Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Champs MIA:

AJ Styles and Carmella missed SmackDown last night. They are on a promotional trip in Australia.

Freak incident benches Nakamura:

Shinsuke Nakamura was attacked an bitten by a police dog during a security sweep at Monday's live. The dog seemed to take an interest in the Japanese, sniffing at his leg, before suddenly snapping. WWE have pulled him from active competition until they assess his injuries.

Enzo recallls talk with Vince after rape accusation:

"I go see Vince he's the first person I go see, are you kidding me? Give me a break. So I go see Vince and he says, 'we can't send you out there tonight, we can't put you on the show. This tweet, this is really bad.' I didn't say anything. I just stood there and I let Vince talk for a minute and I said, the first thing I said was, 'you know and I know that I didn't do this and I deserve better than this because I'm a good person,' and I walked out. Vince said to me, 'you gotta tell me when something like this is happening.' I said, 'man, I don't know but I knew that there was that email, there was an email that came in to a friend from a person who was an investigator who never claimed to be a police officer.'"


WWE have confirmed a new TV deal for Raw with USA and with Fox for SmackDown.

Extreme Rules:

Carmella vs Asuka (Blue women's) and Bludgeon Bro's vs a reunited team Hell No (Blue Tag) have been added.


Kevin Owens was pulled out of the crowd and invited on stage by singer Shania Twain during a gig last night. She apparently did not know who he was, but his fan sign caught her eye. Other fans did recognise him, he got quite a pop.

Brooklyn Brawler remembers his chance to win the WWF world title:

"Okay so we're wrestling in Madison Square Garden and we're having a battle royal. I'm in the battle royal but I'm just a guy to get thrown out, this and that. All of a sudden Ken Shamrock who was scheduled to win the battle royal got injured in her sternum, his chest he got injured, so Vince called an audible, 'Put Brooklyn Brawler over, he's local'''.  

So he wins the match, and as promised, although Vince forgot about the title match stip to the BR, he got his title shot vs HBK...

"His finish is the Superkick if I Superkicked him people would come unglued. What a match we had. It was the first Garden show with DX with Chyna and Triple H on the apron on the outside of the ring. Me and Shawn Michaels in Madison Square Garden. I remember The Undertaker walking into the room, into the dressing room and looking at the line-up and it shows me in the main event, he's underneath me and he goes, 'what the f--k is this?' That's what he said. I just said, 'it's not me I didn't do it!' Because nobody wants heat with The Undertaker. But I tell ya, my career, you couldn't even write this the way it happened. He's kicking out at two-and-a-half and he's selling and doing all these crazy moves. I mean he made me look like a million bucks. I'm telling ya and then Triple H jumps on the apron and I pop him, nail him then Chyna comes in and gives me a Frankensteiner. I mean, it was great."

Sell out:

The MYC has sold all of it's tickets:


Finn Balor has a badly bruised bum, suffered on Raw this week. He might have copped a bit of heat for posting a pic of the injury, because he had to edit out his crack.

Rich Swann turns life  around:

Rich Swann says he has mended his relationship with his wife and has been offered a contract by Impact.

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