Friday, June 8, 2018


WWE promote Kenny Omega fight:

WWE are promoting a video game battle between their own Xavier Woods and NJPW star Kenny Omega.

Kane talks politics:

On advice from Vince McMahon...

"Vince is one of the first people that I talked to because we have a good personal relationship, and I needed his support just as a friend. ... Vince has got a vision. From the very beginning. And you just can't discount that. And that's why I think so many organizations fail, is their leader doesn't have a vision of where he's going to go. And Vince has always had that. He has that pigheaded determination. And all that stuff has helped me with my business and, really, in my personal life."

On joining Rock's presidential bid...

"You ain't never going to see a Kane part of that, I'll tell you that right now."

Hawkins talks losing streak:

"I really have embraced it. I think that's what's made it work the way it has. Live Events, we have a little more creative freedom and I do some more fun things. I've done a lot of fun things, just laying down on my back to sucker guys in for things, and moments like that that I feel like the crowd can get into and I get into and it winds up being a lot of fun. The bottom line is that the streak lets fans care about me winning or losing, whereas before when I was just Curt Hawkins and there was no streak, they didn't care as much. Now I feel like when I'm out there people genuinely care if I win or lose or not, you know?"

Relationship breakdown:

Brie Bella says John Cena and Nikki Bella have still not repaired their broken relationship, despite many reports to the contrary.


The main of this years SummerSlam has leaked, and will see Roman Reigns finally take a win over Brock Lesnar, ending his record title reign and WWE career.

Enzo Amore:

Enzo Amore has released another track...

Alum reveals last day bust up in WWE:

Wade Barrett says he had a huge argument on his last day with WWE after refusing to sign a 3 year contract to stay...

"I went into the building that day and I knew I was kind of tying up loose ends at this point and there was this one big issue that I'd kind of been banging heads with talent relations about for a long time and it kind of came to a head there that day. So we get there at 2 o'clock or whatever it is, and around about three or four o'clock I'm having this big kind of blow up with talent relations there, which looking back it was all really silly, but we have this blow up, I get really angry, they get really angry. I'm not on the show anyway, so at that point, I'm like, 'do you know what? I'm just going to grab my bags and go home. I'm done.' So this is me basically leaving WWE, so it was obviously a really stressful moment. I was angry, I was mad, this, that, and the other. I grabbed my bags, I went straight to my car, slammed my bags in the car, started the engine up, and started driving up the ramp, and in my head, I'm still angry about the blowup we'd just had. All I'm thinking about is, 'wow, that's me done with WWE! I'm finished! That's it! Here today.' And it was pretty crazy considering I spent the majority of my life thinking about working there, and how great it was, and stuff. So as I'm heading up the ramp, all I see is the top of the tunnel to the outside and I'm thinking, 'as soon as I'm over there, that's freedom!' And theres a bunch of fans there and stuff. So I get to the top of the ramp and just as I'm about to burst out into freedom, and light, and this whole new world that might be ahead of me, a car pulls across in front of me and stops me in my tracks. I'm like, 'who the f--k is this?' I look up and it's Jericho and he is turning up at the building at four. And I've got a face like thunder and I look at him, we lock eyes Jericho flip me the bird, and kept driving down the tunnel, that was my big goodbye to the WWE, getting flipped off by the guy who brought me in storyline-wise and sent me off into the sunset. Looking back that actually makes me laugh."

CM blasts HOF'er:

Asked about Donald Trump...

"Number one, I would not be invited. Number two, no I would not go. If David Duke invites me over for tacos, I'm not going to David Duke's house. "Come on, I call it like I see it. A racist is a racist. I don't care if you're at the White House, or you live down the street from me, I'm not hanging out with you."

TNA to LU:

Jessie Godderz has signed with Lucha Underground.

Impact deal:

Impact have secured a new TV deal in Mexico.

Alum booked:

Damien Sandow is writing a travel book about America's little known hidden gems.

Demolition deleted:

Ax has accused WWE of trying to delete his iconic team...

"New Day's reign was done to try to eliminate Demolition. But we have no control over that or the Hall of Fame. Perhaps they'll ask, perhaps they won't, but we're not going to lose sleep over it. I'm almost certain it's because of the lawsuit. It could happen, it might not happen, but Barry and I know that the fans know that Demolition should be in the Hall of Fame. We have the satisfaction of knowing we should be in there, and the fans tell us that every time we go out to sign."

Haku talks his reputation for bad-assery:

"Some people that I beat up, but that was how it was in those days. Some town, guys had a few drinks and they think they can beat you up, but they have no idea, but you know, pro wrestlers are the toughest people in that time of the 80's. You always protected the business. You were always taught to protect the business, but look at how it is now. There was a time for everything. Things changed from how they were in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's to how things are today. We can't control it, it's just part of life and the journey that we have in life."

WWE sign everybody:

WWE have signed 12 of ITV's WOS roster to tryout deals, which is a new contract specifically created to stop ITV using them, and does not mean they will be used by WWE. One other UK star stayed loyal to the British channel though, Chris Brookes refused an offer of the same type.

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