Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Today's News

Performance Center shooting:

29 year old Armando Alejandro Montalvo was the man shot outside the WWE PC yesterday. He has a long criminal history, and has been racking up a long list of crimes against the WWE, after becoming obsessed with one of the female talent.

Some of his actions vs WWE have been listed as...

  • Criminal trespass (Repeated breaches of a WWE court injunction).
  • Urinating against the building.
  • Publicly defecating outside the venue, and throwing and rubbing the excreta against the PC walls.
  • Violent incidents with WWE staff.
  • Mixing feces with milk, and sending videos of the act to WWE staff via social media.
  • Turning up at the PC wearing wrestling gear, demanding to be allowed in.
  • Banging at the windows during classes, yelling vile obscenities.
  • Threats of violence against the students and coaches.
  • One occasion where he brought a large chain with him, and had to be taken away by police.

All of this came before his shooting yesterday afternoon. There is still no update on his status.

He has also twice in the past week attempted to get access to the building by claiming WWE stars had arranged a job interview for him. His claims are implausible as he cited Layla and AJ Lee as the stars that got him the meetings, and they are no longer with the company, and would not be involved in hiring anyway.

It is not confirmed who it is he was infatuated with, but he has made numerous social media posts about AJ, and repeatedly said he loved her on an Instagram post. A friend
of the man however claims Lita is the lady he is lusting over.

Hulk Hogan:

WWE have flatly rejected the idea of forgiving Hulk Hogan in the wake of his recent PR blitz, telling one reporter...

"At this time, the WWE remains steadfast in its decision."

Hogan has offended his childhood hometown after his comments about the area where he grew up, many have taken to TV and social media attacking his claims.

Night Of Champions:

Two new matches were confirmed last night...

  • Nikki Bella vs Charlotte (Who won the Beat The Clock yesterday) for the Diva's Championship.
  • Seth Rollins vs John Cena for the United States Championship.


Rosa Mendes and TE star Amanda were visiting backstage last night, it was Rosa's first appearance with WWE since announcing her pregnancy.

Triple H was unable to attend the event, he was dealing with the fall out from the shooting incident in Florida.

Dudley Boyz worked their first Raw since 2004, scoring a win vs New Day.

TNA star released:

Bram is now out of jail, after his weekend arrest. He had to pay a $6,000 bond for his alleged crimes.

WrestleMania 34 location:

Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia have submitted a bid for Mania in 2018.

Hall Of Famers criticise Mania 31:

Both Steve Austin and Ric Flair have criticised the WWE booking of the Triple H vs Sting match. They say it made no sense to bring Sting in, just to have him lose. Flair added he did not like the match.

Summer Rae:

Summer Rae has revealed a telling off she got from Zeb Colter when she debuted...

"Zeb would say he is never bothered when people asked him for an autograph; when I should be bothered is when they stop asking."


Eden has posted a picture revealing it is her that does Stardust's face paint.

Mark Henry to retire next year:

Mark Henry continues to hint he will retire at Mania next year, but says it will not be the last we see of him...

"I may retire next year. It may be the swansong of my wrestling career; but definitely not the end of Mark Henry!."


WWE officials are not happy with Sunny doing private Skype calls, and are said to be considering her Hall Of Fame status.

WWE Alum to ROH:

ROH have announced Stevie Richards will make his debut with them later this month.

Scott Hall refuses to blame wrestling:

Scott Hall says he is the man to blame for his personal issues, not the business...

"Absolutely, not. Never. I just blame myself. If I want to know who the culprit is I simply look in the mirror. All my friends that died much too early have themselves to blame and no one else."

Hall Of Famer charged with murder:

Superfly Jimmy Snuka has been charged with 3rd degree murder, and involuntary manslaughter, over the 1983 death of his former girlfriend. He has always denied his involvement. Snuka, who is currently battling stomach cancer, has reportedly posted a $10,000 bond and paid $100,000 bail, to avoid being taken to jail.

WWE released the following statement...

"WWE expresses its continued sympathy to the Argentino family for their loss. Ultimately this legal matter will be decided by our judicial system."

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