Sunday, February 4, 2018


WWE landmark:

WWE have hit 10 million followers on Twitter.

NXT star reveals personal live event:

Bianca Belair wrestled an NXT event in her high school gym this weekend. She said to her local paper, before the show...

"One, because the building that we're actually going to be wrestling in is the same exact building that I graduated high school in, so it brings back ... a lot of memories just being in that building, and it's just going to be a good time to actually go home and be able to wrestle in front of my family because a lot of them have actually never seen me wrestle before, and it's going to be a big homecoming event that I'm really excited about."

MMC failing:

WWE are upset with the lack of interest in their Facebook live show, viewing figures have worsened every week.

WWE hate UFC star:

Chael Sonnen claims WWE are mad at him for refusing a spot in the WrestleMania 32 battle royal...

"I kind of pissed those guys off. I was asked to be a contestant in a battle royal and I wasn't against it, but I just couldn't get the date. I actually worked hard and I tried to clear it. I tried to do it but WWE thought I blew them off. I haven't really heard back.''

Final goal hit:

Gail Kim had already announced her retirement with Impact, but harboured one last ambition before hanging them up. She wanted to wrestle her last match in the UK. She achieved that final goal this weekend.


All Japan have announced a new streaming service is in the works. Price per month will be $8 - $9.

Brother Love recalls strange creative request:

"He had pitched it to everybody around Vince McMahon except Vince McMahon so Vince knew what Goldust was going to pitch him and he had already heard it. He had heard it from me; he had heard it from Vince Russo; he had heard it from Jim Ross. There was no way in hell that Vince McMahon was going to allow him to do this. He didn't want him to do it. We had jumped the shark so many times on this gimmick that this was something that wasn't going to happen. Dustin Rhodes felt that this is the only thing that can revive his career. He really wanted to get breast implants. Get Double D's and stuff, but thank God Vince McMahon talked him out of it."

NXT star walks away?:

Lars Sullivan was scheduled to be the next challenger for the NXT title, but he hasn't been turning up at the PC, nor did he appear for the last set of TV's, where he was scheduled to win the right to the title match. Another competitor has earned the bout instead.

Book blames Graves for losing Raw job:

"If I got Corey Graves into a fisticuffs, I would beat him down like he stole something. I would be whoopin' his ass all day long. My thing is this, I'm a nice guy, until you get on my bad side. Corey Graves, I wouldn't necessarily say he's on my bad side right now, but he's the reason that I'm not on Monday Night Raw right now. Lot of people in the company thought I was going to jump on him. I was gonna do something bad to him. I was gonna drag him. I was gonna take him out to the woodshed. I was gonna beat that man so bad that he was going to say 'Please, please, just don't beat me anymore.' That's how hot I was getting, that's how close I was getting. So, they said 'Hey, Book, step back a second, alright? We're gonna regroup, press the rewind button. We're gonna send you back to the Kickoff show, SmackDown and Monday Night Raw PPVs and cool ya down for a second. Because we don't want you to do anything to Corey Graves.' If I catch Corey Graves on the street, I'm gonna do something to him. I ain't gonna do it at the office or the airport, but if I catch Corey Graves on the street, you see that little bouffant hairdo he got? I'm gonna rearrange it for him."

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