Saturday, February 24, 2018


Old boy in movie:

Shad Gaspard did stunt work and appears an an uncredited actor in 'Black Panther' which is in cinemas now.

Trish talks Paige's status:

"It's a shame, but it goes with the territory, right? It is something that we go in and there is a risk that we take, and you put your body on the line every night. That is why it is so amazing to me. Only a handful of people do what we do and only a handful of people can do what we do because you think of these people out there, we go out there willing to risk injury to entertain you guys, it's pretty crazy. When it happens it happens. It is unfortunate, but it goes with the territory though. You have to be aware of that as a superstar going in. Hopefully WWE will utilize Paige in other ways now. It's just, to have someone so passionate about the business and so in love with the business, I don't know what to say, I kind of want to hug her now."

Foxy ready:

Alicia Fox says she is ready to return to action after an injury.

Wrestler recalls slapping reporter:

Dr. D has blamed Vince McMahon for time he slapped a real world reporter...

"I did what I was told to do. Vince McMahon told me to blast him and tear his ass up and to stay in character and be Dr. D. When I went out that door I did not know who John Stossel was. I made John Stossel nobody knew who John Stossel was and after that night and that TV show and after all the whining and crying this guy did, crying like a baby he goes on Barbara Walters saying he beat me up. But John Stossel last year on a TV show said his injuries were neurosomatic. That means that after he got his money he didn't hurt anymore. On his deposition he said he had permanent ear damage and the doctors at Madison Square Garden didn't see damage on his ears at all. I didn't touch his ears and if you slow down the tapes you will see that I did not touch his ears. He complained and whined and went to his brother and his brother was one of the doctors that checked him and his brother said he had permanent ear damage and he will always have it. Do you think that your brother is going to lie for you? I do. So the commission doctors didn't know what they were talking about when they said he had no damage? People just haven't read the whole story and they haven't dug deep enough. Vince McMahon paid him $425,000 without asking me anything, without going to court and John Stossel never sued me. That is a misconception because I was never arrested for anything or was charged with anything, Vince McMahon was. Vince McMahon than comes back and sues me for the $425,000 he gave this little wimp and now I have to fight Vince McMahon who is a well known billionaire and I just want to tell everybody out not fight a billionaire unless you are a billionaire."

Foley on TV:

Mick Foley's daughter, Noelle, was on 'Fear Factor' this week.

Uso's talk split:

Jimmy Uso says he does not think about splitting from Jey, but would like to wrestle him, in the future...

"I don't know man, never really thought about it. As far as going singles, it really hasn't crossed my mind, because we have so much more left to do in the tag division. The Usos have so much more to give. People haven't seen all of us. ... Another dream match would be me vs. my brother at WrestleMania. I grew up watching Bret vs Owen in a cage match, and they beat the living hell out of each other. I thought it was really cool, what they did. And they've been doing that all their lives. That's the same way I see us whenever we get the chance for that to happen. But as far as a singles run right now, we're just concentrating on the tag division."

Old boy hurt:

Trent Baretta tore his triceps last week for working PWG.

Alum goes vegan:

Eva Marie has declared herself vegan after successfully managing to change her diet for the first month of the year.

Justin Credible:

Film-makers have released a tease of a new documentary on the WWE old boy Justin Credible...


Raven has asked his followers to stop asking him about WWEHOF induction, because he believes it will never happen.

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