Saturday, June 23, 2018


MSG live:

Undertaker will wrestle in a 6 man tag at MSG.

Steve Austin recalls worst beating of career:

As receipt for him stiff shotting Brian Pillman on his WWE debut...

"If you will remember, a couple of weeks or a couple of months later, he turned the tides on me. And let me tell you something, mister, as bad and as hard as I was kicking the s--t out of him, he gave it to me and then some. He beat the flying s--t out of me. And I wasn't selling it and I knew I had it coming. And I knew there was going to be a receipt on that ass-whooping. And I didn't know how Brian was going to respond because it was weeks or months later. But when he beat the dog s--t out of me, I mean, that was one of the worst beatings I've ever had in my time in the business and that's a straight up shoot. Brian was kicking the s--t out of me. And on a note, when I was finished kicking the s--t out of Brian, they pulled him out of there. I think they put him on a damn gurney or something and carried him off and they took him to the opposite side of the arena. I went back to the dressing room. They took him and put him in an ambulance. I actually asked all of the agents, I said, 'hey man,' I said, 'is he okay?' because that's how bad I was beating him and that's how stiff I was on that beating." Austin added, "anytime I got a chance to do business with Brian, it was a good time, but it was very competitive. And, by the same token, be beat the flying s--t out of me when he wore my ass out and that's the bottom line."

Jimmy Jacobs talks life after WWE:

"I feel great. These past eight months of my career have been by far the most fun I've ever had. Going to WWE and working there in the capacity that I did was a blessing. It was great to be there, but that being said it's great to not be working there any more. I spent so long on the independent wrestling scene, but sometimes it's like the cliche goes 'you don't know what you have until it's gone.' I'm very excited to be working in Impact Wrestling and using some of the things I picked up in my last job to help out here."

NXT wedding:

Montez Ford and Bianca BelAir are getting married this weekend.

Young Book:

Young Bucks have completed their children's book. It will be released in a limited edition.

Retirement ends:

Konnan has confirmed he is getting back in the ring after 5 years away.

WWE indie party:

WWE are planning on a celebration of indie wrestling next year. They are considering hosting a major indie show, featuring their partners from around the world, but no active rostered talent. They will likely wait and see what Cody's show does before committing.

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