Thursday, February 8, 2018


WWE star wants movie role:

Becky Lynch has expressed her desire to play the lead in a movie adaptation of Disney channel cartoon 'Kim Possible'.

Alum's to debut:

Darren Young will work his first match outside of WWE on March 9. James Ellsworth will wrestle Emma in his first match since his release on March 30.

Rock landmark:

The Rock has hit 100 million followers across his social media profiles. He is 9th most popular in the world, 2nd most popular male and the only person over 40 to achieve the figures.

Punk's return:

CM Punk is set to be a part of UFC 225 in Chicago. His opponent is penciled in to be Mike Jackson.

Rockstar recognised:

Drake Maverick, formerly Rockstar Spud, has been given his official WWE profile.

King talks difficult Rumble:

"I had no list. I went into this thing so unprepared I honestly felt like they may have forgotten they called me to be at the Royal Rumble. I mean, I talked to some people, but nobody in charge. I didn't speak to anybody in charge all day. I had finished the pre-show and had headed up to the Gorilla position when the Royal Rumble started, because as you know the Men's Royal Rumble was on the third match, so I went and changed into my old King coat and crown and all of this stuff. I had went up there and started standing around and then the show started. Vince McMahon saw me and got up and shook my hand to ask me how I was and then he went and sat back down. Michael Cole was already out there. I just felt weird because we were getting closer to the time of the Royal Rumble but nobody told me anything. Then, I finally had gone to Billy Kidman because he's the one who kind of runs the time of the show because the Royal Rumble was about to start and then they run a package. I went over to him to ask if I was supposed to be out there already and he looked over at the sheet and said, 'Oh no; you are going to have your music and entrance.' I let out a big sigh of relief. Then, little bit after that I went out. I hadn't talked to anybody; I hadn't talked to Michael Cole or Corey Graves about what to do or say about the show. I had no clue about anything on the order that was going to happen."

Stephanie McMahon:

WWE want to use the planned Ronda Rousey debut feud to elevate Stephanie McMahon's profile outside of WWE.

Johnny Gargano:

Johnny Gargano has put his NXT career on the line for another shot at the brands title.


Shane McMahon has added a new body to the main event of the next blue show. The winner of Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin will get it, to complete a fatal four way.


Serena Deeb has started work as a coach at the WWE PC.

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