Saturday, June 16, 2018


Nikki says Cena called off wedding first:

"Calling the wedding off three weeks before to the man of your dreams. We have called it off twice. The first time, he didn't want kids and I thought I could sacrifice that and it was our engagement party, and I was just kind of out of it. Everyone noticed it, even the film crew noticed it, like 'There's something off with her.' ... He called it off the first time because he still didn't want kids and he's like 'You should go and find someone to have kids with.' We're very mature, we're best friends. So, we had called it off, he came back to me a few weeks later and he was like 'You know what, I don't want to lose you, I want kids.' I just jumped back into it, not even thinking. And then as we got closer to the wedding I realized there were so many more issues that we needed to figure out. It was just getting to the point where I was breaking. I was like, 'I shouldn't feel like this going into my marriage, when I say those vows I want to mean them.' ... It was like three weeks out, we had all these people, wedding dress, maid of honor, dresses. Not to mention I had an E! wedding special, an hour special, like crew and everything. That's why when people say 'It's fake.' Don't you think about the other side of it, like ratings and the money that's been spent"

Former team in real heat:

Enzo Amore is no longer friends with Big Cass because he (Enzo) injured him...

"Me and him don't talk. We haven't. Not since Brooklyn. But, I don't have any ill feelings, like dude it was one of those deals in that time where I was like, I said, 'you can forgive somebody, but you'll never forget it.' And, I just looked at the situation that we were in, bro. We had the number one f--king ratings draw of the year in 2017 by breaking up, and then the hottest storyline going into SummerSlam and then it died off and then the Big Show got involved, and then they had their match where I was locked up in them bars and s--t. But the next night was our blow-off. So [we do] the blow-off, and I know I'm going to 205 Live, I've known that for months. I was the one who pitched it. I was coupling my music with a live tour with 205 Live, that was the pitch. So, I know that I'm going to 205 Live the next day, me and him are done with our feud, and basically, I'm in the ring [in] Brooklyn, the payoff is I get this f--kin chair in my hands. You tear your ACL in our business. I mean, Triple H tore his quad and sat in a Sharpshooter. Stone Cold took a piledriver and was paralyzed in the ugliest school boy in the history of the f--king business. I've been picked and thrown down the ramp, have a sciatic issue from f--king sensitivity class from prison... I let you pick me up and throw me over your head and throw me out of the f--kin ring. I made you look like the biggest beast there ever was because I was more invested in you as a human and a wrestler and doing business with you in the future than anyone else, right? We can make money down the line for 10, 20 years in that business. And in the moment when I pick up a f--kin chair in Brooklyn, and they're going apes--t f--kin buck wild, you were all out of the ring and quit on live f--kin TV in the most awkward moment ever. And we to the backstage bro, and you know people talk. You know how the business is. If I'm Vince McMahon, and I gonna invest — look, you have WrestleMania, main event. We expect you to go out there [and have a] half hour, 45-minute match. You tear your ACL in the first five minutes. They have to know you're gonna stick it out. That's the business we're f--kin in. And in that moment, I like, and it was immature at the time, but not really, because it was the first time in my life in wrestling where I ever went, 'bro. I can't forgive you for this.' Like, I've let people kill me for the past five years. I've taken the heat in every one of our matches, every f--kin bump. And I get this chair in my hand, and you're standing up, and you can't take a chair shot? We're pros, dude. This is what we f--kin do. You catch the chair on the fly, and DDT me on it. Match over. Whatever we have to do as pros in the moment to finish the match. That was where I stood, and we haven't talked since."

He also says he has no ill will to WWE and shot down stories of Neville walking away from WWE because he refused to lose to him, saying Neville is his best friend.

Guerrero wants tribute:

Vickie Guerrero has called on WWE to launch a tournament in Eddie Guerrero's name...

"I always dream about that. Me and the girls we always talk about If Eddie could be relived they'd have a tournament someway, but it never is too late am hoping that if WWE is watching or listening am hoping that, we'd love to see Eddie have his own tournament named."

Supershow announced:

WWE have announced their biggest international show. Undertaker vs Triple H will headline the event in Australia at the iconic cricket ground the MCG, which can host over 100,000 people, on October 6.


NXT are hosting their Chicago Takeover special tonight, live on the WWE Network.

Return coming:

Mike says Maria Kanellis is ready to return to TV when WWE want her back, after she gave birth to their first child.


The Rock has started work on a sequel to 'Jumanji'.

Angry fans:

WWE fans complained about a women's match and an appearance by Braun Strowman not happening at a live last night.

Police investigating WWE theft:

Police have confirmed they are investigating thefts at the WWE hotel last week, and named their chief suspect as Portia Williams, a member of the cleaning team, who was seen on CCTV entering the room of Rusev and Lana.

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