Thursday, June 14, 2018


Download difficulty:

Shayna Baszler has discussed the difficulty in working a music festival...

"Yeah, I think you have to work a little bit to show who you are because they don't just know, but that's the stuff I did in MMA, so it's not unfamiliar to me to let people know who I am. It's also interesting because a British crowd is different to an American crowd, so that aspect has been more mind-blowing to me than the fact that it's at a music festival and not a traditional wrestling show."

US vs UK:

ROH have announced an international tournament pitting the best of Britain against the American talent on their books.

Paige robbed:

Paige also had items stolen from the same hotel Rusev was robbed in this week. Rusev has blasted the hotel for blaming him for the loss of money and a camera, He said he had a do not disturb sign on his door, but the hotel cleaners entered his room anyway, and he claims, took his belongings. When he reported the theft the security team blamed him for leaving valuables in his room. Paige was also angry, she was told she was being ''Inconvenient'' when she reported a theft from her room. Rusev was so hot he called the police to file a report against the hotel's staff.

Alum's daughter debuts:

Santino Marella's daughter wrestled her first match this week, for her dad's promotion.

Stone Cold reveals biggest pain of his career:

"I always dug Canada. Like I said, it's a great wrestling place. The biggest problem was crossing over the border and Canada is very strict at the border and they should be. And they go through everything. They makes sure that the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. And when the boys start coming through, due to the fact that a lot of times back in the 80s, early 80s, probably 70s, guys were carrying a lot of stuff over there. There were always stories of The Iron Sheik and how he'd have weed on him or something like that with him and he'd put it in someone else's bag. The precedent had already been set. A lot of times, guys came through and they'd be carrying some stuff. There was this, that, and the other. You can probably guess what it might have been. But that was one of the biggest pains in the ass about going to Canada because you knew you'd get pulled over and you're going to sit in a room for an hour, two, or three. They were going to go through all of your stuff and shake everything out. And 99 times out of 100, they didn't have s--t, but every here and there, someone would have something. That's why they always kept checking the boys when they came into the country, so great on Customs part - they did a very thorough job. But when you're one of the guys and you're just passing through there, and you've got nothing in your bag, and you get pulled over, that's a pain in the ass because you're always on a schedule, trying to hit the gym, you're trying to hit a tanning bed, you're trying for something to eat. You might check into your hotel room. It might be one of those deals where you go straight to the building and you've got a long road trip after that. But that was always a pain in the ass when you had to go pass through Customs on the way there." Austin added, "coming and going across the border was a pain in the ass. Getting the directions in French was not fun. The crowds were always great."

No talent Punk:

A TV host, Joe Rogan, Says CM Punk has no physical talent...

"The whole thing was very weird. Like, right away, when you see CM Punk holding his hands up and moving stiff and throwing kicks, 'oh Jesus.' Like, I don't like that being on pay-per-view. I understand that they are selling pay-per-view cards, but pay-per-view in the UFC should be the elite fighters. It's like you took a dude, no wrestling background, no nothing, and you go, 'alright, this is what I want you to do. This is a jab. This is a right hand. When you throw a kick, I want you to pivot your hips. Go in there and spar. I mean, he just doesn't have the ability to move his body right. There's a lot of guys that you could take out there—track and field guys, or football players, and you could get them to fight better than him in a couple of weeks. Easily. Because they're athletes. They're athletes. They would understand how to shift their weight, throw a punch... he doesn't have any talent. That's all it is. He just doesn't have any physical talent. For whatever reason. Whether it's his approach, his intensity. It's not his coaching. He's with Duke f--kin Roufus. If Duke just grabbed some dude from a gas station that has been drinking beer and smoking cigarettes his whole life, and had him in a fight in six months, how much can you possibly expect?"

Brock buried:

WWE will not confirm any dates for Brock Lesnar, including, what is expected to be his last night, SummerSlam. It is reported he was expecting a call to promote him beating CM Punk's World title reign recently, but the call never came. Vince McMahon is said to be holding off on green lighting his come back to TV.

Rock almost quit:

JJ Dillon says Rock wanted to quit WWE before he even started...

"I was a part of the decision process that ended up hiring The Rock and Mark Henry. I remember one night I think we were at The Garden, The Rock pulled me aside and said, 'I know I can speak openly and honest with you, can you make some phone calls to get me out of here. From all my time in college and in Florida and my time in the business, I always had money in my pocket. Right now I don't have two dollars in my pocket, I feel vulnerable.' In this particular moment you can't begin to imagine what is laying in front of you regarding your success and financial rewards, because you don't have two dollars in your pocket. Because it hasn't yet happened yet, you can't let this moment change you. I told him, 'this is the lowest of lows you'll experience.' I said, 'give me five minutes. put this on hold.' Five minutes later I come back, and I tell him to open up his hand. I put $200, $300, $500, whatever it was in his hand and told him to wrap his hand around it. 'Now put that hand in your pocket, how does that feel to have money again?' This moment right there changed his whole mental outlook and helped him."

Where are AOP?:

Authors Of Pain have not been dropped by WWE. One of the members is having issues with his work visa. They will be back at some point, but WWE are holding off so as not to stifle the pushes Axel and Bo and Dolph and Drew are currently having. Triple H also says he wants to keep their old manager, Paul Ellering, around, but probably not on TV.

Return spoilt:

An angry Chinese promotion have spoilt that James Ellsworth is returning to WWE this weekend. They say he has refused to answer calls to arrange his travel, so decided to get revenge on him pulling out of a historic first inter-gender match in the country, by releasing a statement taking great pleasure in telling everyone he is going back.

Omega on WWE:

WWE are showcasing Kenny Omega on their Network.

Woods wins:

Xavier Woods won $10,000 in a video game tournament this week. He gave it to the WWE charity, Connor's Cure.

Mauro MIA:

Mauro Ranallo will miss NXT Chicago to call a boxing event.


Japanese star Meiko Satomura is reportedly booked for this years MYC.

Indies unite:

75 indie promotions have joined forces to launch an streaming network called Powerslam.

WWE gay drugging your kids:

A hate post accusing WWE of drugging your kids with gay via the New Day cereal has drawn the attention of some of the roster. (Photo).

Hate to challenge this illiterate, racist, delusional mad man's clearly thought out reasoned argument, but... I'd rather be gay, than be you... so... BUY BOOTY O'S!!!

Indie star vs WWE:

An indie star has applied to TM the ring name Sister Abigail. WWE have applied to use it for entertainment purposes, but if the lady in question wins it as her ring name, it could have ramifications on WWE use of the name for Bray Wyatt's gimmick.

Relegate me:

Mike Kanellis says he would welcome dropping into NXT as he wants to work and to wrestle.

Sid says first WWE run was his biggest mistake:

"By the time I got home, WCW has gotten wind of this somehow and now they've offered me $750,000, guaranteed. So I thought, 'F--- Vince McMahon, I'm signing that thing tomorrow morning.' So, this is probably the biggest mistake of my life. I'm leaving, the phone rings and it's Vince McMahon ... he said, 'Are you going to sign that contract?' and I said, 'Yes, I am. I didn't call because I didn't want to put you in the middle and play that middle game. I didn't think it was fair. Mr. McMahon this is more money that I can ever dream of and I'm going to sign the deal.' He says, 'Sid. You're never going to get this opportunity again.' So, I made my mind up to take that chance. And it was a big mistake, I never made that kind of money in WWE. I made $150,000 for WrestleMania. I made good money, I don't think I made $750,000. Still, it was a big mistake, when I look back on it, it was the only real mistake I made in the business."

WWE support:

Shinsuke Nakamura sent the Saudi Arabian football World Cup team a message of support earlier today. They lost 0-5 to host nation, Russia.

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