Friday, February 23, 2018


Real world heat on Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt has been accused of spending his child support payments on extravagant gifts for JoJo, the woman he allegedly cheated on his wife with.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns was allegedly banned for using drugs from his jailed alleged dealer in 2016. Reigns claims he does not buy from him, nor does he know him. The dealer says 15 active WWE stars were clients of his, but he has only named Roman because he was upset that he denies knowing him.

Racist incident at NXT:

Kairi Sane was subjected to racially orientated taunts at a live in Florida this week. Fans chanted ''Happy Ending'' and ''Pearl Harbour'' throughout her match. Fans in attendance have demanded WWE act and ban the instigators.

WWE called out:

WWE have been criticised for not publicising drugs fails for NXT and developmental talent in the way they do with active stars.

New Impact star turned down WWE:

Brian Cage says WWE wanted him to attend their next tryout camp, but he opted out...

"They asked if I wanted to come through for the next tryouts and I said that we will see what would happen. Since then, I haven't been to a tryout since. Am I willing to go back? I'm not begging to go back, but it would have to be where the opportunity would be perfect for me to go back. Right now, my life is great, my life is awesome, and there is no need for me to go back. I wouldn't say that I would never go back, but if it doesn't ever end up happening, I am okay with that."

Wrestler turns down ROH for WWE:

Lo Shirai has refused to enter the ROH Women's title tournament because she still hopes WWE change their minds and come back in for her. They pulled a contract offer after finding health issues during her medical with them last year.

Rousey back in training:

Ronda Rousey is back from Columbia and is training at the PC.


Bianca Belair appeared to suffer a neck injury at last nights NXT live. She was rushed to the back by medics.

Mojo reveals NFL player got him WWE job:

He says his friend Rob Gronkowski's father is friends with IRS...

"They knew how much of a fan I was, and made the phone calls. That was it. The rest was history... I left the NFL to come here, and I couldn't be happier about it."

Rosa returns:

Rosa Mendes says she plans to get back in the ring next week.

Elimination Chamber:

Miztourage vs Club will kick off this weekends red PPV.

Impact in trouble:

Impact wrestlers have claimed they have not been getting paid by the company since as far back as November, and have been told they won't be until April. Management have released a statement denying their claims and added that they have changed how they pay cheques. They now pay for a months work at the end of the following month. So last months appearances will be paid this month.

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