Sunday, October 28, 2012

Today's News

Lilian Garcia:

WWE have changed their statement on Lilian Garcia's medical condition following her Auto Accident, they removed the line ''Expected to make a full recovery'' and replaced it with ''Her status is currently unknown''.

Worryingly her husband Chris has asked fans of the Ring Announcer to pray for her to make a full recovery.

Doctor's have immobilized her neck.

Hell In A Cell:

Maybe a Heel turn will begin tonight?, The Uso's have tweeted that they are on their way to the show, to take the current Raw GM up on her offer...

“In route to #HellInACell, Maybe now is the time to take @ExcuseMeWWE on her offer??? #CougarInCharge”

Jim Ross, JBL, and Michael Cole will be on comms.

Two Possible extra matches, could be added, dependent on time...

* Antonio Cesaro vs Justin Gabriel (US title).

* Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs Prime Time Playa's.

Vince McMahon is also scheduled to make an appearance.

I will be doing a live Commentary on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

Aces and Eights:

TNA plan on the Aces and Eights story continuing for at least 6 more months.

Morgan crashes party:

Matt Morgan invaded the launch of Hulk Hogan's new beach shop in Florida yesterday, he got into a heated argument with the Hulkster whilst he was been interviewed, then stormed out grabbing some merch as he left.

Also at the launch a friend of Hogan's had his camera stolen, Hulk has been using his Facebook to try to get it back, because the camera held personal pictures of the guy's daughter.

WWE tryout:

WWE had a group of indy stars, including a recent TNA gutcheck loser, work as security on SmackDown this week, WWE do this to see how guys appear on camera, and they also have them work with William Regal and his team, to have their promo's assessed, no word yet if WWE are interested in signing any of the workers.


NWO fans may be disappointed by the new WWE DVD, only two new interviews, with Lex Luger and Vince Russo have been taped, the rest of the footage is lifted from the previous NWO DVD they released.


WWE have named their new signing Ben Sacilly.

CM Punk on Hall Of Fame:

CM Punk has called for Randy Savage to go into the Hall Of Fame...

“I hope that Randy would eventually get inducted in the WWE Hall Of Fame. Now that he’s passed we don’t get to talk to Randy, share stories anymore and that part really sucks.”


Adam Copeland has discussed how he does not miss wrestling...

“The only part that you miss is the adrenaline rush from the crowd y’know, because you can’t bottle that! You’ll never be able to match that! I really don’t miss the way I was feeling by the end of my career. I would be in the ring thinking of things I’d never had to think of before, such as the limitations my body was placing on me. My mind was not necessarily understanding what was going on! It was like my brain was saying, ‘Hey come on, let’s do this’, but my body was like, ‘Woah there’. Obviously, I had pressure on my spinal chord which I didn’t realise at first, and it was making my arm tremble.”

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