Thursday, October 11, 2012

Today's News

CM Punk vs Fan:

The story won't go away yet, Police have confirmed they will not be taking action against Punk, because the fan, named Charles Schmidt, said he did not want to press charges when asked after the incident happened, he has now however decided to seek legal advice with the intention of filing a personal law suit against the WWE champion.

WWE are being criticised for not taking any disciplinary action against CM, some in the media are calling for him to be fired, referencing the recent release of AW, after he made an off-colour joke on Raw.

WWE stock:

A business network has advised that WWE stock is a ''Do not buy'', because it, They say has no growth possibilities.

''Main Event'' main event:

The Miz will defend his IC title vs Kofi Kingston this week.

Rey Mysterio:

His agent has tweeted through his Twitter that he missed SmackDown this week because of a bout of Stomach Flu.

This may be a cover, because he was visibly limping in the backstage after Raw on Monday, another injury will not go down well.

Big Show lands TV role:

He will be a guest star on season 7 of Psych.


Has been set a $100,000 bail bond, after being arrested 5 times in as many weeks, the last two were in consecutive days.

WWE fail:

With the media focusing on the CM Punk incident, it is probably not a good idea to have SMACKFAN as your pre sale code, for buying tickets to a future show... Way to go WWE... 

WWE creative shake up:

The Blame Game has started on the major creative changes happening within WWE, some blame the outgoing Brian Gerwitz for the issues, because he only works at WWE HQ three or four days a week. Others blame Stephanie McMahon, one insider saying...

''Stephanie has run this dysfunctionally toxic division for the entire duration of its ratings decline. Her horrendous structure from the committee dynamic to who she fast-tracks and how rigidly the shows are structured are why this product isn’t gangbusters''.

But most blame the expansion to 3 hours for Raw, too much time not enough talent to fill it.

They are actually proposing that they bring The Rock's title win forward to help Raw's ratings, and do it as soon as he is free, that probably won't happen because they want the PPV's to be special next year.

The Rock is actually the only reason Gerwitz was not fired completely, he is responsible for some of The Rock's most famous catchphrases and promo's, and The Rock wants him to stay on board to help write the upcoming World title stories for him.

The still unnamed talent was critical of Vince's behavior at Raw, saying...

''He is a big part of WWE’s problems and blaming others and trying to intimidate people into fearing him doesn’t change that fact.''

Vince McMahon was said to have ''imploded'' on a flight from this weeks TV taping's, by airline staff.

Punk vs Austin:

A creative leak (That will please Vince), has suggested that CM Punk's attacks on SCSA are not to build into a match, but is to promote the new WWE 13 game. This '''Respect'' story line is actually to set up a WrestleMania match vs The Undertaker.

Punk responded to SCSA's video (Yesterday), saying Austin is “A damn joke”.

WWE staffer released:

Creative are not the only branch of WWE to be feeling their collars, Nicole Dorazio who has worked in talent relations for more than a decade has been dropped by WWE today, she was cheif assistant to both Jim Ross and John Laurinaitis during their tenures in charge of talent.

They have also fired Live Events cheif Raphael Morffi, because he is considered to be a Shane McMahon guy, and Triple H and Stephanie want to start with a clean slate, when they take the helm.

Wellness Policy chief Ann Russo - Gordon quit due to burnout and health issues.

Show pulled:

WWE have decided not to have a best of 2012 review show at the end of the year, and will host a live TV event instead.

WWE / Chris Jericho:

WWE say they have no plans to re-open contract talks with Chris Jericho ''Any time soon''.

Linda McMahon:

Her political hopes are thought to be hanging in the balance, she is down 52% - 46% against her rival Chris Murphy, that is however a 4% point improvement after her first TV debate, the second will be on October 15, 3rd on October 18, she needs to continue to impress the people of Connecticut in those debates, should she want to win.

Whatever the result, let's hope when this is done, we can get rid of PG WWE forever...!!!.

MVP dig at WWE star:

The former WWE talent, was asked if he had helped train Ryback, he replied...

“No because if I did he’d be able to wrestle.”

Attitude Era returns:

WWE are working on a plan to bring back stars of the Attitude Era, leading to an angle or match at WrestleMania 29, that will include an appearance by Stone Cold Steve Austin, to challenge CM Punk.


President Dixie Carter has attempted to score a PR win over WWE, by offering the family abused by Alberto Del Rio free VIP passes for their Bound For Glory PPV, telling her, ''TNA’s talent would never act as Del Rio did'' and said all TNA stars (Including Hulk Hogan) would be glad to meet them.

Hulk Hogan has discussed the impact his sex tape has had on him and his family (Video)...

He has also given an interview on the TNA product, with Austin Aries, The Dudley's split, his excitement over the Aces and 8's storyline, and more discussed, which you can read by hitting the link.

King Mo has delayed the start of his training with TNA developmental, he has gone to Holland.

Velvet Sky has had her profile re-added to the TNA website, the two sides are apparently talking, but have not yet agreed anything.

And finally Sting will become the first TNA Hall Of Famer this Saturday.

Dynamite Kid:

Filmmakers are working on a documentary chronicling the fall from grace of the British wrestling legend...

''We have produced “shoot interviews” with wrestling legends before but we found our experience with the Dynamite Kid was something more. We returned from Manchester, England and knew that a shoot interview just wasn’t something that could ever do justice to Dynamite’s story. Now we want to produce the definitive documentary on Dynamite, his career, and how he changed the wrestling world forever.''

Edge to TNA?:

Edge was asked if rumours he is talking to TNA are true, he said...

“Don’t believe the hype kid.”

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