Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Valentine's Day... bummer!!!

Shane pulled:

WWE have cancelled Shane McMahon's craziest matches DVD.


Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin have both advanced to the World title match at the next blue brand special. It is now a 5 way match.

Nattie takes over:

Natalya read the morning weather report in California today.

Hall Of Fame:

WWE officials were talking about what may be seen as a shock addition to this years HOF class at the TV's this week. Jeff Jarrett, who recently went through a period of WWE sponsored rehab. He has had success with the promotion, at one time being the most decorated IC champ in history, but has had lingering heat there too, so it would be a strange one if it were to come to pass.

NXT promotion:

Former NXT Tag champ Buddy Murphy is stepping up to 205 next week for a Cruiser title tourney match.

Legends talk WWE gagging talent:

Steve Austin and Chris Jericho have talked how tough it is to get a good interview with an active WWE star...


"Most of the times when WWE comes through town, some of the guys or girls give me a head's up to let me know they're coming through, people from our business, it's like if they're currently in the system employed, well, Jericho is kind of a free agent, but someone that's in the trenches, well, Big Show, who I talked to on the Stone Cold Podcast, he'll straight up tell you, 'I ain't being booked worth a s--t!' and get away with it. Yeah, but you can't do that with everybody."


"You've got to watch what you say at all times because they're watching you even when you don't think they are. They'll find out. The boss will find out. I often wonder… It's not even wondering - I'm sure it happens. He probably gets a report every day. 'Here's the social media report, here's the Twitter report, here's the podcast report. This person said this' or 'that person said that.'"

Mania to murder:

Former WWE star Billy Jack Haynes has come out with a shocking claim. The wrestler that made his name with a match at WrestleMania 3 claims that just months after being a part of what was the biggest event in wrestling he was witness to one of America's most brutal unsolved murders. School boys Kevin Ives and Don Henry were stabbed to death and had their bodies dumped on a train track, where they were horribly mutilated by a mile long train running over the corpses, destroying any chance police had of finding clues in the case, in August 1987. The case has gone on to be known as the boys on the track mystery. Now, more than 30 years later, the former grappler has made public what he had already told the family of one of the boys, he says putting his own life at risk by doing so. He claims he was there when the boys were killed, along with a local politician, police officers and business men. He did not say who committed the act. He claimed he was there acting as muscle for the politician, who was on a drug buying run, and was worried about his own safety. It seems the two youngsters, who were illegally hunting in the woods, stumbled over them, and they were silenced. You can read more on the case here and here is Billy Jack telling his story...

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley says charity commitments will keep him from attending Mania this year.

John Cena vs Ford:

Car company Ford have made good on a promise to take legal action vs John Cena over him selling a prototype car he had bought from them on condition he did not re-sell for 24 months. He claims he did nothing wrong and wants the case throwing out.

Top star signs big money deal:

Dolph Ziggler has signed a new two year deal with WWE worth $3 million over the length of the contract.

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