Saturday, February 17, 2018


Orton in heat online:

Randy Orton has waded into the guns vs religion argument that has sprung up in the wake of a school shooting in Florida this week, which took 17 lives, one of whom was a family member of X-Pac. Anti gun campaigners and victims of the attack have called for more controls on guns, while defenders of the American right to own them have offered thoughts and prayers to the dead and their loved ones. This has caused a lot of offence to those that want tighter regulation, as they point out thoughts and prayers cannot stop bullets. Randy Orton aired his views, and is on the side of the gun, which led to him getting involved in some heated arguments with fans on social media. It started when he shared a graphic which read...

''Dear God, why do you allow so much violence in our schools? signed a concerned student.

Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools. God.''

This led to endless posts from people on both sides of the argument, he furthered his point in reply to one person mocking the religious reference...

''(Thoughts and prayers) would help. But what really needs to be done is every school have cameras in classrooms and an armed guard former special forces somebody who can put a bullet between the kids eyes before so many lives are lost. If these kids are told to huddle together in a group on the floor when an intruder comes and shoots up their school, shouldn't they be able to pray with each other too?''

From there the heat went nuclear, with people asking where they were going to be able to find enough people to sit in every class room in the country, how you can think or pray a bullet away, why he wouldn't accept that getting rid of the guns might be an option, and how it is so ordinary in America that he just assumed that this is going to happen again, along with lots of name calling and emotive debate from his followers.


Paige is opening a new clothing store for her Saraya brand in Anaheim, California.

Heat on Road Dogg:

Someone found a seven year old tweet that Road Dogg made calling Billy Gunn gay on Twitter, forcing the WWE Alum to make an apology and delete the offending post.

NJPW stars on TV show:

NJPW will send two of their wrestlers to take part in 'Ultimate Ninja' this year.

WWE for sale:

Stephanie McMahon has confirmed her family have considered selling the promotion...

"We've certainly thought about it. It would be foolish not to."

PPV schedule reworked:

WWE have confirmed all PPV events post Mania will be dual branded. They have also cut two events, Payback and Battleground, from the calendar.


Mark Henry says Hulk Hogan needs to apologise before he comes back into the WWE family...

"I think after an apology to all of the existing African-American talent that he would-- we're a forgiving world."

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