Tuesday, June 19, 2018


PPV notes:

Nia vs Ronda was booked to main MITB over the weekend, but was dropped on the day.

WWE asked James Ellsworth to come back for the GRR, and have wanted him back since before that, they apparently regretted dropping him.

Rousey banned:

Kurt Angle has suspended Ronda Rousey for her actions on Raw.

Extreme Rules:

Alexa Bliss vs Nia Jax (Red Women's) is official for the next WWE special A multi man match will determine Brock's (Last) SummerSlam opponent.

New champ:

Dolph Ziggler has won his 6th IC title reign, beating Seth Rollins on Raw last night.

Bad News bye-bye:

Wade Barrett says WWE dropping his Bad News Barrett gimmick made his mind up to leave...

"I loved Bad News Barrett. I'd say in my history of professional wrestling, the two most fun periods of my career, and I think most people expect me to say Nexus, but Nexus was definitely up there in terms of achievements, but I don't ever think it was so much fun because of the pressure and that whole thing. And it felt like my feet didn't touch the floor. But in terms of fun, the most fun I ever had was I did about six months worth of color commentary in FCW, which I loved. And I was working under Dusty Rhodes in my earpiece, and I was working with Byron Saxton, who was the play-by-play guy and my instruction was simply to go out there, help the talent get over, and just have fun. And that's all I did. And Dusty Rhodes was always very complementary and that period of my career was constant fun. And then, Bad News Barrett. I think Bad News Barrett was just having a laugh every single night. And going out there, my aim when I went out there wasn't to entertain the crowd who were in attendance. My aim was to entertain my friends watching back home who I used to go out to the pubs with in England and Wales because I knew if I made them laugh, that level of humor would crossover to everyone else, so I would just go out there and put on this ridiculous routine." Barrett remembered, "I knew it was working when I'd walk around the corridor and the locker rooms and stuff and I just within two or three weeks of debuting that character, I'd hear people doing my catchphrase. And I'd walk passed Triple H and he'd say the catchphrase. Then, Stephanie would say it. And then, Vince  would be saying it. I was like, 'okay, this is working, clearly, at this point.' So yeah, it was a lot of fun."

SD teaser:

  • SAnitY debut against The Usos
  • Becky Lynch takes on Billie Kay
  • Is another Mellabration in the works?

Alum abused:

Jillian hall has been getting savaged on social media since news of her relationship with the WWE doctor broke...

''I'm going to get really serious for a minute.. as much as I hate using the word "slut" in any capacity, this post is very necessary right now! The past several days I've received messages, emails, and read some comments that have completely slut shamed me due to information coming out about a prior relationship I was in. Maybe read that last line again! It contains the word "relationship." To those of you that have decided this makes me a bad person, a girl that was trying to get ahead in my life and career, someone that uses people or just a plain "slut," you are the problem with this world! Not really wanting to bring up specifics, but am I really the bad guy here?? I did absolutely nothing wrong myself. If the other party involved did in your eyes or the law's eyes (and that's hypothetical), why am I the one that is being pretty much bullied by some of you? Do you not see what your words can do to people? This is me being real, some of your accusations towards me have given me elevated anxiety, made me feel depressed, and really hurt my feelings. Stop the slut shaming! Think about it, and if you have harsh words or opinions about the situation that you weren't even involved in, direct them where they deserve to be directed... it's not towards me!''

Cena nominated:

John Cena is on the shortlist for this years humanitarian of the year award, which is named after Muhammad Ali.

Sami hurt:

Sami Zayn has a leg injury.

Jeff Hardy talks DWI / damaged relationship with Matt:

"I wrecked my car because I was drinking and driving. And it sucks. Here I am with this great momentum, as far as the Hardy Boyz are back in WWE. I mean, everything's perfect, but it's not." Jeff said, "I'm going to counseling two times a week. I'm going to be alright. I just have to own it and block out all of that negativity, even within my mind. And I'll live with that from here on out. I've got a lot of making up to do and I will.''

Matt responded...

''I didn't talk to him for over 24 hours. I was just very mad. Sometimes, Jeff still worries me. I think as far as, like, pills and drugs, he's all good. But sometimes he can't get out of his own head, really when it's all said and done, he's my brother and I want him to be healthy. And I want him to be safe. And I want him to be good, but I just... maybe this is the thing that helps him get everything in check." 

Dana Brooke:

Raw star Dana tweeted she misses wrestling last night.

Case closed:

John Cena reached an out of court settlement with Ford over his selling a prototype car without the company's permission.

WWE kills ROH show:

MSG will not host an ROH event next year after an intervention from WWE.

WWE release:

WWE have fired Big Cass. They have not offered a reason, but are hot with him, they did not give him the usual well wishes in their announcement of his departure and Vince McMahon traveled to SmackDown today to do it personally. The news comes just days after a big feud with Daniel Bryan ended, and has surprised many, as top officials wanted to push him to the stars. Unlike Enzo though, he has kept his profile on their site, now on the Alum list.


Moustache Mountain won the NXT Tag gold today in the UK.

Nude shoot:

Charlotte is posing nude for ESPN today.

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