Saturday, February 10, 2018


Alum joins ROH:

Emma made her ROH debut last night. She hopes to become the company's first female champion.


Rey Mysterio appeared on NJPW last night to challenge Jushin Liger for their next US tour, he agreed, the match is set for next month.

Batista takes city to woodshed:

Batista has attacked the local government in Tampa over a gate he wants installing at his home...

''What the hell do I have to do to get you to approve a GD gate? Its been 7 months of waiting on permits,spending thousands and thousands of dollars on surveys,dealing with inspectors with sh%%tty attitudes, jumping through hoops,etc. Wtf do I have to do?! Its a gate! Seriously! I mean I realize your busy with beer festivals and bbq but I’d really love to build a gate! 7 months, thousands and thousands of dollars on surveys and permits,rude inspectors, one thing after another after another! It’s a gate for God’s sake! Sup guys? Any movement on your end? No. Ok I’ll check back with ya tomorrow. Ive been given the run around for months so another day/month wont kill me. In the meantime I’ll schedule another appointment to make an appointment to be inspected for another inspection.''

Impact chief still hurt by Hardyz dispute:

"If you look at it, the idea of a wrestling company owning the intellectual property wasn't really to profit from it, but owning the I.P.—if a person leaves they can't use that name or wear that outfit people recognize. We want a collaborative environment where people can feel like they're creating something... and if the time comes where you go separate ways, you both get to walk away knowing you have some ownership of something you created. Mike Hutter gets to go out and play the character he helped create. It's better for him, better for wrestling, and better for us—we have a library full of amazing EC3 content."

WWE firing was best thing to happen:

Drew McIntyre says his release from WWE made him a better wrestler...

"I applied everything I learned and traveled across the world, became the busiest wrestler on the entire planet. I built my brand and during that time I grew up a lot, as a man, but I also learned a lot as a professional – how to be a main event guy, how to conduct myself in every possible way and apply everything I'd learned in WWE. And by the time ICW got to the level it got to, everywhere I went to got to a level that it didn't need me anymore to keep growing. Everyone was ready, all the roster was ready, the company was ready and it was time for me to return home. So it was perfect timing and the perfect opportunity. And then I became NXT champion so it really worked out."

Top star out of Mania:

Samoa Joe has been pulled from all events up to and including WrestleMania.


Miz is now second only to Pedro Morales on the all time great list as IC champion.

WWE star locked in:

Carmella got locked into her hotel room in a ''Freak occurrence'' last night. She documented her struggle on social media. The hotel eventually managed to pry the door open and free her.

Corgan reveals heat on Magnus:

"I sat in many TNA meetings where Nick's name came up and people in the company openly buried him. And you would say this guy is in his prime - both as a performer and as a talent - and it was always about his attitude. People didn't want to work with him."

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