don’t remember seeing Ryback play in the NFL. #ShowSomeRespect.”

Randy Orton:

Has brought his push for a heel turn into the public domain, a fan asked him on Twitter what was the best thing about being a wrestler, he replied...

“Where I’m a HEEL”

TNA Bound For Glory:

Four new champions were crowned last night...

*Rob Van Dam (X Division).

* Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez (Tag).

* Tara (Knockouts).

* Jeff Hardy (TNA World).

Also D'Von Dudley returned to TNA as a member of Aces & Eights. It is not confirmed if this has been the plan all along, or if this was a last minute arrangement between the two sides, but he is back.

Former WWE star Ryan Braddock has also confirmed he is a member of the group.

Tara's Hollywood star boyfriend was revealed to be Jessie Godderz.

Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan has been told that his local law enforcement authorities in Florida are unable to help him in his bid to bring charges against the person that created and leaked his sex tape to the media, for two reasons...

1) Because the tape was recorded in 2006, the four-year statute of limitations had expired on the offense of unlawfully recording Hulk without his permission.

2) The other offense — distributing the illegal footage to the media — crosses state lines, so it’s a federal problem … not a local one.

Hulk has decided to seek help from the FBI, he will meet them on Monday.

Raw teaser:

* Will the WWE Champion CM Punk pick John Cena or Ryback for Hell in a Cell?

* Will John Cena even be cleared to compete at Hell in a Cell?

* Who will win the Tag Team Tournament Final?

* What will Paul Heyman do next?

* If Punk doesn’t choose Ryback, how might he react?

Also Vince McMahon is due to be in attendance, who is getting canned this week?.

Beth Phoenix:

Tonight may be the last time we see Beth on Raw, she finishes next Monday.

CM Punk to retire:

The WWE Champ says he plans to retire in 2015, he tweeted he might finally be able to watch his favourite TV show The Walking Dead when he gets home in 2015, a fan asked if that is his response to rumours he was going to retire and he replied...

”Ain't a rumor if its true.''

Ex WCW star hospitalised:

Bobby Eaton has been taken into hospital suffering with Pneumonia and Heart Issues, he is said to have responded well to treatment, and shouldn't be in for longer than a few days.

Punk vs Austin:

The official release of the sit down interview to promote WWE 13 has now happened, here it is (Video)...

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