Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Alum blasts WWE:

Tazz was not happy with WWE's handling of Ronda Rousey this week...

"They take the most credible female they have in the history of the WWE, and second impression of her, and they made her look bad already. She should have went after Stephanie like she wanted to kill her. I'm talking about legitimate police officers there holding her back, two or three or them, something. A couple of the boys, somebody. Someone needed to stop her. Stephanie should have been terrified of her. Absolutely freakin terrified of her. But instead, Stephanie got in her face and apologized. When the girl, Ronda, demanded an apology, Stephanie had to get the upper hand and look down at her and say, 'I'm sorry.' That sucked! That sucked. Build the girl and get her over. She's legit! She's legit. What WWE did, sucked. Sucked!"


John Cena has become the sixth man added to the main event of Fastlane.

Mania Reyturn:

Rey Mysterio will finalise a deal to work at WrestleMania, reportedly vs John Cena, this week. According to one source WWE were going to start the Cena vs Taker angles on Raw this week but were informed, on the day, by the dead man that he did not intend to work at this years event. Cena was asked who he wanted instead and picked either Samoa Joe or Rey. Joe's status is still not known, which lead them to invite Rey to last nights TV taping to present him with the offer. He was there.

Other sources claim no knowledge of the Taker call, but if he did not say he wants a year off Cena going elsewhere raises questions of his role. There are a couple of options, Braun is short of a dance partner after a swap in the IC angle (Although there is talk he and Elias will be figured into some kind of multi man gimmick match), he could be an option, HOF isn't complete yet, but that of course would likely be the full stop on his career, so let's hope it's not that. Another match vs his brother Kane, maybe?

D'Von talks failed return:

D'Von Dudley has talked about the last run he had in WWE, and why it ended early...

"Number one, Bubba Ray Dudley wanted to go and explore other avenues, which is what he is doing now, and it was one of those things where I still wanted to be part of the company. I still had the urge but he wanted to explore other avenues, which is what ended up happening. I cannot knock him for wanting to do other things; life is too short so you have to do what you want to do. Life is too short to do what others want you to do, and I give him a lot of credit. Let it be known that I didn't retire because I was hurt, or that I couldn't do it. D-Von can still go; I can still jump on the top turnbuckle and jump on the table, so if WWE ever wants me to get back in the ring I can do it."

Controversial guest:

Colin Cowherd, who regularly attacks WWE and wrestling in general, was a backstage guest at SD last night. Old boy Shad Gaspard was there too.

Paige starts new job:

Paige has launched her clothing store, with help from some of her colleagues past and present.

UFC getting their man:

Dana White commented on his recent meeting with Brock Lesnar today. He said the chances of him going back are...

"They're very, very, very good."


WWE are hopeful Jeff Hardy can be cleared in time for Mania and are starting  to work on an angle for him in case he is. WWE might be taking Matt and Bray's feud to his compound next.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Stephanie talks being bullied:

"I was bullied for being Vince McMahon's daughter, you know. People either loved me just because I was Vince McMahon's daughter, or they hated me just because I was Vince McMahon's daughter. It used to bother me a lot that people would treat me a certain way without knowing who I was, you know. I always felt like, if you got to know me and you don't like me, that's fine, but at least get to know me, you know? I talked to my dad a lot about that when I was a kid, and he said, 'Steph, look. It's a fact of life. Not everybody's going to like you, but as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror, and look yourself in the eyes and know that you're a good person, that's all that matters.'… that lesson my dad taught me was something I'll never forget and that I try to pass to my kids… they're going to have to deal with something I never had to, which is social media."

Fan incident:

A fan was arrested at Elimination Chamber for fighting in the crowd, the incident was reportedly alcohol fueled.

Unwarranted heat on Lana:

Lana made a tweet criticising TV show 'The Walking Dead' for being predictable on social media. She made the comment after the first women's chamber match and some fans took it as her mocking the WWE creative team.


John Cena publicly challenged Undertaker to a match at Mania this year, but then revealed WWE told him the match will not happen. Kurt Angle is looking more and more likely to be Ronda Rousey's tag partner as he continues to be embroiled in her debut angles and Miz's opponent may be changed from Braun to a triple threat against Seth Rollins and Finn Balor. Speculation is BAR will have new challengers for their gold, either a non main roster team or an outside of WWE pairing has been teased, but a multi team match is also still on the table.

No show:

Brock Lesnar was scripted and scheduled to be at Raw last night, but he did not appear. Roman addressed his no show on camera, saying something happened and he had gone. No word if this is kayfabe or something happened backstage, but he was flown in for Elimination Chamber and the fall out Raw and appeared at neither. He did though have a secret meeting with UFC boss Dana White.

WWE have only released a kayfabe response to his non appearance, saying Paul Heyman refused to comment on Brock's whereabouts.

SD teaser:

  • John Cena comes to SmackDown LIVE looking for a WrestleMania opportunity
  • Naomi steps up to answer Ruby Riott's challenge
  • Sami Zayn battles Baron Corbin ahead of WWE Fastlane Fatal 5-Way
  • The Usos and The New Day renew their rivalry ahead of WWE Fastlane

Warrior Award:

Here is the induction VT for this years Warrior Award winner...

Rey at WWE:

Rey Mysterio was at the SD live tour show last night.

He also recalled his 2014 Rumble reaction...

"I go back and think about that day. At the time of things happening like that moment, you don't think right off the top of your head, but I wish I would thought what I thought after the event, after watching it over and after hearing the reaction from the fans, I would have literally came back after hearing the reaction from the fans because I know that Daniel Bryan was backstage, I would have grabbed him and told him to come out and take my number. I would have walked backstage and given him my number and would have told him to take my spot, but unfortunately it didn't happen. The fans were pissed because they wanted to see someone else. The boos weren't directed at me, but wanted to see Daniel Bryan."

Alum reunion:

CM Punk and Wade Barrett have been named as co-hosts of a new Netflix show.

Angle nixed:

Asuka was scripted to pick her opponent for Mania last night, but WWE scrapped it. They want to wait until after Fastlane to make the announcement.


Rock has been nominated for a best actor award for his role in 'Jumanji', by a children's TV network.

Monday, February 26, 2018


New star:

Ronda Rousey has been added to the WWE roster after signing her deal yesterday.

Elimination Chamber:


  1. The Club bt Miztourage (Pre)
  2. Alexa Bliss won the Elimination Chamber
  3. BAR bt Titus Worldwide
  4. Asuka bt Nia Jax
  5. Matt Hardy bt Bray Wyatt
  6. Roman Reigns won the Elimination Chamber


  • Ronda Rousey put HHH through a table.

WrestleMania 34:

The Universal title match at WrestleMania is now confirmed to be Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns.

Brock to UFC:

Brock Lesnar had a secret meeting with UFC boss Dana White in Las Vegas last night.

Heat on Paige:

Paige was on WWE TV last night, but she had clearly had a telling off. During an interview on the pre show she kept her hands, newly adorned with her less than PG tat, buried beneath the desk the whole time.

Darren Young talks WWE locker room support to coming out:

"When I came out publicly, I think it was summertime around the time of SummerSlam. And this was when SummerSlam was being hosted at the Staples Center. The summer I came out, CM Punk had a match with Brock Lesnar. And right after his match with Brock Lesnar, in catering, he was all iced up from head to toe, and he approached me in catering in front of everybody, and he told me to stand up. I stood up and he gave me a hug. And he said, 'I'm very proud of you for coming out and being so courageous. If you have any problem with anyone in the locker room because of this, you let me know and I will take care of this.' And he said this to me in front of everyone in catering. I was shocked! Here he just finished his match with Brock Lesnar and him coming up to me and showing me love was very moving to me."

Similar promises were made to him by Randy Orton and Big Show.

Hall Of Fame:

Jarrius Robertson has been named as the fourth Warrior Award winner.

Raw tease:

  • Roman Reigns to come face-to-face with Brock Lesnar
  • Will Asuka challenge Alexa Bliss at WrestleMania?
  • What will happen if Ronda Rousey shows up on Raw tonight?
  • Is John Cena going to WrestleMania?
  • Are Bayley and Sasha Banks still friends?

Kane is backstage, and may appear.

Fan incident:

Laurel Van Ness was targeted by a fan at a show in Canada over the weekend. He taunted her with sexually aggressive language as well as demanding she take off her top. She was so angered she confronted him in the concessions area during a break, during this confrontation he went from being a sexual bully to a physical one. He threatened to punch her multiple times and also said he would get the Hell's Angels biker gang to kill her, before leaving the building.

LU debut:

Lucha Underground started taping series 4 over the weekend. Jack Swagger and Sami Callihan, both ex of WWE debuted.


WWE have announced a new Hindi language broadcast of their content.

Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake has had a new set of teeth installed.

Jericho signs Alum:

Chris Jericho has signed X-Pac to his new podcast network.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Biggest gamble:

Vince McMahon will discuss the risk he took creating WrestleMania in 1985 on the Network. Here is a tease...

Network's birthday:

The WWE Network is 4 years old.

HOF'er ill:

Greg The Hammer Valentine has had to withdraw from appearances in Canada after becoming violently ill.

Elimination Chamber:

Tonight is Raw's special PPV. The event will include the first female chamber match. Ronda Rousey is also at the event to officially sign her WWE contract.

Heat on Paige:

Paige has gotten a new, less than PG tattoo (Photo). This will very likely upset the office.

Club happy:

Luke Gallows has shot down reports the club are in unsettled with WWE...

"Those rumors are completely false. It is just internet mumbo-jumbo. Karl Anderson and I are incredibly happy working in WWE and for the WWE Universe. Obviously, WWE is the pinnacle of sports entertainment, as you see with all the outside media outlets garnering towards WrestleMania season, which is the biggest extravaganza in our business, which is something Karl and I want to be in. We want to be in the RAW tag team title picture. It's just what is in our plans coming up in the near future."

Kanellis landmark:

Mike Kanellis says he and Maria are moving into their first house together...

''In 2012, after an independent show, I watched Maria cry herself to sleep, because we literally had no money to eat, couldn’t even order a pizza. On Wednesday we move into our new house, our first house. Never stop dreaming, never give up, trust the process!''

Diva reunion:

A group of WWE female Alum's reunited to support Candice Michelle's charity last night.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Old boy in movie:

Shad Gaspard did stunt work and appears an an uncredited actor in 'Black Panther' which is in cinemas now.

Trish talks Paige's status:

"It's a shame, but it goes with the territory, right? It is something that we go in and there is a risk that we take, and you put your body on the line every night. That is why it is so amazing to me. Only a handful of people do what we do and only a handful of people can do what we do because you think of these people out there, we go out there willing to risk injury to entertain you guys, it's pretty crazy. When it happens it happens. It is unfortunate, but it goes with the territory though. You have to be aware of that as a superstar going in. Hopefully WWE will utilize Paige in other ways now. It's just, to have someone so passionate about the business and so in love with the business, I don't know what to say, I kind of want to hug her now."

Foxy ready:

Alicia Fox says she is ready to return to action after an injury.

Wrestler recalls slapping reporter:

Dr. D has blamed Vince McMahon for time he slapped a real world reporter...

"I did what I was told to do. Vince McMahon told me to blast him and tear his ass up and to stay in character and be Dr. D. When I went out that door I did not know who John Stossel was. I made John Stossel nobody knew who John Stossel was and after that night and that TV show and after all the whining and crying this guy did, crying like a baby he goes on Barbara Walters saying he beat me up. But John Stossel last year on a TV show said his injuries were neurosomatic. That means that after he got his money he didn't hurt anymore. On his deposition he said he had permanent ear damage and the doctors at Madison Square Garden didn't see damage on his ears at all. I didn't touch his ears and if you slow down the tapes you will see that I did not touch his ears. He complained and whined and went to his brother and his brother was one of the doctors that checked him and his brother said he had permanent ear damage and he will always have it. Do you think that your brother is going to lie for you? I do. So the commission doctors didn't know what they were talking about when they said he had no damage? People just haven't read the whole story and they haven't dug deep enough. Vince McMahon paid him $425,000 without asking me anything, without going to court and John Stossel never sued me. That is a misconception because I was never arrested for anything or was charged with anything, Vince McMahon was. Vince McMahon than comes back and sues me for the $425,000 he gave this little wimp and now I have to fight Vince McMahon who is a well known billionaire and I just want to tell everybody out not fight a billionaire unless you are a billionaire."

Foley on TV:

Mick Foley's daughter, Noelle, was on 'Fear Factor' this week.

Uso's talk split:

Jimmy Uso says he does not think about splitting from Jey, but would like to wrestle him, in the future...

"I don't know man, never really thought about it. As far as going singles, it really hasn't crossed my mind, because we have so much more left to do in the tag division. The Usos have so much more to give. People haven't seen all of us. ... Another dream match would be me vs. my brother at WrestleMania. I grew up watching Bret vs Owen in a cage match, and they beat the living hell out of each other. I thought it was really cool, what they did. And they've been doing that all their lives. That's the same way I see us whenever we get the chance for that to happen. But as far as a singles run right now, we're just concentrating on the tag division."

Old boy hurt:

Trent Baretta tore his triceps last week for working PWG.

Alum goes vegan:

Eva Marie has declared herself vegan after successfully managing to change her diet for the first month of the year.

Justin Credible:

Film-makers have released a tease of a new documentary on the WWE old boy Justin Credible...


Raven has asked his followers to stop asking him about WWEHOF induction, because he believes it will never happen.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Real world heat on Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt has been accused of spending his child support payments on extravagant gifts for JoJo, the woman he allegedly cheated on his wife with.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns was allegedly banned for using drugs from his jailed alleged dealer in 2016. Reigns claims he does not buy from him, nor does he know him. The dealer says 15 active WWE stars were clients of his, but he has only named Roman because he was upset that he denies knowing him.

Racist incident at NXT:

Kairi Sane was subjected to racially orientated taunts at a live in Florida this week. Fans chanted ''Happy Ending'' and ''Pearl Harbour'' throughout her match. Fans in attendance have demanded WWE act and ban the instigators.

WWE called out:

WWE have been criticised for not publicising drugs fails for NXT and developmental talent in the way they do with active stars.

New Impact star turned down WWE:

Brian Cage says WWE wanted him to attend their next tryout camp, but he opted out...

"They asked if I wanted to come through for the next tryouts and I said that we will see what would happen. Since then, I haven't been to a tryout since. Am I willing to go back? I'm not begging to go back, but it would have to be where the opportunity would be perfect for me to go back. Right now, my life is great, my life is awesome, and there is no need for me to go back. I wouldn't say that I would never go back, but if it doesn't ever end up happening, I am okay with that."

Wrestler turns down ROH for WWE:

Lo Shirai has refused to enter the ROH Women's title tournament because she still hopes WWE change their minds and come back in for her. They pulled a contract offer after finding health issues during her medical with them last year.

Rousey back in training:

Ronda Rousey is back from Columbia and is training at the PC.


Bianca Belair appeared to suffer a neck injury at last nights NXT live. She was rushed to the back by medics.

Mojo reveals NFL player got him WWE job:

He says his friend Rob Gronkowski's father is friends with IRS...

"They knew how much of a fan I was, and made the phone calls. That was it. The rest was history... I left the NFL to come here, and I couldn't be happier about it."

Rosa returns:

Rosa Mendes says she plans to get back in the ring next week.

Elimination Chamber:

Miztourage vs Club will kick off this weekends red PPV.

Impact in trouble:

Impact wrestlers have claimed they have not been getting paid by the company since as far back as November, and have been told they won't be until April. Management have released a statement denying their claims and added that they have changed how they pay cheques. They now pay for a months work at the end of the following month. So last months appearances will be paid this month.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has signed up to appear on YouTube star Anwar Jibawi's channel.

Wade Barrett vs WWE:

Wade Barrett has hit out at WWE for mis-using talent...

"They misuse a lot of guys, there's a lot of guys you could do more with but at the end of the day they pick the guys they want to go with and go with them. I don't think they purposely sabotage, I think there are limited spots to be at the top of the card or the highlighted guys - there are probably seven or eight guys where it's like, 'Ok these are our main guys going forward for the next six to twelve months' and they need to be the guys getting the biggest reactions, being involved in the biggest storylines and stuff like that. So if there's a guy who is getting bigger reactions than them, then I think there is an attempt to, I'm sure, make that reaction transfer on to the guys they are going with - the guys they want to push. There are just a limited number of spots, that's the issue. You can't have everyone in those spots. Neville for sure is in my top three opponents of all-time. When I saw my name against him, it was almost like I knew I could go asleep during that match because everything he does is amazing. I think a lot of people look at Neville think, 'Oh he's that high-flying guy who does all the flips', but literally everything he does, from even the most basic stuff, locking up, tying up, the way he moves around the ring; the way he reacts to anything I do to him and sells my stuff is always incredible, so, he's one of the best in-ring guys ever."


Evil will not be able to defend his NJPW Tag title at the next big show due to a fractured orbital bone.

NXT star leaves:

Johnny Gargano lost his loser leaves town match last night.

Why NXT stars missed historic Rumble:

Billie Kay and Peyton Royce were strongly backed for spots in the women's Royal Rumble, but neither took part. The reason they have been out of the ring since before Christmas is now reportedly known. They have both allegedly had breast augmentation surgery, which would mean no physical stuff for 6 - 8 weeks.


Triple H arranged Double J's induction after being approached by mutual friends Hall & Nash. There is talk he may join up with NXT in some role after his induction.

WWE racism:

Roman Reigns has discussed WWE and race...

"I think I'm a great example of that. I'm a multi-racial man. I don't think it has anything to do with your color or your background. It's the man that you are and what you stand for, and obviously the performer that you are. That's one thing that Vince deeply wants to be embedded in his guys, in his superstars, that they're good people. That's one thing he's always told me from the beginning is, "I don't care if you're the greatest wrestler in the world. I don't care if you're the most charismatic talker in the world, but I do care if you're a good person and I think that's all that matters." When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what you look like, how big you are, what color your skin is or hair or eyes, if you're a good person, you're a good person."

NXT star blasts indies:

Velveteen Dream does not like indie stars taking spots in NXT...

''I'm beyond irritated by the Indy guys coming into NXT, taking up spots, living out their dreams, pretending to be actual talent. Or as WE put it "Superstars" I'm homegrown talent and I breed success on my own terms. Reactions Prove It. Facts are Facts if any one under contract has issue with it "The Dream" is easy to find.''

EC ticket worries:

Elimination Chamber tickets have sold so poorly that the venue are giving people that buy a ticket for this weekends show an extra ticket for free.

WWE Mania ban:

WWE have banned piledrivers and blood for this years Mania. This is due to state regulations following a recent incident at an indie. Any talent that wish to compete will also have to buy a $25 license from the local government.

Renee upset:

Renee Young says she was upset with WWE for axing 'Talking Smack' last summer, and that she found out on social media...

"I was really upset to lose Talking Smack. Also, working with Bryan was great. That was such an unknown thing for me when we got paired up to do that. It was mostly with Daniel Bryan, sometimes with Shane, but working with Bryan, he is super talented at everything he does. Having him in that host role, who knew how incredible he would be at that? He was such a great co-host with that and also had that, 'I don't give a s**t' attitude, which just made the show so much better," Young said. "One of my strengths is reacting to some of the ridiculous things they would say and he is going off the rails and I would just egg him along. Being able to have stuff like having The Miz on there and having people create their own spotlights. Taking that situation and spinning it to where it was going to work for them. It was a fun collaborative process and allowing people to take that safety net away and see what they come up with. It was really cool. We were definitely bringing stuff along, creating new moments. Even at Raw 25, Miz would walk out and stare Bryan in the face, all of that stems from their Talking Smack."

Rousey inducted:

Ronda Rousey will be inducted into the sports HOF next month.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018



New Day have won a shot at the blue tag gold,  Randy Orton will challenge Bobby Roode for the US and Charlotte will give Ruby Riott a chance at the blue Women's.


Dalton Castle vs Jay Lethal will headline this years ROH 16th anniversary show next month.

WWE pull talent:

Wolfgang has been pulled from a Elite booking by WWE.

Come to WWE:

Luke Gallows has told Young Bucks they owe it to themselves to sign for WWE...

"I hope the Young Bucks come in. I think they're highly, highly talented and if you want to make your mark in sports entertainment, if you want your name to go down in the annals of sports entertainment history, you absolutely have to come to WWE. This is the pinnacle. It doesn't get bigger than this. There's no bigger worldwide stage than WWE. So I think the Young Bucks owe it to themselves to come out here and thrive."

LU is back:

LU will start taping their 4th series this weekend.


Kenny Omega has joined Chris Jericho's debut sailing of his rock n wrestling cruise.

**Emma Chambers**

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


ROH go live:

The ROH streaming service is now up and running.

WWE tribute:

WWE held a period of silent reflection in memory of victims of a Florida school shooting before Raw last night.

Rollins record:

Seth Rollins ring time of 1 hour and 5 minutes on last nights Raw is the longest single match performance in Raw history.

Elimination Chamber:

Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt has been added to the card as has BAR vs Titus Worldwide for the red Tag.

Hall Of Fame:

Here is Double J Jeff Jarrett's induction VT...

New title:

James Ellsworth has revealed a new intergender championship he is offering to defend against any woman on the indie scene.

Online feud:

WWE and NXT stars went at it on Twitter last night, and claws were retracted. Bianca Belair of NXT was unhappy that Mandy Rose ripped off her trademark hair flip offensive move, and tweeted her to let her know it. Mandy called her move fake, which lit a fire under the NXT star. She pointed out that Mandy had plenty fake about her, and they went at it. Other stars then got involved to defend Rose, including Paige who advised the new girl to know her place and Goldust who called her irrelevant, said he did not know who she was, spelled her name wrong and then called her a tool. One of NXT's other stars had seen enough by this point. Montez Ford put Goldust on blast for his dis-respect of his colleague and the NXT roster and called him out, telling him he would leave word at the PC for him to be allowed in so he could come and back his words up in person. Goldust then backed down and tried to pour cold water on the heat saying he meant it all in fun, and asked him to cool down.

Million Dollor comeback:

Ted DiBiase Jr is ready to come back to WWE. He was announcing his film on his HOF father is now available to own via I-Tunes when he made less than subtle references to his wrestling future. He said he had unfinished business and his legacy was not yet fully written.

WWE star available:

Alicia Fox says she is back on the market after a recent split from her partner.. (Can I just say hi, and how ya doin'?).

Actor vs WWE:

Terry Crews says WWE stole his name for Apollo Crews and called them out on Twitter. Embarrassingly for him some fans have a better memory than him and shared a post he made when WWE named him after the actor, which I seem to remember them saying was an influence at the time, of him wishing Apollo well and telling him to represent the name in style.

Rey still talking:

Rey Mysterio is still talking to WWE about a return.

New book:

Sabu is working on his biography.

Monday, February 19, 2018


WWE artist reveals fan:

The official WWE artist has revealed a WWE star likes watching him do his work...

"While I'm in the back painting, I feel this presence behind me. I don't see or hear anything. It's just like a sixth sense. I feel it. I turn around, and it's Brock Lesnar watching me paint. It turns out Brock is actually a bit of an art fan and just wanted to watch me paint while he was preparing for his match. He went out and just destroyed Seth Rollins."

Raw teaser:

  • The seven Superstars who will compete in the Men's Elimination Chamber Match to face off in a huge Gauntlet Match
  • What will Braun Strowman break next?
  • The Women's Elimination Chamber Match participants will square off in a Six-Woman Tag Team Match
  • Nia Jax brutalizes best friends en route to Asuka
  • Are The Revival closing in on the Raw Tag Team Championships?

Alexa bites back:

Alexa Bliss has unveiled a new WWE barbie style doll today. She posted a picture with this message for a former teacher she had...

''When I was 5 I said when I grew up I wanted to be a Barbie Doll ... here’s to my teacher who said I couldn’t.''

Survivor Series:

Tickets for this years Survivor Series go on sale on March 16.

Dealer vs Roman:

A drug dealer that claims Roman Reigns as one of his clients has revealed how he gets away with it...

"Depending on individuals' professions, let's give an example, basketball players, football players, wrestlers, or even regular public figures and celebrities, they all go through constant scrutiny from their followers, and even undergo rigorous testing to search constantly in their bodies. Hence why, they take people like me, and others very well to secure that they know these procedures, and ensure that they pass them with flying colors. So often times, people might take shorter estures like a suspension-based product so it could be out of their system prior to being tested."

He also revealed messages he claims were between he and Reigns, where he was ordering a supply from him, which included items not meant for human consumption.

Hall Of Fame:

Jeff Jarrett will be confirmed for the WWE HOF tonight.

WWE hope for international record:

WWE are in talks to host an event at the MCG cricket ground in Australia later this year. If they can make it happen it would break the 26 year record held by Wembley for Summerslam '92.

Changing of the guard:

Word from backstage in WWE is Triple H is starting to assemble his team ready to take over the running of WWE from Vince McMahon. He and Stephanie have already started to take responsibility for talent contracts, including the signing of Ronda Rousey.

Legend retiring:

Great Muta is having double knee replacement surgery, and says his ring future will be decided after the op.

Emma talks Emmalina:

"I wish I had more to say. I don't know, I guess there was an idea to it and then they kind of realized along the way that it wasn't for me at all. I am not a Diva. I am not like that at all, and I just want to wrestle so I think they realized that along the way and said that let's just have her become Emma, to be herself and be able to bring that back around. I'm comfortable doing Emma. In real life I am a bit of a smart-ass, a bit sarcastic, I like to have fun and joke around, but I also love to wrestle, so I believe it was a combination of everything and it just came out in that character; just move out of the way and let me wrestle."

School shooting causes name change:

WWE have dropped Apollo Crews' surname. The shooter in a recent gun attack on a Florida school, which took 17 lives, including a member of X-Pac's family, shared the name, although with a different spelling.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


WWE want NFL star:

WWE have expressed interest in signing Rob Gronkowski, the NFL player that interrupted this years Mania battle royal, to an active deal. He is currently considering his future in NFL.

TNA star assaults police:

Jenna Morasca was found unconscious in a car late last month. Police were called to help after she became aggressive with emergency medics. They too felt her wrath, with one being bitten on the arm. She was found to have syringes in a zip-loc bag and opiod's in her system.

Mickie James recalls historic match:

"The Women's Rumble, every single woman that came in had a special moment, and when they came in it meant something. It was a blessing. To see us all backstage in Gorilla, the women were all back there cheering each other on before she goes out there. It was such a feel-good moment. If I wasn't so in the zone I would have been brought to tears at the amount of love given to every woman going out there," she said. "For all the love for the business and each other; respect and admiration. I was blessed to be out there with all 30 women. We made history together and it will be a moment where we all live in those history books together with, so it will be a special moment that we will always share together. I have goosebumps just thinking about it. If you watch my face, I was hoping and praying that the people will remember and react and give us a little bit of love, and the way that they erupted the way they did, I had this genuine, like I couldn't wipe that stupid smile off of my face; I am from ear to ear with that smile on my face. It was so amazing to be acknowledged. It was so great; I didn't expect them to react the way they did, but hey, they remembered. The amount of love that I got afterwards, which I hope Trish did too on social media; even coming back, from Finlay, and even Windham (Bray Wyatt) pulled us aside and said how much of an amazing moment it was and how awesome it was. That makes you feel good, and it was like, hey, they do remember. It was such a special time that we were able to make together and then to come back and go full circle and kind of recreate that moment it was just incredible."

Sami awarded:

Sami Zayn has been presented with an humanitarian award for his work with Syrian refugees.

Hogan working on return:

"The fans are pulling for it, wrestlers are pulling for it. We've got a really good rapport with everyone and we are working towards it – changing the story and making things right again."

Rosa returns:

Rosa Mendes made her first indie appearance this weekend.

Rhyno hacked:

Rhyno has lost his Twitter to a hacker.

Legends vs WWE:

Stone Cold and Y2J have hit out at the poor backstage announce team in WWE...


"One of my big pet peeves is when the announcer backstage, whether it is male or female, talking to the talent, asks the talent a question, talent gives the answer, if there's an interrupt, there's an interrupt, but the talent gives their answer, and it's an awkward feeling, and then, all-of-a-sudden, it's back to Michael and the guys at the desk. And the camera stays on the interviewer who got this awkward answer. You want there to be some heat there, and all-of-a-sudden, it's an awkward reaction to the person that's a part of the broadcast team." Austin added, "I think whether it's a male or a female, they should throw it back to the announce team because I don't think heat, the point, or anything goes anywhere because I'm so focused on that weird look that the interview has on her face!"


"I think the backstage interviewers now, could they be, and I say this respectfully because they're just doing what they're told, could they be more robotic?, there's a lack of energy sometimes to the show when you don't let people be themselves.''

New faction:

A new faction led by TNA old boy Gunner debuted over the weekend on the NXT tour. Wesley Blake, Lacey Evans and Steve Cutler are also involved.

Mark Henry offers advice:

"I'm hopeful that Ronda Rousey will make the necessary moves to go in and integrate into the locker room peacefully. It's going to be good for everybody to have her on a card, and they have to find a common ground. You cannot have a lot of animosities built up and start to turn the fans against the people working with you. I think that's poor business. I think it they all have to come to an agreement. It might be one of those locker room moments where you go 'hey guys, can I talk to you all for a second?' and some people might go 'go throw yourself off a bridge' and won't come. For the most part, I think you can pull together an audience to get your point across. I think she should try to babyface everyone. She should go in there, be nice and try to be respectful until someone makes her not nice. At least give everybody the benefit of the doubt and say 'hey, I don't know everything, and I'm gonna be looking on everybody to teach me some stuff. Please, I want to be a major player, and I want to help everybody along, but I need to be helped in order for that to happen.'"

Steph talks Shane's role:

Stephanie McMahon has revealed Shane McMahon is not on the board of execs in WWE, and has a talent deal only.

Kofi talks his Rumble spots:

"Honestly, I don't even like ranking them myself as far as favorite. I just try to come up with new ideas and throw them out there and allow the fans to decide what their favorite is. I think, for me, the toughest was the handstand one; because, if you watch that one, I was thrown out of the Rumble by Miz. My hands are thrown on the ground, but my feet are up in the air, so I am walking around and doing a handstand headed towards the stairs where my feet are on the stairs and they don't hit the floor. I get a lot of credit now for doing these things, but if you play close attention it is the guys around me that are doing all the work. This year, I just got knocked out of the ring and Xavier sacrificed himself and then him and Big E sacrificed themselves and threw me back into the ring. I didn't do anything on that. I got thrown out of the ring one time by Adam Roseand then I landed on his Rosebuds, which they then threw me back in the ring, so again, I didn't do anything with that. Another time, I was riding on Big E's shoulders, so again, he's giving me a ride, I'm not the one doing any of the work, but I get a lot of the credit, which should mostly go towards those that help me, but they are definitely a lot of fun during Royal Rumble season."

Strowman reveals who got him signed:

"Truth be told, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Mark Henry. I traveled around the world doing strongman competition. That's the first time I met Mark, back in 2010 when I competed as an amateur. I introduced myself and said 'I've always been a fan of his in WWE and what he's done in the strength sports world.' We sparked a friendship from there and he pretty much turned WWE's eyes on me. Long and behold, here we are today."