Sunday, June 10, 2018


Punk beaten:

CM Punk made a better showing of himself, lasting all 3 rounds, but lost again in the octagon on a unanimous points decision. He was taken to hospital after the fight with a facial injury.

Rousey to HOF:

UFC will induct Ronda Rousey into their Hall Of Fame, they have announced.

Enzo returning:

Enzo Amore has signed for the next House Of Glory show, his first wrestling appearance since being released by WWE amid a rape accusation.

Heat on Graves:

Corey Graves has been getting heat for attacking CM Punk's ''Betrayal'' of wrestling during his fight last night...

''Maybe abandoning everybody who stood by your side, even when we weren’t supposed to, only to have you turn your back on us wasn’t the right move after all? No anger. Only sadness. The first rule of “punk rock” is loyalty, and this guy betrayed it all. I still love you, “friend” and I’m sorry you got lost. Don’t worry, hey Vince McMahon this has nothing to do with you. You either Triple H This isn’t corporate. This is real life. Calm down internerds.''

He then responded to fans attacks on his comments...

''Awww. Seems the “fans” are disappointed. Maybe you guys should know that “That Dude” held my first son before I did because I was on tour and I trusted him. I had dinner with him the week after he quit. My loyalty? Oh, would you like the BEFORE? Or AFTER? I’ve got both. I mean, one can only be shit on by their “best friend” for so long before they smarten up, no? But it’s cool. I’m sure you love Kenny Omega. And you know more about this business and friendship than I do. Dude, I’m far from distraught. I’m in a good place. I’m just really bummed that I had a true friend turn his back on me for no other reason than the company that employs me.''

He told another fan he had no fear of CM and would happily fight him.

Festival injury:

Nixon Newell may have re-injured her recently repaired knee injury at Download today.

Hogan ready to return:

Hulk Hogan says his talks to return to WWE are moving at a quick pace...

"Things are moving in that direction quite quickly. It's all about execution and timing and the right place and the right time but things are good."


Chris Jericho says Vince McMahon is put out that he went back to NJPW...

"Well, when I told him about the first NJPW match, he was up for it. Then when I told him I was going to do more, nothing really negative, still very supportive, but I think now it's a bit of a slight - not an issue - but it's another company out there and I know for a fact he takes every company very seriously. Chris Jericho is a part of WWE ... and what's going on with New Japan right now with all of the subscriptions increasing with NJPW World and all of that. I still think everything's cool, but I feel if my involvement with New Japan continues I might get a call one of these days. Until then, I still enjoy doing this because it is different."

King reveals Vince practised being a heel in his Memphis promotion...

"The one thing I can't remember is I think that I had one of our Memphis Championship belts up there with me and I think it was Vince's idea to make an interview and promo holding the belt talking about how he was sending the WWE talent down. I think it was his first opportunity to become a heel and to talk down to the fans because in the past all Vince had ever done was the commentary in WWE and talk about the product and talk good to the fans. But when he was defending the WWE against the Memphis territory, it was his first opportunity to be a heel and I think he fell in love with it. He volunteered to come down and he sat ringside during one of the matches and wound up tripping me and had Pat Patterson as his bodyguard and I honestly belive that was the genesis for the heel Mr. McMahon, who I think and still in my mind is the best heel but during the Attitude Era with Stone Cold Steve Austin and the stuff with The Rock, I think he is the best heel that has ever been in the WWE."

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