Thursday, June 7, 2018


WWE man in brothers film:

Dolph Ziggler has starred in his brothers short film 'Daddy's Home.''

ROH vs Impact:

The Jackyl is teasing an Impact vs ROH feud on the Jeri-Cruise.

Punk vs WWE:

CM Punk has accused WWE of trying to ruin his next UFC fight with the timing of the court case, and of hoping to bleed him dry, he spent big $ on his legal defense, but says he does not think he will counter sue vs the WWE doc to get the money back...

"I don't think it's my style. I don't know know what I'm going to do. This whole experience has taught me a lot... I'm on the fence. Money is just paper, but that was my life's work. I do think it was intentionally done to bleed me of money. It's over, and there's a big part of me like, it's over. Just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you. That's how negative that situation is, and I don't want anything to do with it. I just want to be over here and be happy, so I'll probably just stay over here and be happy."

Wrestlers kids were in house when Rockin' Rebel killed himself and their mum:

Shane Douglas has revealed Rockin' Rebel's children were upstairs in bed at the time of their parents death, and found the bodies...

"It is such a crazy story and not to just throw a cliché out there but this just proves that with all the insane stories that we've heard about in professional wrestling that there is always something crazier coming down the road somewhere. I knew Chuck and I've known him for two decades and he and I always got along although Chuck and anyone that knows him knows what I am talking about, he wasn't the king of guy who would let his hair down with you. If you were talking about subject A, he would say a few things about subject A and was on his way and he was like an overly intense guy. He'd scream about a parking spot type of thing. I didn't read any of the Facebook posts and I didn't know his wife but my condolences to the family and obviously the children. That is the biggest heartbreak of this thing to me is that the kids were in the house allegedly from what I am reading online that the kids were in the house at the time that this happened. Can you image if you hear a couple of shots and you find your mother and your father just laying there dead? I can't think of anything more horrible for a child. No kid should have to witness something like that let alone the loss of their mother at the hands of their father. "It just nauseates me if you think about it that there is a woman dead that lived in fear and understandably so and the kids having aside from what they witnessed at the house and I had read something from one of the neighbors that there was a lot of stuff and language being used, imagine the kids seeing this on a day-to-day basis and seeing this yelling and screaming, that is not healthy for a child. This on top of it is just a really tragic situation and that goes without saying it. My condolences go out to the families, to his wife and especially the kids. Whoever is listening and if anybody is listening out there from the family please make sure those kids see some professionals to get that dealt with because that is obviously going to leave a deep scar on the kids. I don't know the circumstances or anything but if you are planning on killing somebody, please send the kids to the neighbor's house for the night and for God's sake do something. The whole thing is so nauseating and sickening."

Legend joins WWE:

WWE have hired UK legend Johnny Saint to run their UK brand.

WWE interested:

WWE have expressed interest in the signing of Eli Drake, but he may be reluctant, due to his bad experience in NXT.

Universal title:

Brock Lesnar will drop the Universal title, by, at the latest, SummerSlam. He will then move away from WWE, according to SI.


Jeff Hardy is hurt again. He has numbness in his fingers because of a trapped nerve. Mandrews is out of the Download festival with an elbow injury.

New signing:

Sky Sports say WWE have signed Scottish rugby star Luke Menzies.

Bret vs WWE:

Bret says WWE need to change...

"I think I was a better storyteller than any of the wrestlers they've got today. I watched Wrestlemania this year and there's no drama anymore. They do some amazing stuff, there are some incredible athletes, but people don't know how to tell a story. Wrestling has it's flows, it will change again as people get tired of the 'phoney' wrestling, I watched my match with Davey Boy at Wembley with some journalists in a bar and they almost bought into it like it was real. The fact that fans reacted so strongly to those two British Wrestlers shows you it might be going back in the other direction."

Colt reveals full details of lawsuit:

Colt Cabana says the WWE doctor wanted $30 - $40 million in damages, $7.7 million for libel, $4 million for streams of the podcast, and the rest was for punitive damage to his reputation and potential damage to his career.

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