Wednesday, February 7, 2018


WWE surgery:

Jason Jordan has had the neck surgery WWE recommended yesterday, despite his wife's protestations. WWE's doctor said of the operation...

"He had an injury to a disc in his neck which resulted in significant pain that was refractory to all conservative measures. It was decided to do a minimally invasive operation to decompress the nerve, to allow it to heal."

TNA to 205:

Mark Andrews will join 205 next week for a title tournament match.

SD top 10:

The first SmackDown top 10 is...

  1. AJ Styles
  2. Charlotte Flair
  3. Shinsuke Nakamura
  4. Naomi
  5. Bobby Roode
  6. New Day
  7. Usos
  8. Becky Lynch
  9. Randy Orton
  10. Tye Dillinger


AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn will headline the next blue show.

James Ellsworth talks first to call after release:

"Carmella called me right away, literally. Maybe a minute-and-a-half after I got off the phone with Carrano, I'm sitting in the basement of my house, I haven't even told anybody. I'm sitting there and I'm, like, balling, and I'm like, 'what the hell?' The phone rings and it's her. I'm like, 'she must know. Crap.' And she was like, 'James, oh my God, I can't believe this. I'm so sorry. I hope you're okay?', like, just being the sweet girl that she is and I was like, 'I'll be alright.' I was like, 'I was okay before WWE. I'll be okay after it.' I said, 'it hurts. It stings. But it's life. Life's not fair sometimes and I get that.' And she stayed on the phone with me until I was ready to get off. That's how very cool of a person she is. And we text almost every day."


Bubba Ray has named his preferred inductor...

''I would have every fan who was in the ECW Arena in Feb. ‘97 who saw me and Devon hit our first 3D induct us.' 'But since it’s WWEHOF, I think it would make sense for either Heyman, E&C or Hardys.''

Lita reveals meaning of ring gear:

"On January 28, I was fortunate enough to have been included in the first ever Women's Royal Rumble match. Historically, it was tough to have the women even represented at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, much less have equal representation and be the main event. With only a few days notice between when I was asked to participate and the match itself, I had to wonder: As much as I wanted to be a part of history, could I pull this off?? After all, I hadn't been in the ring in a decade, and while my full-time tenure at WWE sowed the seeds for the current Women's Evolution (led by a roster of kick-ass women), I knew this historic event was going to be much bigger than myself and my own contributions to the industry. A big factor in deciding to go for it was the position I was now in to represent women everywhere. First, to all the women in professional wrestling. Women who passed away before they were able to their contributions as a rung on this ladder. I wanted to step in the ring for these performers who came before me and sacrificed so much of their lives for their millions of fans. But this evolution is bigger than even them. I wanted to be an entrant in this match for all women who have felt underrepresented, in all aspects of their lives. That is why, when I stepped through the curtain, I wore my #TimesUp gear. Watching these women step forward, hearing their #MeToo stories, as difficult as they are to share, has brought strength and unity to women who previously felt alone, ashamed or scared. This is so much bigger than one match. Everyone has their own journey and their own way to heal. I am still figuring out mine, but am so proud of all of you who have been able to come forward and join together for the sake of the evolution, and the re-education that this is not right. Women should not be discriminated against, and I support you in whatever makes you feel like you are doing the right thing for you. Taking legal action is only one of those ways, but it also happens to be one of the ways where our support can do the most good. Which is why 100% of the proceeds of this auction is being donated to the #TimesUp Legal Defense Fund to honor the strength of ALL women. I support you, and applaud your courage and your healing, in whatever way is best for you. Thanks for reading, Amy."

Andre tribute:

WWE plan on making this years Andre The Giant battle royal the biggest and highest profiled ever. An HBO documentary is coming out this year, and WWE hope to create ties with the channel by allowing them footage of the bout. 2 of the 4 hosting's of the match haven't made it onto the card, this years will be, will have many top stars, and will be in a prominent spot on the card.


John Cena has written a book. He is also offering to appear at high school dances and has a show dedicated to his fans in the works.

Vince steps aside:

Vince McMahon has removed himself from 205 Live. The show will now be run by Triple H.

WWE star finds loaded gun:

Shelton Benjamin found a loaded gun in the glove compartment of his rental car today. He wasn't happy and tweeted to call out the rental company.

Sting talks dream match:

"The Undertaker. Now do I regret not leaving? That's actually a good question, but a tough one to answer. On one side, it's easy to say, 'Yeah, I wish I would have gone earlier.' On the other hand, I really don't have any regrets. But my dream match for more than a decade, or maybe two decades, was to have a good match against 'Taker. I always wanted to have that."

WWE book:

WWE have announced a new cook book is in the works.

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