Thursday, June 21, 2018



WWE are dedicating their programming this week to Vader (Photo).

Gangrel talks failed WWE run:

"After The Brood, I kind of just drifted off. I got hurt. I didn't get hungry. I didn't pitch ideas. I was friends with Stephanie. I was sitting, hanging out with her all the time, and she goes, 'maybe you need to change your look.' She was always trying to smarten me up, but I was just like, 'ah, I'll just go with the flow. Whatever. I'm just grateful to be wrestling' and I'm still wrestling today and I'm grateful. But if I would have maybe asserted myself and the stuff that I do see and do know and let them know that I know that, or let them see that I see, maybe I would have been looked at in a different way."

Alum snubbed:

X-Pac says Vader was hurt that he was not inducted into the HOF, and feels he was punished for pushing for it, especially after he was told his time was short...

"It was really important to him to be put in the Hall of Fame, and it really sucks. He deserved it too. Sometimes when you push too hard and you're out there and you're begging for it too much, it works against you. And that sucks in that case."

Big Cass incident revealed:

Big Cass locked himself in the toilet on the tour bus during the Euro tour, apparently while drunk, forgot he had locked the door and thought he was being ribbed, so trashed the room in a fit of rage and yanked the door off, causing irreparable damage. This meant for the rest of the tour talent had to use the rest room without the privacy the door offered, causing understandable heat on him.

He also got a writer fired for a promo he messed up, even though he refused to go to a rehearsal with senior official Kevin Dunn, and roughed up a mini wrestler against office wishes.

A third issue, although said not to have made an impact on the decision to drop him, was an ongoing spat with Sami Zayn over the ''Racist'' policies of HOF President Donald Trump. Cass is a fierce supporter of the Donald, Sami found his views extremely offensive, particularly comments about Muslims. Many other talent took the side of Sami, but it did not deter Cass from regular pro Trump diatribes.


Tickets are on sale for the second Mae Young Classic.

WWE ad:

Titus Worldwide and Kurt Angle are taping an ad for Pizza Hut today.

Kenta going home:

WWE have agreed to allow Hideo Itami to return to Japan this summer for Pro Wrestling NOAH. The news has caused speculation about a pairing up of the companies, an ambition of HHH is to make it in Japan, but it is said to be a one off booking for Marufuji's 20th anniversary show.

Impact slash prices:

Impact have halved the price of Slammiversary on Fite, to $19.99.

Star out until Mania:

Sami Zayn will undergo surgeries for a number of nagging injuries, likely keeping him benched until Mania 35.

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