Sunday, February 11, 2018


Alum returns to ring:

Kaitlyn wrestled her first match since leaving WWE 4 years ago last night, she won.

Feud squashed:

Booker T and Corey Graves have confirmed their online feud was a prank on Michael Cole, who fell for it completely.

Hurricane talks Rumble return:

"That reaction kind of caught me off guard. I had never worn that cape in WWE. That cape is kind of inspired by Randy Savage. I have it hooked to my wrist so that I have a full wing span. I planned to spin around in a full circle and let everybody see the whole cape and everything, but I couldn't hear my music anymore. I heard 'Stand back,' and the crowd was so loud that I couldn't hear my music. I thought they cut it off. In my mind, if they cut it off, that means I have to get my ass in the ring. So that's why I cut my entrance short."

Billy shares Bart road story:

"I've heard so many stories of him cleaning places out. I've seen him clean out one club in Orlando and I think it was like 15 guys till he get a bottle stuck in his side, he already whooped 10 guys. He looked down and goes, 'oh, where did that come from?' Like, he's that guy!"

He also revealed he told the office not to put him into the Brawl For All, but they didn't listen...

"Of course, they did want Dr. Death to win. And I told JR from the get-go, 'don't put Bart in it.' I told him from the start. I said, 'don't put him in it because he's going to crush everybody,' when they were putting that all together and he was in, I just started laughing. And, of course, JR, and I love JR to death, this was a Steve Williams thing, just because he was just coming into the business and he had that reputation, but I just think he was just in too deep."

Pete Gas recalls two legit beatings he took in WWE:

From Hardcore Holly...

"I did a signing over the summer time and it was myself, Kevin Thorne and Bob Holly and we did the signing and we go to leave, I put the books I didn't sell in the car and go in to say goodbye. Bob grabs my wrist and he goes 'You are one tough son of a b---h.' He said, ' I don't know if you know this, but we used to say would try and break you guys and who would make you moan, we hit you with everything we had and we get backstage and you're laughing, I couldn't break you and I got my balls busted by JBL.' There was a whole crew of guys who used to try break us and he said to me that day I earned his respect."

From Kane...

"We would be playing and one of the stories in the book I talk about one game. Every time Kane threw a domino in this specific game I would score points off him and Taker was getting on at him, and we are getting close and he looks at me and said if you score on me again I will chase you and beat your ass. He puts it down and Taker knows so finally I slammed it and said 'Domino Mother F-er!' and he chased me and he wouldn't stop and he caught me and pounded me. That's the part you miss the most."

WWE vs Impact:

Apollo Crews wrestled Moose for PCW in the UK this weekend.

WWE spoil main:

WWE posted a graphic on their site showing Finn Balor on the Elimination Chamber main event page today. It was quickly removed.

Hogan wants return:

Hulk Hogan has confirmed he wants to return to WWE...

"A lot of the wrestlers I stay in contact with, I have a lot of friends up there. A lot of people in the office, they all know who I am. For me, I'd love to change that last story that was told with the Hulk Hogan career. I'd love to get back in the fold, get back on the inside and correct a lot of stuff. It has to be the perfect timing for both sides. We're all on good terms, we're all working towards the same goal. Hopefully, I'll be able to be back with my wrestling family some day soon."

Flair needs op:

Ric Flair says he needs more surgery, but not until the summer.


For the second time this week a WWE star has called out US air security officials, this time Mick Foley...

''Hello TSA - even though the yellow patch was on my lower back, the agent went up my inner thigh and pressed the back of his hands firmly against my boys. Standard operating procedure? as a Delta MillionMiler who (with ONE exception) has been patted down before EVERY one of my flights in the past year I DO KNOW what to expect. Today’s agent was FAR more exploratory of my inner thighs/scrotum than any agent in the past. Not uncomfortable. Degrading.''

Enzo Amore:

Enzo Amore's rape accuser has been released from a mental facility after, she claims, attempting to kill herself over heat on social media since she went public. She also says she has multiple personality disorder.

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