Friday, June 15, 2018


New Day vs Bullet Club:

New Day beat Kenny Omega and Young Bucks 2-1 in their video game tournament yesterday.

WWE want big names:

WWE are opening lines of communication with top NJPW and indie stars, said to include Kenny Omega and the Bucks. Triple H opened the door to working with New Japan today...

"We have an alliance with PROGRESS in the UK, a situation with ICW in Scotland, two very well run and respected promotions that do good business – but more importantly they are cultivating talent. They are not just exploiting talent and grabbing guys to do a show with them, they are teaching talent and trying to make them better, which is what it is all about for me. Is there opportunity for cross-promotional events?, Absolutely, with the right things. It's a blank slate and I'm open to just about anything if the right situation shows itself."

Dirty doctor:

During the Punk / Colt vs WWE doctor court case the doctor was forced to admit he had had sexual relationships with Jillian Hall and at least one tryout star, who was not hired, but who he met in his role as WWE doctor. Stars that were in WWE at the time said the couple made no secret of their relationship, despite the moral ramifications, but WWE, when asked about the story, claimed no knowledge of their time together...

"We were not aware of this. We are investigating the matter and will determine if any action is warranted."

Bryan coaching WWE star:

Daniel Bryan is coaching Lana for her MITB match.

WWE surgery:

Charlotte will finally have her burst breast implant repaired after MITB.

WWE games:

AJ Styles is this years cover star of WWE's video game. Ronda Rousey will be a bonus character and Rey Mysterio will be featured. The three stars are taping TV spots today for the official reveal on Monday.

Bella split real:

The Bella's brother has discussed whether Nikki's split with Cena is real or kayfabe...

"Honestly, my sister asked us not to say anything. Even though we do put our lives out there in the public, my sister is a very private person. And she loves John and what they are going through they want it between them. Even with how public John is, John is super private. The one thing I can tell you for a fact is that it wasn't for the ratings or for the show at all. It actually threw the show for a loop."

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