Friday, September 18, 2015

Today's News


WWE have announced their first ever DVD set for the iconic tag team. This is why Dreamer, Tazz and Styles were at the WWE HQ this week.


Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong is the first match confirmed for Bound For Glory.

Del Rio / Punk:

Alberto Del Rio says he will be at CM's debut UFC fight.

WWE cancel tribute:

WWE had commissioned a statue of Hulk Hogan, to be unveiled at WrestleMania 32, they have now officially called the project off.

Obscure name takes credit for iconic spot:

Kenny Bolin says he thought up the infamous Montreal screwjob...

"I'm the one that came up with the program to screw Bret Hart. I gave Jim Cornette that info. I fed it to him for weeks and Vince McMahon never accepted my idea until the last minute. I never got an ounce of credit for it, Cornette didn't want any credit for it because he was scared to death of Bret Hart, he was scared to death of Shawn Michaels, Triple H and everybody involved. Cornette was basically the relay man for me. It was my idea and I'm going to put it all, the entire story, in a new version of my book already coming out in October - 'I Probably Screwed You and Bret Hart Too.'"

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