Thursday, February 22, 2018


Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has signed up to appear on YouTube star Anwar Jibawi's channel.

Wade Barrett vs WWE:

Wade Barrett has hit out at WWE for mis-using talent...

"They misuse a lot of guys, there's a lot of guys you could do more with but at the end of the day they pick the guys they want to go with and go with them. I don't think they purposely sabotage, I think there are limited spots to be at the top of the card or the highlighted guys - there are probably seven or eight guys where it's like, 'Ok these are our main guys going forward for the next six to twelve months' and they need to be the guys getting the biggest reactions, being involved in the biggest storylines and stuff like that. So if there's a guy who is getting bigger reactions than them, then I think there is an attempt to, I'm sure, make that reaction transfer on to the guys they are going with - the guys they want to push. There are just a limited number of spots, that's the issue. You can't have everyone in those spots. Neville for sure is in my top three opponents of all-time. When I saw my name against him, it was almost like I knew I could go asleep during that match because everything he does is amazing. I think a lot of people look at Neville think, 'Oh he's that high-flying guy who does all the flips', but literally everything he does, from even the most basic stuff, locking up, tying up, the way he moves around the ring; the way he reacts to anything I do to him and sells my stuff is always incredible, so, he's one of the best in-ring guys ever."


Evil will not be able to defend his NJPW Tag title at the next big show due to a fractured orbital bone.

NXT star leaves:

Johnny Gargano lost his loser leaves town match last night.

Why NXT stars missed historic Rumble:

Billie Kay and Peyton Royce were strongly backed for spots in the women's Royal Rumble, but neither took part. The reason they have been out of the ring since before Christmas is now reportedly known. They have both allegedly had breast augmentation surgery, which would mean no physical stuff for 6 - 8 weeks.


Triple H arranged Double J's induction after being approached by mutual friends Hall & Nash. There is talk he may join up with NXT in some role after his induction.

WWE racism:

Roman Reigns has discussed WWE and race...

"I think I'm a great example of that. I'm a multi-racial man. I don't think it has anything to do with your color or your background. It's the man that you are and what you stand for, and obviously the performer that you are. That's one thing that Vince deeply wants to be embedded in his guys, in his superstars, that they're good people. That's one thing he's always told me from the beginning is, "I don't care if you're the greatest wrestler in the world. I don't care if you're the most charismatic talker in the world, but I do care if you're a good person and I think that's all that matters." When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what you look like, how big you are, what color your skin is or hair or eyes, if you're a good person, you're a good person."

NXT star blasts indies:

Velveteen Dream does not like indie stars taking spots in NXT...

''I'm beyond irritated by the Indy guys coming into NXT, taking up spots, living out their dreams, pretending to be actual talent. Or as WE put it "Superstars" I'm homegrown talent and I breed success on my own terms. Reactions Prove It. Facts are Facts if any one under contract has issue with it "The Dream" is easy to find.''

EC ticket worries:

Elimination Chamber tickets have sold so poorly that the venue are giving people that buy a ticket for this weekends show an extra ticket for free.

WWE Mania ban:

WWE have banned piledrivers and blood for this years Mania. This is due to state regulations following a recent incident at an indie. Any talent that wish to compete will also have to buy a $25 license from the local government.

Renee upset:

Renee Young says she was upset with WWE for axing 'Talking Smack' last summer, and that she found out on social media...

"I was really upset to lose Talking Smack. Also, working with Bryan was great. That was such an unknown thing for me when we got paired up to do that. It was mostly with Daniel Bryan, sometimes with Shane, but working with Bryan, he is super talented at everything he does. Having him in that host role, who knew how incredible he would be at that? He was such a great co-host with that and also had that, 'I don't give a s**t' attitude, which just made the show so much better," Young said. "One of my strengths is reacting to some of the ridiculous things they would say and he is going off the rails and I would just egg him along. Being able to have stuff like having The Miz on there and having people create their own spotlights. Taking that situation and spinning it to where it was going to work for them. It was a fun collaborative process and allowing people to take that safety net away and see what they come up with. It was really cool. We were definitely bringing stuff along, creating new moments. Even at Raw 25, Miz would walk out and stare Bryan in the face, all of that stems from their Talking Smack."

Rousey inducted:

Ronda Rousey will be inducted into the sports HOF next month.

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