Sunday, June 24, 2018


Taker @Slam?:

WWE have presented Undertaker with a SummerSlam angle / match, no word on his decision as yet.

Don't be dumb:

JR says if Big Cass wants to make it back to WWE he needs to keep his mouth shut and show them what they are missing in the ring...

"So all he's gotta do is figure out how I can get better how I can cure the perceived ills that I may or may not have. Your world's not over. Don't say anything stupid, don't do anything stupid just get better. You're too damn young with too much of an upside to not be able to resurrect yourself without question. Let's keep an eye on how Big Cass progresses."


Alberto Del Rio says he will retire next year.

WWE star qualifies:

Charly Caruso has qualified as a personal trainer. She is staying with WWE.

Injury requires surgery:

Oney Lorcan broke his orbital bone in Chicago and has been told it will need to be surgically repaired.

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